Israeli writer pulls out of scheduled talks before she gets canceled for having “wrong views”

March 14, 2024 • 11:00 am

Dina Rubina is a prominent Russian Israeli Jew who writes in Russian. Wikipedia gives this precis:

Rubina is one of the most prominent Russian-language Israeli writers. Her books have been translated into 30 languages. Her major themes are Jewish and Israeli history, migration, nomadism, neo-indigeneity, messianism, metaphysics, theatre, autobiography and the interplay between the Israeli and Russian Jewish cultures and languages.

This letter from Rubina comes from a site I don’t know, Truth of the Middle East (click on screenshot). It shows how Rubina staved off cancelation (for being Jewish) by canceling her appearance first. Click to read:

First, the intro:

Not long ago the Pushkin House in London together with the University of London invited the famous Israeli writer Dina Rubina to hold a meeting.
The topic was to be literary – a discussion of the writer’s books.

 Some time ago, Dina received a letter from the moderator of the meeting:

Then the email came that smells strongly like an impending cancelation:

“Good afternoon, Dina
The Pushkin House advertised our upcoming discussion on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They would like to understand your position on this issue before reacting in any way.
Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?”
Natalia! “

That letter is an arrant insult. Rubina was going to discuss her books, and her political stand on the war has no bearing on that. Even if it did, she had already been invited.  But the Pushkin House and the University of London are spineless, and surely wanted some groveling letter from Rubina that smacked of “both side-ism.” But that’s stupid given that she is an Israeli, a fact that, again, has no bearing on her book talk.

But Rubina has spine, and I put her response below. Instead of being canceled, she canceled her own talk and rebuked Pushkin House. I put her whole letter below because you should read it, because it’s “open”, and because she says exactly what needed to be said in response to Natlia’s insulting communication.


from Dina Rubina

Dear Natalia!

    You have written beautifully about my novels; I am very sorry for the time you have wasted. But it seems we’ll have to cancel our meeting. The University of Warsaw and the University of Torun have just cancelled lectures by the remarkable Israeli Russian-speaking writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Jews in Galicia in the 17th and 19th centuries – “to avoid aggravating the situation”. I suspected that this would also happen to me, because now the academic environment is the main nursery of the most disgusting and rabid anti-Semitism, hiding behind the so-called “criticism of Israel”. I was expecting something like this, and even sat down three times to write you a letter on the subject… but I decided to wait, and so I have waited.

That’s what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious account of my position on my beloved country, which now (and always) lives in a circle of ardent enemies who seek its destruction; on my country, which is now waging a just patriotic war against a violent, ruthless, deceitful and sophisticated enemy:

The last time in my life I apologised in the headmaster’s office, in the ninth grade. Since then, I have done what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing only my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.

And so on.

I’m really sorry, Natalia, for your efforts and the hope that you could “cook something with me” – something that everyone will like.

Therefore, I ask you personally to send my reply to all those who are interested:

On Saturday 7 October, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, carefully prepared and perfectly equipped with Iranian weapons Hamas terrorist regime ruling the Gaza enclave (which Israel left some 20 years ago) attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and simultaneously pelted the territory of my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities and horrors that make the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah pale in comparison (captured, by the way, by the frontal and chest cameras of the murderers themselves and boastfully sent by them in real time to the Internet), can shock any normal person. For several hours, thousands of gleeful, blood-drunk animals raped women, children and men, shot their victims in the crotch and in the head, cut off women’s breasts and played football with them, cut babies out of the bellies of pregnant women and immediately beheaded them, tied up small children and burned them. There were so many charred and completely burnt bodies that for many weeks the pathologists could not cope with the enormous burden of identifying individuals.

   My friend, who worked in a New York hospital waiting room for 20 years and then spent another 15 years in Israel identifying remains, was one of the first to arrive in the burned and blood-soaked kibbutzim with a group of rescuers and medics… She still can’t sleep. A medic used to cutting up bodies – she fainted from what she saw and then vomited all the way back to the car. What these people have seen is beyond words.

    Together with the Hamas fighters, the “civilian population” rushed into the holes in the fence, joined the pogroms on an unprecedented scale, robbed, killed and dragged whatever they could get their hands on into Gaza. Among these “peaceful Palestinians” were 450 members of the UN’s UNRWA scum. Everyone was there, and judging by the stormy total joy of the population (also captured in these inconvenient times by hundreds of mobile cameras) – there were a lot of people – Hamas supports and approves, at least before the real fighting starts, of almost the entire population of Gaza… The main problem: our residents were dragged into the beast’s lair, more than two hundred of them, including women, children, the elderly and non-essential foreign workers. About a hundred of them are now rotting and dying in the Hamas dungeons. Needless to say, these harassed victims are of little concern to the “academic community”.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. I am not writing this to make anyone sympathise with the tragedy of my people.

For all these years, when the world community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) – and the annual budget of the UNRWA organisation alone is a BILLION dollars! – All these years, Hamas has used this money to build an empire of the most complex underground tunnel system, to stockpile weapons, to teach primary school children how to dismantle and reassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle, to print textbooks in which the hatred of Israel defies description, in which even the maths problems go like this: “There were ten Jews, Shahid killed four, how many are left?” – with every word calling for the murder of Jews.

And now that Israel, shocked at last by the monstrous crime of these bastards, is waging a war to destroy the Hamas terrorists, who have prepared this war so carefully, planting thousands of shells in all the hospitals, schools, kindergartens… – here the academic world of the whole world has risen up, worried about the “genocide of the Palestinian people”, based, of course, on data provided by… who? That’s right, by the same Hamas, by the same UNRWA… The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, the massacre in Somalia, the mockery of the Uighurs or the millions of Kurds persecuted for decades by the Turkish regime – this very concerned public, wearing “Arafat” around their necks, the trademark of the murderers, rallies under the banners “Free Palestine from the river to the sea! – which means the total destruction of Israel (yes, many of these “academics”, as surveys show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where some borders are…). – Now this very public asks me to “take a clear position on this issue”.

