More mishigas: Two anthropology societies cancel an accepted symposium on sex and gender because it would “harm” their members

I’m probably late to the party, but the latest gossip about the Authoritarian Left involves the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) deciding to deplatform an entire symposium on sex and gender in anthropology—all because of the claim that it could cause mental “harm”to some people. There are three letters involved, … Continue reading More mishigas: Two anthropology societies cancel an accepted symposium on sex and gender because it would “harm” their members

Andrew Sullivan on ideological groupthink and wrongthink

Although we still don’t know whether Andrew Sullivan’s column was pulled from New York Magazine last week (I suspect it was, though I don’t have an inkling of what it said), he’s back today in spades with two pieces, the first one long and eloquent on “wokeness”—the increasing tendency of the Left to be authoritarian, … Continue reading Andrew Sullivan on ideological groupthink and wrongthink