“The Undefeated”: Palin biopic

June 29, 2011 • 12:44 pm

Speaking of hopelessly insane presidential candidates, did you know that in only two weeks AMC theaters will release a Palin biopic/documentary, “The Undefeated”?   It is, of course, dreadful, but some think this is set to bolster a presidential run.  My own theory (which is mine) is that Palin will sit back until internecine squabbling among Republicans leaves them with no clear front-runner, and then she’ll boldly throw her hat into the ring.

Here’s one (negative) review of “The Undefeated” in The New York Post.  Here’s a partial clip from Sean Hannity with analyses by Monica Crowley and Sandra Smith, both agreeing that this seems like pre-presidential hype.

But for more hilarity, check out the way Rotten Tomatoes (my favorite movie-rating site) classifies the movie (h/t to reader Adrian for this):

29 thoughts on ““The Undefeated”: Palin biopic

  1. The best comment I saw on the NYP site was this one:

    George Kyriacatikides
    Ms Palin gives it three thumbs up.

    Wish I’d posted it first.

  2. I believe the producers of this POS film have not slept since the “Paul Revere and the Raiders” miscue, and the subsequent abandonment of the motorhome tour of the fan-friendly locales.

    Palin & Crew went back to Alaska after Mass(acre), but just bought property in Arizona. Will have more staying power than Anna Nicole Smith, but probably as much/the same ultimate influence on American life and politics.

  3. Watch out! Palin can pray too, but considering her act, she will have to have a full choir, harps, pipe organ and cheribims flying in the background.

    1. Resulting in a swirling black hole of stoopid so dense that the entire nation could be sucked in and obliterated.

  4. “The Undefeated”? What does this silly woman call the result in November, 2008 – a victory?

    1. They should call this POS mockumentary “The Uncompleted”. It would more accurately reflect on her usual modus operandi.

        1. Yeah, she starts things and then quits doing them halfway through. Maybe it’s not a M O, maybe it’s some sort of attention deficit disorder.

          1. One thing is she’s very lazy. You can be stupid in politics but not lazy. She seriously doesn’t want to do the work of running anthing – she’d really like to be a rock star (but she doesn’t have any talent)

  5. The little-known fact is, commercial fisherman Todd Palin literally pulled “Sarah” out of the frigid, oil-contaminated ocean depths. No, “Sarah” wasn’t a mermaid — she was a mutated flounder, but Todd married her anyway, and the rest is history.

    Speculation remains as to what kind of bait Todd used to hook her, but some reliable sources believe “Sarah” may have simply jumped into Todd’s boat herself, and has been flip-flopping around on the decks/stages of American politics ever since.

  6. The Amazon tag cloud for Palin’s book Rogue was widely observed:

    unfit for office(86) quitter(82)
    narcissistic personality disorder(76)
    liar(72) sociopath(64) grifter(58)
    bad mother(36) scammer(26)
    pathological liar(25) brain dead(10)

    Jerry posted some very controversial questions about psychiatry and the DSM IV, but oftentimes the DSM IV contains the only rational explanation for the disordered behavior observed in many people including former Vice Presidential candidates John Edwards and Sarah Palin, both of whom appear to be high functioning ASPDs—sociopaths aka psychopaths, as Palin’s tag cloud indicates.

    Denying the observations spelled out in the DSM IV means denial about the very real personality disorders of some potentially very powerful people.

    1. I’m firmly convinced that “being Republican should make it into DSM-V as a severe mental abberation.

  7. Republicans want to take power away from Government, which is “okay” (to a degree, although I don’t agree).

    Problem is, they refuse to put power in the hands of the people (communism), so you end up with corporations ruling it all.

  8. My own theory (which is mine) is that Palin will sit back until internecine squabbling among Republicans leaves them with no clear front-runner, and then she’ll boldly throw her hat into the ring.

    I’m going to have to disagree with you, Jerry. Palin loves campaign but hates doing the hard work that comes with a government office. She’ll flirt with the media for a few more months before deciding to jump into the race. She’ll do several big tours in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina. Press the flesh, create a media circus, raise several million in campaign funds. She’ll come in second or third in the first couple of primaries then quit. She’s not in this to win the race. She’s in it for the millions in campaign donations and the media attention.

    1. She’s not in this to win the race. She’s in it for the millions in campaign donations and the media attention.

      Exactly. Tina Fey pointed this out on SNL earlier this year when she said (as Palin): “The important thing for people to know is that I’m going to run for president every four years for the rest of my life.”

  9. “internecine squabbling among Republicans”

    When I think of this in terms of Palin and Bachmann, I immediately thought of the image of two cats fighting in a bag of Jell-o.

  10. Undefeated is correct. She quit the only elective office she’s held. I doubt she would abandon the money and risk the celebrity she now enjoys being a gadfly. When confronted in the past, she ran.

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