Cat beard contest: vote for the winner

June 11, 2013 • 5:35 am

UPDATE:  I’ve now replaced the original cat #2, which was an internet meme, with a genuine entry that I missed. So go ahead and vote for one of the six cats. We will subtract from entry #2’s vote the number of people who voted for the internet meme before the genuine moggie was posted.


Sadly, there were but six entries in the cat beard contest. (The upside is that it’s been Officially Denounced by the Discovery Institute™.)

I hope the paucity of entries is attributable to the difficulties of making a cat beard rather than the lack of desire for an autographed book with the winner (and his/her cat beard) drawn in it. At any rate, I thought I’d let the readers vote on this one. Although some of the entries involved cat moustaches, all of the below are eligible to win the book. Vote at the bottom by number of cat, and vote only once (that means you, Butter!):

Cat #1:

Cat #1

Cat #2:

Picture 3


Cat #3:

Cat #3


Cat #4


Cat #5

Cat #6:

Cat #6

Cast one vote, please.

The winner will be announced on Friday, so you have until then (noon Chicago time) to choose your favorite.

36 thoughts on “Cat beard contest: vote for the winner

  1. I tried, oh how I tried, to get a cat beard photo. This challenge was much harder than the artificial mustachios challenge.

  2. I know it’s all fun. But the pictures, for some reason, are really creepy to me and I’m not voting.

    I just wonder if these pictures creep anyone else out?

    1. It does creep me out a bit at first glance, since it looks like an ‘unholy’ breed, that is, a humanocat, but then my understanding kicks in what is going on, and I just laugh.

  3. I wonder which one(s?) were submitted by the DI?

    In any event, #1 & 4 are really the only ones worth considering.

  4. Completely impartial assessment:

    #1 & #4 because they stick most to the theme.

    And, +1 for #4 because that nose is really the cat’s and not my daughter’s (ooops! impartiality fail).

    1. Brilliant serendipity at the very least. I hadn’t noticed that (but already voted for 4 anyway).

  5. Is the new #2 yelling or yawning?

    If #3 wins what will be done with the prize? That master looks to be planning a revenge that the slave won’t survive.

  6. Oh no, you used the wrong photo mista C., the mustache one was far better in my opinion. No worries though. Are we allowed to vote for ourselves or pester our significant others into visiting and voting as well?

  7. All the nice comments here totally made my day…so thank you! My ole tabby, Reilly, was way more cooperative for this photo than I deserved.

    Must remember to come home with catnip tomorrow…:)

  8. I hope the paucity of entries is attributable to the difficulties of making a cat beard rather than the lack of desire for an autographed book with the winner (and his/her cat beard) drawn in it

    Absolutely! It’s way more difficult than it looks getting a good cat beard!
    I would Love an autographed and personally illustrated book!

  9. I like #1 the best. The result is seamless. Even knowing there’s supposed to be a place where the cat ends and the human begins, it’s tough in spots to make your brain admit that your eyes are seeing that spot.

    While I really love the expression on #2, I think the human participant maybe smiled a bit too much and made a small dimple in the otherwise convincing image. Even the cat’s ear looks like a popped shirt collar.

    It was fun seeing the creativity in the other four as well. Alas, I appear to live in a cat-free zone, so I could not participate 🙁

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