Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ blasphemy

September 30, 2020 • 2:00 pm

Today is International Blasphemy Day, and there’s a special new Jesus and Mo strip, called “lurid”, in honor of the occasion. (Blasphemy Day is the day in 2005 when the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published the infamous Muhammad cartoons.)

The strip also came with an email message, to wit:

Oops. Sorry I’m a bit late with the mailout this week. I forgot. I also forgot it was Blasphemy Day today, but that’s forgivable because every day is Blasphemy Day at Jesus and Mo dot net!

Help keep this hideous blasphemy going by becoming a patron here:

You can also buy the latest J&M collection, with a foreword by Jerry Coyne, here. 

I remind you that I don’t get any dosh from either writing the intro or from sales of the books; my foreword was a labor of love. But do throw some love toward the creator of this long-running strip by giving a little dosh on Patreon or buying the book, which will make a great holiday gift for blasphemers.

And here’s “lurid”, with Mo’s usual cognitive dissonance.

6 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ blasphemy

  1. Thanks to you, Jerry, I have over the years purchased ALL of the J and Mo books!

    And I got some for my brother as well.


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