Sunday: Hili dialogue

March 27, 2022 • 6:30 am

Where we are now: The ship’s real-time map shows that last night we headed north, threading ourselves through the confusing farrago of fjords, inlets and channels, to approach Puerto Natales, where we’ll have a three-hour land excursion today, stay moored tonight awaiting those guests coming back from Torres del Paine National Park, and then head further north tomorrow.

The Chilean fjords await, though I don’t know how much we’ll get to see of them.

I have no photos from early this morning as we’ve been told we’re in an area of bird strikes, and have been asked to keep our curtains drawn and the lights lower when it’s dark. It started out a gloomy day, and by 7:45 there was enough light to take pictures. Patagonia!

I lecture at 8:30 this morning (what an ungodly time to roust passengers out of bed on a lazy day!), and, given the tour later today, posting will be light. But that’s okay: reading seems to be light, too, and I fear once again this site is circling the drain.

Welcome to Sunday, March 27, 2022: Whisky Day (without an “e”). Give me an aged Springbank any day: my favorite whisky-ish tipple. Here’s an expensive bottle:

If you want to help out with “this day in history”, go to the Wikipedia page for March 27 and give us your favorite notable events, births, and deaths.

Here’s today’s headline in the New York Times (click on screenshot to read):

And the paper’s news summary:

President Biden ended three days of diplomacy in Europe on Saturday that brought him within miles of the war in Ukraine, using a speech in Poland to rally American allies for what he said would be a long fight and escalating his personal denunciation of Vladimir V. Putin, saying the Russian leader “cannot remain in power.”

Mr. Biden described the war in sweeping terms, as “a battle between democracy and autocracy, between liberty and repression, between a rules-based order and one governed by brute force.” He portrayed it as part of a long struggle against authoritarianism, linking it to past uprisings against Soviet domination in Eastern Europe.

I listened to Biden’s speech, and it was okay but not of Churchillian proportions. But his statement about Putin, which I think was made off the cuff, has excited a lot of speculation. Did Biden mean that there should be regime change in Russia? I can’t see any other interpretation, but the administration walked back that construal later:

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Mr. Biden said Saturday, his cadence slowing for emphasis.

On its face, he appeared to be calling for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to be ousted for his brutal invasion of Ukraine. But Mr. Biden’s aides quickly insisted that the remark — delivered in front of a castle that served for centuries as a home for Polish monarchs — was not intended as an appeal for regime change.

*If it wasn’t, what was that remark supposed to mean? It’s either a call for his removal or his death, and either way it’s regime change. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issued a masterpiece of Secretarysplaining:

“We do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia – or anywhere else, for that matter,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday from Jerusalem, stressing that Biden’s point was that the Russian president “cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else.”

If that’s what Biden meant, why didn’t he say it. And why is this so important? Is it because Putin might regard the “regime change” interpretation as some sort of declaration of war?

In the meantime, Mariupol seems to be on its last legs, and the NYT reports that people are trying to effect “daring escapes”, since the beleaguered city is surrounded by Russians.  Now the Russians have begun extensive shelling of Lviv in western Ukraine, once a haven for those fleeing the Russians. In the face of all this, Zelensky has asked NATO for more planes and tanks, though I haven’t heard him call lately to “close the skies,” which wouldn’t solve Ukraine’s problems but would create bigger ones for Europe.

*The new toll of dead Russian generals is seven in five weeks of combat.

“It is highly unusual,” said a senior Western official, briefing reporters on the topic, who confirmed the names, ranks and “killed in action” status of the seven.

In all, at least 15 senior Russian commanders have been killed in the field, said Markiyan Lubkivsky, a spokesperson for the Ukraine Ministry of Defense.

NATO officials estimated earlier this week that as many as 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in four weeks of war, a very high number. Russia has offered a far lower figure, reporting Friday that only 1,351 of its fighters had died.

The Russian government has not confirmed the deaths of its generals.

*The Washington Post has a convenient illustrated guide to the weapons being used in the Ukraine/Russia war, ranging from cluster munitions to hypersonic missiles. Here are two particularly nasty ways of killing people that have probably been used by the Russian Army in Ukraine.

