Photos of readers

July 3, 2020 • 2:45 pm

Claudia Baker has put one entry into the “photos of readers” tank, and again I have no more. But I’m grateful to Claudia, and her photos and words are below.

This is me and my daughter Emily when we spent a year in Iceland several years ago.  I was teaching at a high school in Reykjavik and she was 17 at the time and attending the same high school. She is now a young woman, and my hair has now gone somewhat grey.  I like this picture of the two of us because it shows that we had a very nice relationship when she was a teen,  and we still do to this day.

One thing I have been doing during lockdown is knitting.  I have made many pairs of socks for friends and family.  These are thick and warm and perfect for cold northern winters. I think I may need to send Jerry a pair!
[JAC: I’d be delighted to get a pair!]

This is Bodie, my 15-year-old ginger tabby, chilling on the deck down by the water.


22 thoughts on “Photos of readers

  1. In the photo, there’s a very close physical resemblance between you and your daughter and it’s wonderful that mother and daughter were and are emotionally close as well.

    Those socks do look to be thick and warm; hope Bodie’s fur is, too in winter.

    1. Bodie’s fur is very thick. Great in Canadian winters; not so great today in the extreme heat we are getting in Ontario! Which is why he is lounging down by the lake. Also, he can go to the water’s edge and get a drink whenever he needs one.

      It is wonderful to have a good relationship with one’s children. It is one of the joys of my life. 🙂

  2. Nice photos – and a strong family resemblance! (No, I don’t mean the socks – although they do have one too.)

  3. Which is the daughter and which the mother, Claudia?

    Bet those Landis took the two of you for sisters. 🙂

      1. Could swear I heard my father whispering in my ear as I typed. He was always quick with a line like that. 🙂

  4. That is a wonderful photo! You both look so much alike. I can’t tell who is the mom and who is the daughter. It’s great you have a wonderful relationship.
    …And you have a gorgeous cat.

  5. Thanks Debra!

    Bodie is a pretty nice boy. I have had him since he was born – his mother was a stray that I took in, and, of course, she was pregnant. I kept one of the kittens and we have been inseparable ever since. I like his pink toe beans in this pic.

    1. One of our cats came the same way. The mother is gone now but Bumper is still going well.

      1. Same here. His mother died about 4 years ago. Right up until she died, he snuggled her like he was a kitten, even though he was twice her size. Quite funny to see that. I have loads of pictures, of course!

        “Bumper” is a very cute name for a kitty.

    2. Yes, Bodie’s a cute cat. Of course, the “toe beans” won’t be visible when he’s wearing his new socks…

    1. Yup, especially if it lasts into winter time. There are a lot of cold, dark hours up here in Ontario during Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.March…
      Have to fill in the time somehow. Get you order in rickflick!

  6. Very nice photo…love the subtle sepia tone (maybe it’s my monitor?). Either way, I can see why you cherish it.
    Looks like some well-made socks to boot (pun intended) 🙂 All the knitters in my family are long gone. I used to have all sorts of knitted wear from grandmother’s and great aunties. Unlike the bad jokes about getting such items for Xmas, I always enjoyed the gifts.
    And a lounging cat (more like sprawling) in a pink chair- what’s not to love?

      1. My grandmother taught me to knit when I was about 6 years old, and I am so grateful that she did. It is really fun to give people things that I have made myself.

        I will let Bodie know that you like his
        ‘sprawl’ in the pink chair. That’s his “It’s SO hot!” look.

  7. Assuming you teach high school in Ontario, it must have been very interesting to compare the system, the students, etc. in Iceland with over here in Ontario.
    My wife and I have visited Iceland 9 or 10 times since the big volcano in 2010, but haven’t interacted with younger people much there yet.
    And I’m jealous about your extended stay, though we did manage to get a 6 week cottage rental visit up in the Snaefelljokull peninsula one time.

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