The duck season is winding down

November 7, 2021 • 1:00 pm

We have very few ducks left at Botany Pond, and the ones we know come and go sporadically (we know not where). Honey and Prince Charming are the most regular (Dorothy seems to have vanished), but other familiar ones show up too, though we never have more than six or seven.  On Friday we stop feeding for good as the nights are going to be in the thirties, so it’s migration time. (The duck migration season is late this year.)

I’ll have one more substantial post with photos and videos, but here are a few photos of what I call “The Royals”

Honey, my beloved hen:

Her consort Prince Charming, in all his glorious raiment:

The bonded pair, soon to head south:

And as the leaves turn, so the ducks’ thoughts turn to the Mississippi Flyway and their overwintering grounds. I hope to see Honey next March:

13 thoughts on “The duck season is winding down

  1. I very much hope to see Honey too. In Schiphol waiting for my flight to Kenya and hopefully to collect a few more readers’ photos for your website too. I have an aged, nervous and affectionate cat waiting to greet me.

  2. Any idea where Honey spends the winter? You said the Mississippi flyway, but I’m wondering if my friend John in Brownsville could be feeding her from his deck on the resaca.

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