From WaPo text: Cluster munitions are rockets, bombs or other projectiles that scatter small bomblets. Because they end up indiscriminately hitting a wide area, they can pose a large risk to civilian populations, even if they are not specifically targeted.

Here’s a nasty group: the thermobaric weapons:

(From NYT text): Thermobaric weapons are designed to cause intense heat and pressure. Typically launched from tanks, the missiles explode in two stages, first distributing an aerosol before a second charge ignites the cloud. The ensuing explosion produces an extreme blast and burns up oxygen in the area.

*The Oscar awards, which are losing t.v. viewers faster than the Miss America contest did, are tonight. For what it’s worth, here are the predictions of the Associated Press:

Netflix’s “The Power of the Dog,” Jane Campion’s gothic western, comes in with a leading 12 nominations and a good chance of snagging the top award. But all the momentum is with Sian Heder’s deaf family drama “CODA,” which, despite boasting just three nods, is considered the favorite. A win would be a triumph for Apple TV+, which acquired the movie out of the Sundance Film Festival last year and has spent big promoting it to academy members.

But expect the most awards on the night to go to “Dune,” Denis Villeneuve’s sweeping science fiction epic. It’s the odds-on-favorite to clean up in the technical categories.

But in an op-ed in the NYT, Ross Douthat says it’s not just the televised award show that’s on the way out, but the movies themselves. In his column “We aren’t just watching the decline of the Oscars. We’re watching the end of the movies“, Douthat doesn’t claim that movies themselves are getting worse, though he does suggest that, but rather that movies as a genre are disappearing:

No, what looks finished is The Movies — big-screen entertainment as the central American popular art form, the key engine of American celebrity, the main aspirational space of American actors and storytellers, a pop-culture church with its own icons and scriptures and rites of adult initiation.

This end has been a long time coming — foreshadowed in the spread of television, the invention of the VCR, the rise of cable TV and Hollywood’s constant “It’s the pictures that got small” mythologization of its own disappearing past.

. . . this combination of forces pushed Hollywood in two directions. On the one hand, toward a reliance on superhero movies and other “presold” properties, largely pitched to teenage tastes and sensibilities, to sustain the theatrical side of the business. (The landscape of the past year, in which the new “Spider-Man” and “Batman” movies between them have made over a billion dollars domestically while Oscar hopefuls have made a pittance, is just an exaggerated version of the pre-Covid dominance of effects-driven sequels and reboots over original storytelling.) On the other hand, toward a churn of content generation to feed home entertainment and streaming platforms, in which there’s little to distinguish the typical movie — in terms of casting, direction or promotion — from the TV serials with which it competes for space across a range of personal devices.

Under these pressures, much of what the movies did in American culture, even 20 years ago, is essentially unimaginable today. The internet has replaced the multiplex as a zone of adult initiation. There’s no way for a few hit movies to supply a cultural lingua franca, given the sheer range of entertainment options and the repetitive and derivative nature of the movies that draw the largest audiences.

It’s a rather confusing piece, and sometimes contradicts itself (the movies are getting worse; no, the movies are as good as ever), but I agree with Douthat on one thing: watching the movies in a proper theater (and by that I don’t mean the Crackerjack boxes that pass for “theaters” in multiplexes) is an experience completely different from watching one on a television set or—Ceiling Cat forbid—on a phone. The whole way of making movies is affected by how they’re seen; there’s no substitute for the giant screen that immerses you in the story.

An offer: if you manage to guess the Big Six—awards for best picture, best director, best actor best actress, and best supporting actor and supporting actress, I’ll send an autographed book (of mine) of your choice (except Speciation), to either your or a recipient of your choice, autographed and with your choice of messages and a special cat drawn in by me. Or just put your guesses down below for fun. Here’s a list of all the nominees. Sadly I haven’t seen a single one of the nominated films.

Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili is stymied, but reassured by Andrzej.

Hili: We do not know the future.
A: It may be better that way.
In Polish:
Hili: Nie znamy przyszłości.
Ja: Może to lepiej.

BFFs Szaron and Kulka on the outside windowsill:

From Barry, who swears that the book on the left is real:

From Divy, who does have a favorite spatula. But that’s the only criteria in this list that I don’t fulfill:

From Merilee: Cat as bagpipe. Sound up!