Are you serious?! Are you serious?!!

You see, I’m a writer by profession. All my life, for more than fifty years, I have been folding words. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto… and many others.

Now, with great pleasure, without using too many expressions, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send all the brainless “intellectuals” interested in my position go to ass. In fact, very soon you will all be there without me”.

Dina Rubina


It’s their loss.

Notice that she says there were 450 UNRWA members at the October 7 massacre. I knew that there were 13 who had been fired, but this higher figure may well be accurate, though I can’t confirm it yet. There are 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza, so if it was 450, that would be 3.5% of the entire staff, all present at the butchery.

And I wonder how many Palestinian writers or Arab writers would be asked to “clarify” their position before they gave a book talk.

29 thoughts on “Israeli writer pulls out of scheduled talks before she gets canceled for having “wrong views”

  1. Great shutdown of the attempted struggle session – the objective of which is to break off a part of the struggler’s soul :

    “Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul […]”

    -Mao Zedong / Mao Tse-Tung
    On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1957); 1st pocket ed., pp. 43-44.

    See marxists dot org…

    Oh and, not to belabor this, but dialectic utterly consumed Mao – it’s the core belief of a cult religion.

  2. She wrote a masterful response to the this situation.
    Like a huge tsunami of ignorance, this hatred of Jews is galvanizing steam very quickly.

  3. You’re right — the request to “formulate your position” on a question unrelated to her appearance is an insult.

  4. The literary magazine Guernica retracted an Israeli writers (Joanna Chen) essay on seeking common ground with Palestinians.
    It is a beautiful piece on seeking common ground with Palestinians after October 7.
    The volunteer staff resigned in protest. They gave their reasons if you want to read them. The usual far left crap. Read Chen’s essay and you will end saying, like Dina Rubina “Are you serious?! Are you serious!!”
    See NYT 3/12/24 Literary Magazine Retracts Israeli Writers Essay As Staff Quit.
    You can’t have a reasonable discussion with ideologues. Like Nazis they will not consider your humanity.
    I believe I first saw this on Tablet, I think.

  5. I am glad to be sitting down.
    Going into this post, I was initially thinking I’d comment to the effect that it might have been better to let the idiots cancel her appearance, and so walk themselves into a small maelstrom of negative publicity. But I was wrong. This reply needs to go out far and wide.

    1. It does. I wonder if it will. I also wonder whether the spineless would-be hosts will dare to reply, and in what terms. If they double down, they will deserve the next salvo.

  6. Tangential – great and in depth discussion on the Lex Friedman podcast: Finkelstein, Destiny, M. Rabbani & Benny Morris

    Lot of deep background history of the Jewish / Arab conflict

  7. Please also remember to add Darfur to the list of genocides forgotten in favour of the Palestinian “genocide”.

    This was no war. The aggressors were out to eliminate a people. It wasn’t a territorial, economic or political dispute that happened to involve civilian casualties.

  8. Thank you for this message.
    I agree 100% with every comment (to 2-21pm) Dina Rubina is an excellent writer and why should she waste her time with the antisemitic rabble?

  9. Well put. The “reception” of the trucks – with bloodied hostages – returning to the random streets of Gaza, the thrill, celebration, glee… of the Gaza PUBLIC… was the most memorable and telling thing.

    Random, everyday citizens of Gaza, almost to a man, whooping it up.

    This is not a culture that deserves an armed, legitimate state hard up against the Israeli jugular poised, in the WB, on the high ground above Tel Aviv etc.

    No two states. Ever.


    1. D.A. Yes indeed re the “poor Palestinians “ and lets us also never forget these are the same “poor Palestinians “ who danced with glee in the streets of Gaza and burned the flag of the USA on the destruction of the WTC, 9-11.
      They are a fine testament to Islam and all its’ tenets.

  10. I assume something got mangled in translation. “Go to ass.” Does anyone know what idiom she used?

    Whatever it was, I would like to toss it in Chuck Schumer’s direction.

    1. It’s an expression that can mean anything from “Kiss my ass” to “F*** off!” The Russian would have been some variant of Идите в жопу! or Пошли в жопу! It literally means “Go to ass,” but that’s obviously not a good English translation.

  11. I’m happy for her getting her word in before they dismissed her. How degrading to be condescended to knowing full well what was to follow. It really doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve accomplished anymore. If you don’t toe the line, you’re out. Pitiful, small minds have overtaken every realm of life. Head for the hills, folks.

  12. I wonder if the original intended recipients of this reply actually bothered to read it all the way through? I’ve seen enough of the perpetual offended to make me think they couldn’t be bothered to read and actually attempt to empathize with someone else.

  13. Hamas and a very large percentage of Palestinian “civilians” are beasts and should be treated as such.
    Recall that only hours after the October 7th disaster, and BEFORE Israel’s IDF had a chance to react militarily, the universities all over the world became Palestinian sympathizers and called for the destruction of Israel! Therefore no matter how careful the IDF is to ‘surgically’ attack Hamas without harming the Palestinian “civilians” the world will still demonstrate against Israel. The surgical approach used by the IDF has caused hundreds of casualties among the Jewish soldiers who are fighting street to street and house to house. Conclusion: Israel should have and easily could have destroyed the entire Gaza strip by air on October 08 without losing a single IDF soldier. The universal antisemitism would not have been any different than today. Who cares about the fools that are virulent antisemites!

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