Update on the Lebanon, Missouri case

The Lebanon, Missouri case, in which Principal Kevin Lowery of Lebanon High School said a Christian prayer at the school graduation, has now drawn to a close. After stonewalling the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s (FFRF’s) complaints twice, the school board finally produced a bunch of emails about the issue in response to a request under … Continue reading Update on the Lebanon, Missouri case

A shot across Lebanon, Missouri’s bow

Twice the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has written to the Superintendent of Schools of the Lebanon, Missouri school district, and twice they have been met with silence. The FFRF’s complaint, you’ll recall, is about Lebanon High School Principal Kevin Lowery’s prayer at the last graduation—a prayer that clearly violated the First Amendment.  Principal Lowery … Continue reading A shot across Lebanon, Missouri’s bow

What’s going on in Lebanon, Missouri?

Last Tuesday, June 24, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent its second letter to the Superintendent of the Lebanon (Missouri) R-III school district, asking them to respond to the FFRF’s previous letter about Principal Kevin Lowery’s prayer at the graduation ceremony at Lebanon High. (You can see Lowery’s prayer on YouTube here, which I now notice says … Continue reading What’s going on in Lebanon, Missouri?

Is the devil in Lebanon, Missouri?

Here’s an update on the poll taken by the Lebanon Daily Record on Principal Lower’s graduation prayer.  As you may recall, the paper polled readers about whether Lower’s prayer was appropriate for graduation.   You can see the results by going to the Lowery-loving column by Katie Hilton, “Hats off for Lowery!“, and then clicking back to “home” … Continue reading Is the devil in Lebanon, Missouri?

I smell trouble in Lebanon

. . . with a capital “T” and that stands for “theism.” Reader Bob J. pointed out, in a comment, this article from today’s Lebanon Daily Record. It starts like this: It goes on to reiterate Lowery’s “apology” that I reproduced in the previous post. Like the Dover Area School Board in Pennsylvania, I don’t think … Continue reading I smell trouble in Lebanon

Lebanon High School principal apologizes—for the second time

A Lebanon, Missouri resident called my attention to a post on Principal Kevin G. Lowery’s Twitter page, which indicated that he’s apologized yet again for having prayed at the Lebanon High School graduation. The link goes to a Dropbox page that contains the following statement: To those who are willing to listen, I offer the … Continue reading Lebanon High School principal apologizes—for the second time

Lebanon principal issues a non-apology

Below is the statement of “apology” apparently made by Lebanon High principal Kevin Lowery (and issued by the school district) after the Freedom from Religion Foundation (and other people) complained about Lowery’s intrusive prayers at the school’s graduation: “I sincerely apologize if any comments made in my speech offended anyone in the audience and our community, especially any … Continue reading Lebanon principal issues a non-apology

Columnist in Lebanon, Missouri paper gives ringing endorsement to principal’s illegal speech (and disses evolution)

Katie Hilton is a columnist for the Lebanon [Missouri] Daily Record.  In her latest op-ed, “Hats off for Lowery!“, she espouses every sentiment that shows the problems of that intolerant, faith-soaked town. I’ll reproduce her column in full, interspersed with my own comments in bold. By Katie Hilton | 1 comment A tip of the mortarboard to Lebanon High School Principal … Continue reading Columnist in Lebanon, Missouri paper gives ringing endorsement to principal’s illegal speech (and disses evolution)