From Titania. Remember, this is defended by the America Cheetah Liberties Union:

From reader Barry. This guy seems insidious, but remember, he’s just doing what Allah tells him, and he gives you two good options.

After Life benches, like the one Ricky Gervais sat on with his grieving friend who helped him to live, are springing up everywhere in the UK. Again: watch all three seasons!

Tweets from Matthew. First, an Honorary Cat®:

A puggle gets released (one of my bucket-list items is seeing one of these in the wild):

Live and learn, biology department:

Note the special bristles around the nightjar’s gaping mouth, which may help guide prey into the mouth when it’s hunting. Those things need to be groomed!

“You can’t go home again”—genetics version:

The cloned cat looks pretty much like its predecessor, but the staff reports that their personalities are completely different. The “scientific” explanation makes some sense, but a substantial amount of variation in behavior, at least in people, is due to differences in genes. (p.s. You can adopt a lot of cats for $25,000.)

ViaGen told The Sun that it guarantees that they’ll look identical but the animals will develop their own personality because that’s based on external factors.

Those factors include how many animals are in the house, what the animal is being fed, how the cat is raised, among dozens of other nature-versus-nurture impacts.

Anderson said Belle’s personality “is completely different” from Chai.

“They have some baseline personalities that are a little similar. Like they’re very bold, sassy, cats, but that could be the breed. But Belle is a totally new cat.”

43 thoughts on “Sunday: Hili dialogue

    1. Playing against England often brings out the best performances from Scottish teams but they seem just as often to then fail to carry the momentum on into other games. In this year’s Six Nation’s championship their campaign ended in disarray after a number of senior players, including the captain, disobeyed squad orders and went out for a night on the town in the lead up to their final match in which they failed to provide convincing opposition to a strong Ireland side.

    2. I don’t know if this was included in a post earlier this month: The first test match was played from the 15th to the 19th of March, 1877 in Melbourne. England lost. But they won the next one 🙂

      If Woaks, Leach, and Mahmood add more than a 100 runs for the last two wickets, they stand a chance against West Indies. It’s well within the bounds of possibility.

    3. Great parody! The meter of the song makes for fantastic word choices.

      If I may, here’s another version of the G&S song using chess players names:

  1. Pectinate claws are a feature in several other bird families including the herons and egrets. It seems a reasonable assumption that their purpose is to aid with grooming and feather maintenance though I am not sure how much observational or experimental evidence there is for this. Herons and egrets do not have rictal bristles around the gape.

    1. A feature can evolve under several selective forces. There are lots of birds that groom without rictal claws, so saying that the bristles around the gape wasn’t one of them is just a guess.

      1. Sorry – only just seen this comment as I have been suffering (not very much!) with covid for the past few days. My intention was not to suggest that the need to groom rictal bristles could not be one of the selective forces for pectinate claws – it certainly could be and, as you suggest, I can only guess one way or the other. I thought it was potentially of interest to readers to know that such toes are found in some other other groups of birds as well as nightjars.

  2. Alexander Grothendieck, Fields Medal winner and one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th Century, was born OTD 1928. (Died 2014.) An interesting aside: his advisor, Laurent Schwartz, and one of his students, Pierre Deligne, were Fields Medalists as well. There are a handful of advisor-student Fields Medalists but this is the only three-fer I’m aware of.

      1. Indeed. Well, I don’t suppose this is going to get me banned from posting here.

        While I’ve got your attention, I do appreciate your daily postings.

      2. “Those who will not be accepting the new terms and conditions by checking the box, nor emailing the details to themselves”?

        “Those who will have identified their last crosswalks in these nine photos”?

  3. On this day:
    1638 – The first of four destructive Calabrian earthquakes strikes southern Italy. Measuring magnitude 6.8 and assigned a Mercalli intensity of XI, it kills 10,000–30,000 people.

    1794 – The United States Government establishes a permanent navy and authorizes the building of six frigates.

    1836 – Texas Revolution: On the orders of General Antonio López de Santa Anna, the Mexican Army massacres 342 Texian Army POWs at Goliad, Texas.

    1884 – A mob in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States attacks members of a jury which had returned a verdict of manslaughter in what was seen as a clear case of murder; over the next few days the mob would riot and eventually destroy the courthouse.

