National news about the protest

May 1, 2024 • 10:30 am

Everybody now knows about the issues at Columbia University, and that the NYPD has cleared the occupied building of protestors and arrested them, with the administration threatening to expel those who were arrested. As I predicted, violence is beginning to erupt around the encampments, but now in some places it’s spread from the pro-Palestinian side (which has already enacted violence by invading buildings, injuring workers, and so on) to the pro-Israeli side, and I can’t abide violence coming from the ideological side I identify with. More below:

But first, as the Hindustan Times reports, a Jewish woman at Penn was told “she was too ugly to be raped”.

A shocking video of a woman allegedly venting her anger against the Israel government in front of a Jewish woman has gone viral. In the insensitive video an old white woman, holding a Palestine flag walks up to girl and shouts on her face saying, “Jewish women are too ugly to be raped…maybe with a condom.” It’s then that she is pulled by other women and taken away.

Here’s the video of that.  And yes, this is about the sexual violence on October 7, which some people still deny.

That’s bad enough, but this is worse. The same article reports that a Jewish woman at UCLA was beaten up by “pro-Hamas students”:

In another video a young Jewish woman was beaten unconscious by pro-Hamas students at the UCLA campus in California today.

Video of her bleeding head after being hit has gone viral. She was hospitalized with a concussion after being ganged up on by at least five student protesters.

Here’s the tweet. There’s a shot of her bloody head at the end:

Perhaps in response, the Jewish students at UCLA attacked the pro-Palestinian encampment, and that is not something I favor at all. Even someone getting beaten up like this should not promote a delayed and violent response.  The attack on the Jewish woman, which was reprehensible, should have been reported to both the cops and the university, and UCLA should expel or sanction the perpetrators and consider removing the illegal encampment if it’s promoting violence. But attack it or its residents? No.

Here’s a Twitter video of Jewish students attacking the protestors. I didn’t see anybody getting physically assaulted, but the report below implies that that happened later.


I’m afraid this kind of violence is going to happen on our campus as well. So far things have been relatively peaceful, but I fear that the demonstrators will get increasingly restive if their demands aren’t meant. Here I’m not worried about the Jewish students, whom I know; and I’ve not seen a sign of violence in them. Their actions have been peaceful.

Some of this is reported on Fox 59 News.

Dueling groups of protesters clashed Wednesday at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another.

The clashes at UCLA took place around a tent encampment built by pro-Palestinian protesters, who erected barricades and plywood for protection — while counter-protesters tried to pull them down. Video showed fireworks exploding over and in the encampment. People threw chairs and at one point a group piled on a person who lay on the ground, kicking and beating them with sticks until others pulled them out of the scrum.

After a couple of hours of scuffles, police wearing helmets and face shields formed lines and slowly separated the groups. That appeared to quell the violence. Officers from the California Highway Patrol also appeared to be there. The university said it had requested help.

UCLA campus police and medical personnel had showed up briefly at the scene before retreating, Nexstar’s KTLA reported.

The Jewish students also lobbed fireworks into the encampment; again, a terrible move. As my friend Rosemary said, “Jewish students need to find creative and non-violent ways to end the encampment.”  My view is that Jewish students should use violence only when it’s necessary to defend themselves against violence from others.

Apparently the clashes continued until the police arrived:

I can’t advise the protestors in illegal encampment on campus, but I would advise Jewish or pro-Israeli people to respond as Jews have responded historically to confrontation: use words all you want to defend yourself, but violence must be reserved only for when you are attacked by others.  The parallel with the Gaza/Hamas war is obvious.

h/t: Rosemary Alles

49 thoughts on “National news about the protest

  1. Agree Jewish students ought not to react with violence. However, they have been put in a no-win sick situation because University administrations are NOT protecting their safety and NOT ridding campus of the hooligans. This would make me fighting mad.

    This is on the lame law enforcement on campus and in cities. America needs both free speech and protection of legitimate speakers and their property.

    1. My advice to myself and other Jews is: be feared, not pitied. Or “understood”.

      “A young Jewish woman was beaten unconscious by pro-Hamas students at the UCLA campus in California today.”

      Pretty definitive – attempted murder. 15-25 in San Quentin GenPop should do the trick.

      1. I agree that remaining non-violent in the face of the pro-Hamas protestors’ incitement is the optimal political move.

        If it were my daughter who was beaten by the mob, though, I’d go head hunting too.

        These incidents are only going to multiply and escalate if university administrators fail to take action.

        1. She is daughter to all of us.

          The only way evil is defeated is to destroy it. Utterly.

          Same as it’s always been for thousands of years.

  2. I think the absolutely outrageous antagonism is 100% by design. It is intended for maximum reaction. I can’t even write a word here without sounding like taking a side or anything.

    I think it is designed to make each target in the conflict to see the overarching system as the actual thing causing the conflict – the overall dehumanization of the existing society. I think that’s why the outrageous actions can never go too far – as far as the miscreants (agents of History) see it. They need the target to also see themselves as agents of History, so each participant engages antagonistically – but holistically – to combat the system and awaken the critical consciousness of the world politically in doing so, to show how the world has to transform to move History forward. Perpetually.

    I hate writing this stuff given this news of the destruction and misery, because it sounds, well, dehumanizing and insensitive, partly because I always try to mock critical theory. But that’s what the critical studies/Freire/Lukaç/Fanon/et. al. write in their literature – a long process to awaken true critical consciousness of the societal system as the actual oppressor – starting from the first step of class consciousness.

    I still can’t fit George Soros into that scheme though, so..

    #James Lindsay
    #End Dialectical Political Warfare Now

    1. TP, it would be helpful to me as I am interested in your actual opinion stated in a way that I can understand it…I write this from a place of respect, in case that isn’t obvious, and could use some clarification…You believe that “critical theory” (as defined by James Lindsay) is THE problem behind all of this… Correct? Am I understanding you? And, so, what are you suggesting? How do we, as people who are bothered by all this, I don’t know, how do we peacefully combat it? Does my question make sense?

      1. I appreciate that because I think everyone knows this stuff and I always think I’m not as accurate as I should be. So I review my stuff to refine.

        ” You believe that “critical theory” (as defined by James Lindsay) is THE problem behind all of this ”

        Based on the Marxist literature I’ve read and Lindsay’s stuff, critical theories – which are generally Marxist theories – generally explain a lot of the protest, but not all. I mean, it’s confusing, but we do have record now of protestors asserting “Marx” by name either through a megaphone or in their dissertation. Parsing the words and statements as praxis can help to start seeing the pattern – demystify, as the pomos say. You could check Lindsay’s podcasts or books and follow through to get the actual literature to check. I actually just finished this podcast on Critical Consciousness :

        Here’s s pretty good podcast to get an idea of How the Pendulum Really Swings:

        … difficult to condense. hope that helps.

        1. Thanks TP. This is the second time I’ve questioned you about this stuff and you’ve graciously responded, again. I will follow through and check this stuff out more thoroughly later today. Good day to you!

        2. Another analogy I like to supplement the pendulum metaphor is the ratchet freewheel on a bicycle that allows you to coast without turning the pedals. If you pedal normally you drive the bicycle forward. But when another government takes power and tries to back-pedal on your agenda, the ratchet disengages and clicks without effect, leaving you moving forward from momentum, albeit more slowly. So when the left takes power again, as it always eventually does, it starts pedaling again not actually having lost any ground during its time out of power. This conversion of bidirectional pedaling motion into unidirectional effect is a brilliant invention for mechanical and social progress over a cliff.

          (The graphic Harris depicts in his video is not mechanically sound and doesn’t actually explain the unidirectional effect of a swinging pendulum unless the track the pendulum moves in is artificially harmonized with it. I think a ratchet is more familiar to anyone who’s ever ridden a bicycle.)

          To reverse the unidirectional effect, the new government has to learn how the ratchet —the Deep State or, in Canada, the policies of the permanent professional civil service— works inside the corridors of power, and change its directional bias. This is not always intuitively obvious and is rarely achievable given the knowledge and cultural advantages bureaucrats in their Borg have over politicians (or appointed Cabinet Secretaries in America.). It is not possible to jigger a bicycle freewheel to drive a bicycle backwards, unless you build an opposite one from scratch, or if you jam it up so it doesn’t ratchet at all. You have to turn the whole bicycle 180 degrees while the civil service conspires to seize up the turning mechanism and applies the brakes to the transmission of policy instructions as soon as it divines what you are trying to do.

          Then when a government it likes is elected, it starts playing ball again. The ratchet wins again.

          1. Sure

            And why not a spiral hub, tapering/accelerating to a point at the End of History


        3. Hey TP. I listened to those two podcasts — the “bullet” versions. Those were good choices for a concise explanation of the pattern. What I find most interesting (and troubling) about this stuff is how methodically it’s employed which leads to the question I’m constantly asking… Who is behind this? Who are “they”. I see the “little people” who are acting this out as pawns. They were taught the nonsense by others and now they’re carrying out the mission. I don’t see them as being aware of their part, though. That scares me, too. They’re like wind-up toys out there doing what they’ve been trained to do, without THINKING. So, who set this in motion? What do you think?

          1. Try try trying to finish in brief:

            The word “cult” has heretofore been used as a flippant derision (we can think of some) – i.e. not seriously.

            I think the time has come to use it as a clarifying descriptor – especially for its structural form. E.g. The Moonies and Nixivm were cults. Gnostic cults of Christian heretics have been active in antiquity. A good book is Cults in our Midst by Margaret Thaler Singer, or Steven Hassan’s books.

            Not that I know extensively, but : cult structure in increasing visibility of members :

            Outer School
            Inner School
            Inner Circle (least visible)

            … why we see George Soros all the time, at the billionaire Inner School level, I don’t know. How we identify cults is nebulous but do-able, from those writers above. Are the protestors in a cult? All we can do is ask what would a cult do, and does it match. Thought reform is one element (look up Robert J. Lifton’s book on Thought Reform).

  3. Jewish students must not engage in violent action against the pro-Hamas mobs. They are losing whatever support they may have had for their takeovers of campus spaces and buildings. And now that we learn that they are demanding food and snacks from their universities in support of their antics, the public is seeing them for what they are. Jewish students must not give the press a chance to play the “both sides” card. Only one side is violent. Let them destroy themselves.

    1. Exactly, Norman. Never interrupt your enemy when he is in the middle of making a fatal mistake.

    2. Jewish people learned what accepting violence against them leads to in the 1930s and 1940s.

      When a mob beats someone unconscious for being Jewish then violence is not only an appropriate answer, extreme violence is often the best answer.

      You have to teach a mob the hard way.

  4. Horrible, all of it. The “too ugly to be raped” scene with the spite spouting nice white lady beggars belief.

  5. Yes, although the human/tribal tendency is to cheer-on the Jewish students – who were tested to their limits with the ‘other side’ beating up the young jewish girl unconscious, I agree, violence begets violence and results in a lack of credibility. Violence is not the answer, unless attacked.

    The university administrators, the mayors/governors (are they all DEMs?) and to a lesser degree, law enforcement are -all- at fault.

    In Florida, the ‘problem’ has been taken care of effectively (though one could argue that excessive force was used) by dismantling the camps almost as soon as they were set up. De Santis is on top of this. He’s effective; in other news he (along with several other republican governors?) have challenged the pathological revisions to Title IX -a la Biden- and have committed not to enforce the changes.

    Remind me again? Why are we voting for democrats in 2024?

    1. Uh oh; I feel a “Republicans=law and order” argument percolating. While their standard bearer is facing dozens of felony charges…but hey; you do you…

      1. Better if you dropped the snark.

        There is no “occupation” on campus grounds in red states. If that were the measure, then yes, republicans are “better” at law and order.

        As for Trump:

        Trump is facing 1 legitimate charge, a la Jack Smith: “The indictment accuses Trump and his co-conspirators of using “knowingly false claims of election fraud” in organizing the fraudulent slates of electors” – note, the charge is not inciting insurrection. Why? Because even Smith couldn’t justify it. The rest of the charges are arguably ridiculous/lawfare and the American people “see” it and are repulsed by it. Even independents like me, who have no love for Trump are repulsed by the witch hunt.

        You too must do you. 🙂 All day.

        1. Trump’s refusal to return classified material and the related charges appear legitimate, as does the Georgia election interference case.

          1. Trump was in negotiations to return classified material that someone else actually gave to him. He was not refusing to return it, and it’s legally questionable whether he was allowed to retain it anyway.

            The Georgia election interference case has no legitimate charges at all. Trump is being prosecuted for asking someone to do their job!

          2. The interpretation re: these cases is -highly- variable. As was the case with Biden and classified material — the special counsel’s decision:

            “WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) – An “elderly” President Joe Biden will not face charges for knowingly taking classified documents when he left the vice presidency in 2017, a prosecutor said on Thursday, opens new tab, drawing a swift rebuke from the president as he seeks reelection.

            Special Counsel Robert Hur said in a report that he opted against bringing criminal charges following a 15-month investigation because Biden cooperated and would be difficult to convict, describing him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

            According to SC, Biden -too- *knowingly* took classified documents, but is too “nice” to charge – funny actually. The difference (may be) that Biden was cooperative and Trump wasn’t. I see this as a nothing burgher. Is it a good thing that Trump didn’t cooperate, of course not; is it worthy of a charge? Not in my opinion – he should have been fined heftily and the legal establishment should have moved on.

            The GA election interference case is far more nuanced that the MSM would have you believe, it depends on how you interpret Trump’s words. Was he asking officials to do their job, or was he asking them to invent votes?

            The DEM political machine could have done itself and the nation a favor if it has stuck to the Jan 6th issue; when a legal system goes after an ex-president with > 90 civil/criminal charges across 4 cases, even the “best of us” can smell a rat.

            It’s excessive. It’s lawfare and it has only given Trump ammunition (sic) and more popularity.

        2. How do you know there is only one legitimate charge? Do you have insider info the rest of us don’t? Why is Trump delaying at every opportunity? If he was truly innocent, wouldn’t he want to accelerate the trials and prove that to the nation and the world? Do you honestly think there’s a prosecutor anywhere who could get a guilty verdict based on false evidence? That’s a pretty dim view of our justice system.

          1. Oh come now. Nobody wants to take his chances with a jury if they can get the charges thrown out. If you are ever charged with a crime, you will know how tenuous your chances are once you are sucked into the maw of the criminal justice system. Your actual guilt or innocence really does become irrelevant. Marie Heinen’s memoir goes into this, as does the memoir of every criminal defence lawyer.

            Even if you are just sued and your case is before a judge alone (as most are in Canada) there is this weird disconnect with what you did and what you can prove you did, against the allegations of the plaintiff of what he says you did.

            Criminal charges are “legitimate” only after they have survived attempts to have them struck down and then tried before a jury. It is grossly unfair to say that if a defendant knew he was really innocent, he would want to have a speedy trial and get to the jury tomorrow. The justice system just doesn’t work that way.

            I will never say that any prosecution is politically motivated. But no defence is illegitimate, either. It’s a game played for high stakes. Both sides want to win. Morality has nothing to do with it.

          2. No, I do not have “insider” information. Nor do you. I base my judgement and opinion on a spectrum of news-outlets/sources and do not conform myself to the vast number of “liberal” (“illiberal”) sources most democrats leans to, or rather, used to lean to. I used to be one.

            Your claim is simplistic (and bizarre) most (any) defendant will go the distance to delay trial once in throes of the legal system, and contingent on a “jury of our peers” (sic); innocence and guilt become a toss up. I can go into more detail, but the allegation of “proving” to the world based on a largely politicized legal system has no merit.

            Consider the NY trials — think Trump will get a fair jury there? In Manhattan?

      1. More and more Republicans are pro Russian and this will be cured by voting Dem?

        More and more Democrats are anti-israel and this will be cured by voting for Trump?

        Neither imperative is logical.

        I am far more concerned about our border, gender ideology, antisemitism and DEI in our universities and institutional capture than republican affiliation with Russia. I’m deeply concerned about home grown tribalism.

        Also, didn’t a republican majority-house just pass a 60 billion deal for Ukraine?

        As of today, the best reason to vote for a DEM admin is the environment. Possibly the only. And it’s a good reason. Not enough for many independents.

    2. Here’s why a significant numbers of Americans -mostly independents- are defecting from the DEMs.

      I’ll simply cite WEIT’s own blog covering Andrew Sullivan’s recent piece:

      “*But Andrew Sullivan’s new piece, “How to re-elect Donald Trump“, is even stronger, saying that Biden’s mishandling of college protests, combined with his increasingly “progressive” stand on other issues, all but guarantees a Trump victory:” – WEIT.

      “His core issue — mass fraudulent immigration — is stronger than it was in 2016, when it catapulted him to the presidency. Gallup’s open-ended question about the most important issue to voters has now had immigration at the top of the list for three successive months — more salient that at any point in the poll’s history. In April 2016, 5 percent of Democrats, 7 percent of Independents, and 13 percent of Republicans named immigration as their top issue. In April 2024, those numbers are 8, 25 and 48 percent, respectively. That’s a big Trump gain.

      The Biden administration’s chaotic border policies and enabling of several million migrants to enter the country — with zero-to-minimal chances of deportation — are the proximate cause. Biden had an opportunity to move to the center on illegal immigration — his core vulnerability — and decided to move, with his entire party, to the extreme left. Yes, his proposed bill earlier this year was a vast improvement. But it was far too late to gain him any serious cred on the question — and his blaming the GOP for mass illegal migration of the last four years is risible.

      The same goes, I’m afraid to say, about his speech yesterday decrying lawlessness in the campus protests against Israel’s obliteration of Gaza. It was fine so far as it went, but it was given only when he had no choice, after Trump goaded him, and it reminded me of his sad attempts to distance himself and his party from the rioting and looting in the hellish summer of 2020. He was reactive, not proactive. His quiet words were overwhelmed with the noise of the streets.

