Forewarned is forearmed: crickets warn their eggs of nearby spiders

A new paper in The American Naturalist, by Jonathan Storm and Steven Lima, shows that pregnant female crickets exposed to predatory wolf spiders can somehow “warn” the eggs they carry about the presence of those spiders, so that the offspring of those spider-exposed crickets show antipredator behavior.  This sort of looks like a case of … Continue reading Forewarned is forearmed: crickets warn their eggs of nearby spiders

Worst science journalism of the year: Darwin completely wrong (again)

Over at the Guardian, Oliver Burkeman, a writer who apparently knows nothing about evolution, has a long piece called “Why everything you’ve been told about evolution is wrong.”  Everything?  Really?  Burkeman seems to have a beef with Richard Dawkins, and seems to take delight in how the new “evolution revolution” would vex him: What if … Continue reading Worst science journalism of the year: Darwin completely wrong (again)