    1886 – Geronimo, Apache warrior, surrenders to the U.S. Army, ending the main phase of the Apache Wars.

    1915 – Typhoid Mary, the first healthy carrier of disease ever identified in the United States, is put in quarantine for the second time, where she would remain for the rest of her life.

    1942 – The Holocaust: Nazi Germany and Vichy France begin the deportation of 65,000 Jews from Drancy internment camp to German extermination camps.

    1964 – The Good Friday earthquake, the most powerful earthquake recorded in North American history at a magnitude of 9.2 strikes Southcentral Alaska, killing 125 people and inflicting massive damage to the city of Anchorage.

    1981 – The Solidarity movement in Poland stages a warning strike, in which at least 12 million Poles walk off their jobs for four hours.

    2002 – Passover massacre: A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 29 people at a Passover seder in Netanya, Israel.

    1724 – Jane Colden, American botanist and author (d. 1766)

    1845 – Wilhelm Röntgen, German physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1923)

    1906 – Pee Wee Russell, American clarinet player, saxophonist, and composer (d. 1969)

    1924 – Sarah Vaughan, American singer (d. 1990)

    1924 – Margaret K. Butler, American mathematician and computer programmer (d. 2013) – The first female fellow at the American Nuclear Society and director of the National Energy Software Center at Argonne, Butler held leadership positions within multiple scientific organizations and women’s groups.

    1962 – John O’Farrell, English journalist and author

    1969 – Mariah Carey, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress

    Those who…
    1864 – Jean-Jacques Ampère, French philologist and academic (b. 1800)

    1910 – Alexander Emanuel Agassiz, Swiss-American ichthyologist, zoologist, and engineer (b. 1835)

    1931 – Arnold Bennett, English author and playwright (b. 1867)

    1952 – Kiichiro Toyoda, Japanese businessman, founded Toyota (b. 1894)

    1967 – Jaroslav Heyrovský, Czech chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1890)

    1968 – Yuri Gagarin, Russian colonel, pilot, and astronaut (b. 1934)

    2000 – Ian Dury, English singer-songwriter and actor (b. 1942) – What a waste!

    2002 – Milton Berle, American comedian and actor (b. 1908)

    2002 – Dudley Moore, English actor (b. 1935)

    2002 – Billy Wilder, Austrian-born American director, producer, and screenwriter (b. 1906)

  4. Your Friendly Neighborhood Cybrarian endorses Barry and verifies that _Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret._ is a real book, one of Judy Blume’s most popular and lauded creations.

      1. Thanks for pointing that out, Jez. I could tell you stories about Blume’s books being defaced in some of the libraries I’ve worked in. Also Lois Lowry’s books, especially The Giver.

    1. Yes, and I suppose PCC would not have been part of the intended audience! When I was a preteen, that book was wildly popular with all the girls my age. It addressed the usual issues about pre-teen angst (e.g., body changes, sex, relationships), but since Margaret was raised in a mainly secular home, it also presented the idea that being non-religious was normal and OK.

  5. “NATO officials estimated earlier this week that as many as 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in four weeks of war, a very high number. ” – Indeed, it’s roughly comparable with the Russian death toll in Afghanistan – itself a heavy loss – over ten years!

  6. If that’s what Biden meant, why didn’t he say it. And why is this so important?

    Well, it’s important because if Putin feels like he cannot end the war without losing his position, then he would probably be unwilling to accept defeat. That could mean any number of things, but none of them are good for Ukraine. As to what Biden says and what his caregivers allow, that is the $64,000 question in this administration. Who exactly is deciding these things? That by the way is one of at least three Biden statements on his Poland trip that the White House has had to walk back, the other two being that NATO would response in kind if Russia used chemical weapons and that the 82nd Airborne would see what Ukraine was like when they got there.

  7. You mention that “reading seems to be light”, but how are you measuring that? If you’re measuring web site hits, you’re (probably) undercounting. For example, I often read the e-mails carefully, which include lots of content on their own, but I don’t always go to the web site. So, I’m reading your content with interest, but sometimes it’s just in the e-mail. I’m guessing that you have a loyal group of e-mail readers; only a subset goes to the web site or contributes to the discussion.

