9 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ atheists

  1. The Sunk Cost Fallacy — you’ve invested so much it actually seems wrong to pull out. It’s one of reasons religion has had such a strong hold on people.

    They’ve done experiments where subjects were arbitrarily assigned to two different “clubs;” one side demanded that each member complete difficult tasks said to be necessary for membership and the other club everyone just played games and relaxed. At the end of the experiment only the subjects in the first group thought the club was valuable, were proud to be in it, and didn’t want to leave.

    Bang your head on the floor five times a day, end up thinking a rule to do so makes sense.

    1. There’s a huge sunk cost for the parents of children that they have helped “transition” – they’ll be the last to accept the reality about “gender-affirming” care.

  2. On being a rug?
    Walked over, beaten and thrashed while hanging, head butted while lying down…
    A clear case of Rug abuse Mo!

    Atheist at least ‘rug up’ and take life for what it is…

    rug up
    (intr, adverb) Australian and New Zealand
    “to put on warm clothing”

  3. Check out ffrf.org. Freedom From Religion Foundation. Faith is believing what you know ain’t so: go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company: Mark Twain. Religions are cults with more members. The G** Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

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