      As readers know, I’m deeply sympathetic to the argument that Israel has over-reached, over-bombed, and over-reacted in its near-unhinged overkill of Palestinian civilians, especially children, in the wake of 10/7’s horrors. It has been truly horrifying. I begrudge no one demonstrating passionately to protest this. But as I watch the rhetoric and tactics of many — but not all — of these students, I’m struck by how this humane concern is less prominent than the rank illiberalism and ideological extremism among many.

      . . .Preventing students from attending classes, taking exams, or even walking around their own campus freely is not a protest; it’s a crime. So is the destruction of property, and the use of physical intimidation and violence against dissenting students. The use of masks to conceal identity is reminiscent of the Klan, and antithetical to non-violent civil disobedience. It’s a way for outsiders to easily infiltrate and a way to escape responsibility for thuggishness. It’s menacing, ugly and cowardly.

      It did not have to be this way. Imagine if students simply demonstrated peacefully for a cease-fire, placed the victims and hostages at the forefront of the narrative, and allowed themselves to be arrested proudly on camera and face legal consequences for their actions, as the civil rights movement did. Imagine if they were emphatically non-violent and always open to debate.

      But they aren’t, because they are not the inheritors of the Christian, universalist civil rights movement but its illiberal, blood-and-soil nemesis, long curated in the Ivy League. The key group behind the protests, Students For Justice in Palestine, doesn’t mince words. It celebrated the explicitly genocidal murder of Jews on October 7. . .”


      “This is how you re-elect Trump: keep pandering to the far left, suck up to wealthy college grads, allow millions of fraudulent “asylum-seekers” to enter the country, insist that men are women, discriminate against whites and Asians and men, while constantly appearing as merely reacting to events rather than creating new political realities. Biden is losing this election, deservedly. And if he cannot pull off an almighty pivot — and I suspect at this point, he really can’t — this election really is Trump’s to lose.”

      Yes, men are women (“believe a man when he tells you that he is a woman”). Not one single DEM voted in favor of the “protect women’s sports” act. Not one.

      Children are being sterilized, their body parts removed and their lives ruined even before they have experienced puberty. All this despite other western nations reversing course on this issue (I refer to the Cass Review in the UK).

      So, again, I ask myself, why should I vote for a party that is incessantly lying to me about the most fundamental realities that govern life and liberty? The democrats are increasingly *CRAZY*. Yes, crazy. I don’t mind crazy, but not in government. Even Trump’s crazy is better than this.


    1. I think Hamas is just the current thing. Many of the kids shouting for a “final solution” were gushing about punching Nazis a couple of years ago.
      They are idiots, and will likely turn away from it when something shinier shows up.

      The larger problem, in my view, is the fact that so many universities provide an environment where agitators have so much access and autonomy.

      Them being idiots does not make them any less dangerous. The Nurnberg rallies were full of idiots, as was the countrysides of Cambodia and so many other places.

      But at least we know the answer to the often asked question of “what we would have done” in Germany in 1933. Or at least those college kids would know, if they had the capacity for self-reflection.

      1. Many of the kids shouting for a “final solution” were gushing about punching Nazis a couple of years ago.

        Yeah, but by “Nazis” they meant “people who don’t believe that trans women are women” and/or those opposed to Critical Race Theory.

  6. Meanwhile at Brown, the pro-Palestinian protestors took down their encampment after the administration talked to them and said that the university would look into their demands and put it to a vote. They gave no assurance abut the outcome but by the time the university debates it and gets around to a vote one hopes the fervor would have died down.

  7. if the state (police) does not protect people, then people need to get together and fight back.
    impunity breeds new attacks.
    it’s a matter of survival.
    Either you will be killed, or you will.
    personally I choose life

  8. RAGE

    I googled “Jewish woman was beaten unconscious by pro-Hamas students at the UCLA”

    All the links headlined the actions of Jewish students against the “protestors.” I was instantly nauseated.

    Try it yourself.

    Rolling Stone: “Pro-Israel Demonstrators Attack UCLA Student Encampment as Prot…”

    LA Times: “UCLA campus protests: Counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp …”

    ADD: there was one contrary link on the first page of results of my google search, at the very bottom. Reported the beating, but “allegedly” etc.

    1. I saw many references to that incident but they were all by fringe media or individuals. Not even Fix or New Max (when I searched this afternoon) had any reference to it. I would have thought that if it could be substantiated (or even if it couldn’t) a news source like that would have covered it.

  9. “Jewish women are way too ugly to be raped”

    These are the racist misogynists being cheered on over at Pharyngula.

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