    Regarding the substance of today’s post, I think that Biden meant what he said about Putin remaining in power, but I think he was speaking off the cuff, being expressive in the moment. It’s easy to do given an important audience at rapt attention. He meant what he said, but his aides are signaling that he shouldn’t have said it. I agree with his aides that it was an unnecessary provocation, uttered right at the time that Putin seems to be “adjusting” the goal to limit the campaign to the Donbas region and ratchet down the conflict. I think that Biden is doing a very good job generally, but he should have stuck to the script. Now that Biden poked the bear, Putin may feel compelled to keep the broader campaign going for a while longer.

  8. “… there’s no substitute for the giant screen that immerses you in the story.”

    I don’t know about that. With today’s 4K large screen TV’s, one does not need to sit far back from the screen, because there is no pixilation unless one is less than one foot away. When one’s couch is, say, 6 feet from the screen, the field of view of a 75″ or 85″ TV is greater than that of a movie screen from nearly all parts of a typical theater. The picture is also way more detailed, the amount of light is greater, the surround sound can be perfect. And there are no kids screaming or oblivious patrons chatting away.

    I think that if cinema is dying it is because the quality of the home experience has equaled or surpassed that of the theater, is way more convenient, and is less expensive.

    1. I think there is something primal about the illusion of seeing – instead of a giant wall – a giant head of Rhett Butler, or a giant moon getting a rocket stuck in it’s face (the first movie) – a projector – which are available for a low-ish cost relative to ultra enormo resolution screens – can get close to this. Cinema is, after all, fundamentally about illusion.

      Looking at Sam the Lion in the palm of your hand just doesn’t compare.

      1. Sci-fi and nature shows were meant to be seen on a big screen, where outer space looks like it, and a cheetah is larger than my house version.

        Now that I’m retired, I can spend $6 for a movie, sit anywhere I want, in a really nice adjustable reclining chair. (I don’t have one of those.) That, and the last three times I went, I had the entire theater to myself.

    2. I agree. I also find that using my wireless headphones really enhances the experience. While many theaters have excellent sound systems, they don’t beat headphones. Being able to hit pause in order to get a beer or take a piss is also important.

      1. I was going to write pretty much the same thing: control, headphones, fridge, bathroom…I’ll add that I like to smoke weed for certain movies. The only thing I miss about the theater is the popcorn- though I don’t miss the price- $ouch$.

        1. Yes, it’s nice to have good popcorn and have someone else be responsible for its production. Still, popping one’s own popcorn is really not that hard and the result can be better than what is available at many theaters.

          1. Yeah, and microwave popcorn is especially easy; Newman’s Own “Butter” popcorn tastes a lot like the movies’ as well.

    3. I was a flat screen fanatic for many years (have owned a plasma since 2001). I’ll never forget how enormous a 42″ 16:9 display felt after years with 25″ – “27” CRT tube sets.

      And I used to sit close to get a more immersive field of view. And certainly a 75″ – 85″ TV display is plenty big for most people and will feel quite cinematic from a certain viewing distance.

      I’d planned on buying a much larger flat screen but then I got hooked on projectors and designed my home theater around a 10 foot wide screen. I found with TVs that a large set with closer seating could only go so far – there are still cues as to the real size of the image, so it’s not truly like seeing a big movie screen experience IMO.

      I’ll never forget watching some of my favorites, Star Wars, Alien, on the big screen at home. Finally, after all these years of re-watching those films on small TV sets, the spaceships no longer were smaller than me, no longer toy sized. They were, once again as I remembered them in the theater, “big,” more like “real” spaceships passing overhead. Unbelievably thrilling. It also helps that I’ve black velveted around the image and with lights out there are no distracting room cues, so it’s just pure immersion. I also watch movies with various friends with big flat screens but don’t get the same effect. One of them came over and we watched Dune (2021) last night and the sense of seeing gigantic vistas, spaceships, creatures etc was really something else.

      Sorry to blather, but I’m an enthusiast. 🙂

      All that said, I’m TOTALLY with Jerry. I’ve always felt watching movies on the big screen in the movie theaters was the best way to see a film (for me). It’s not only the giant screen and sound system, it’s the “event,” the “going out to do something,” the buzz of often being surrounded by a crowd of people just as excited as you are. (I used to be one of those lining up first show, first day with excited crowds for blockbusters). I will still prefer the “real movie” experience even to my home theater any day of the week.

    4. Theater chains might be struggling, but that is not the same as cinema ending. I find it hard to justify driving into town to pay way too much to watch a limited range of content on their schedule instead of mine.
      It is not a great expense to have a huge 4k TV, with 7.1 sound that rivals the theater experience. We download content to a hard drive connected to our router, and watch what we want when it is convenient for us. Besides which, the available films and series are almost unlimited. Tonight, we watched part 1 of the new Korean series “Pachinko”, and are currently watching “The Adam Project”. My kids are watching some incomprehensible Japanese animated film downstairs.
      If we decide we only want to watch German silent films this week, we can choose from dozens. Or time travel films. Literally anything that has ever streamed or been put online, anywhere in the world.
      For people who really enjoy film, especially those with an eclectic taste, it seems more like a golden age than the twilight of cinema.

  9. I don’t see any problem with Biden’s call for Putin’s removal. He merely echoed the thoughts of most of the planet. It was silly for the White House to walk it back. Biden didn’t even hint that the US would be doing the removing. Are we worried that Putin will take offense? Please. Garry Kasparov put it well (

    “No free world leader should hesitate to state plainly that the world would be a far better place if Putin were no longer in power in Russia. A good way to make that come about is to say exactly that. Russia will be pariah until Putin is gone.”

    1. The problem is that NATO’s whole posture is that it is a purely defensive alliance, and thus that it poses no threat to Russia. This justifies the extension of NATO membership to Poland, to the Baltic States and possibly Ukraine and others.

      If, then, the biggest cheese in NATO openly talks about regime change in Russia, then that helps to justify those in the Russian leadership who see NATO’s eastward expansion as encroaching on them and as a threat. Biden’s words will thus help Putin justify the action in Ukraine to the Russian people.

      1. Exactly, Coel!

        I’d heard some analysts say that NATO has to be very careful how they approach this. Of course EVERYONE would love to see Putin go. But as a practical, strategic matter, and as soon as important NATO members, especially the US President, starts hinting about Regime Change as a goal that becomes a type of existential threat to Putin, a no-way-out scenario, making it even less likely he’ll want to bargain or admit defeat. It mostly points to escalating conflict. I wanted to slap my forehead when I heard Biden said that.

  10. Best picture: Power of the Dog
    Best director: Jane Campion
    Best actor: Will Smith
    Best actress: Jessica Chastain
    Best supporting actor: Troy Kotsur
    Best supporting actress: Judi Densch

  11. Sadly, I’ve seen very few of the best picture nominated movies. Probably a record low for me in the last couple of decades.
    I thought Power of the Dog was good, certainly good enough to win, although that’s without assessing all of the competition. Dune was well done, but it’s only the first half of the book and so it’s half a story. I saw about a half of West Side Story, fell asleep and woke up at the end, which probably summarizes my feelings. The Lost Daughter, which isn’t nominated for best picture was pretty good although I thought the individual performances might have been better than the overall product. Saw all of these on TV at home. And agree with the advantages noted by Gingerbaker (and Paul) in comment 10. A large TV with good surround sound in a dark basement with no masking requirements is a pretty good way to watch a movie.
    Went to the theatre for James Bond and Death on the Nile, but that’s been it in the last couple of years. Hopefully we will return more regularly at some point.

  12. I’ve only seen 5 of the 10 movies for best picture, so I don’t know how to guess the winners. My only guess is Dune wins a lot of the technical awards and Will Smith wins his first as Best Actor in “King Richard.”

    I’ll watch the Oscars as I do every year…or at least have it on in the background. I’m interested to see how the Ukraine invasion will be talked about. I also love Wanda Sykes who is presenting along with Regina Hall and Amy Schumer (who is also very funny).

  13. Best Picture: CODA
    Best Director: Jane Campion
    Best Actor: Will Smith
    Best Actress: Jessica Chastain
    Best Supporting Actor: Troy Kotsur
    Best Supporting Actress: Ariana DeBose

  14. Power of the Dog, Branagh, Cumberbatch, Kidman, Kotsur, Dench. I will await my signed book!

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