Now Israel is censoring and demonizing Abigail Shrier’s book

The Federalist is of course a right-wing site, but this situation must have given it a dilemma. The censorship described below reflects badly on Israel, a country that the Right tends to support, but it also comes down on Left-wing censoriousness, in this case demonization of the notorious (but good) book by Abigail Shrier, Irreversible … Continue reading Now Israel is censoring and demonizing Abigail Shrier’s book

Science-Based Medicine unfairly deplatforms a book review

Ginger K. called my attention to what seems to me a violation of ethical and journalistic standards by a respected website, all in the name of appeasing the woke. Science-Based Medicine, whose editors include David Gorski and Steve Novella, is a site designed to promote the kind of medicine described in its title, as well … Continue reading Science-Based Medicine unfairly deplatforms a book review

Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton

I’d forgotten that Abigail Shrier had a Substack column called “The Truth Fairy“, and so I would have missed this wonderful talk (in transcript) had several readers not sent me the link. It is a talk that Shrier gave to a group of students at Princeton, hosted by the Princeton Tory, the Witherspoon Institute, and … Continue reading Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton