Duck runs NYT marathon (not the whole thing)

November 10, 2021 • 2:30 pm

You’re not going to get anything substantive here today as I’ve had a serious bout of insomnia (early awakening) and it’s making me exhausted all day (worse: I’m not supposed to nap). I will lick it, but for the nonce it’s very hard to write.

So today you get persiflage. But this is a good one (if you like ducks–and who doesn’t).

Below, courtesy of the Daily Paws website, you see Wrinkle the Duck running the New York Marathon. (She’s a Pekin duck, a domesticated variety of the wild mallard, and I thought Wrinkle was a drake because the duck doesn’t quack but grunts (only female mallards quack). So be it.  They don’t tell us how much of the Marathon Wrinkle ran, but since we don’t see her crossing the finish line, it can’t be the whole thine!

From the site:

It’s time to bask in the athletic prowess of Wrinkle, the especially spiffy emotional support duck who ran at least part of the New York City Marathon on Sunday.

The videos of her quick waddling in her homemade red shoes have enthralled millions on TikTok. I honestly don’t know whether to call it a stride, strut, or trot, but it seems that Wrinkle, who is a Pekin duck, is enjoying her jog and the adulation of the marathon crowd. She’s so confident!

It can’t help but make you grin, and one person in the comments of the TikTok video said the footage had made her smile during a bout of depression. “As an official emotional support duck, hearing this makes me feel like I’m doing my job well,” Wrinkle’s account replied. “Wrinkle loves you.”

. . . Wrinkle also loves running, whether it’s at her house (providing some oddly soothing ASMR as she waddles) or out in a field where she’s “fast as duck.”

Do note her special jogging shoes.


h/t: Diana

5 thoughts on “Duck runs NYT marathon (not the whole thing)

  1. ” I’ve had a serious bout of insomnia (early awakening) and it’s making me exhausted all day (worse: I’m not supposed to nap)”

    Your’e not the only one – I blame the time shift and sun angle.

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