ZeFrank on snails that surf (and his Earth Day Awards)

May 3, 2020 • 12:30 pm

Is it my imagination, or is ZeFrank getting more biology into his posts than before? This is a good one, with a lot of good biology but also with the usual humor. It’s also scary!  Look at that radula!

The species at issue is the suspension-feeding and surfing sea snail Olivella semistriata and its predator Agaronia propatula.

I suppose ZeFranks gets his videos from others (there are some credits at the end), but I don’t know for sure.

And another recent ZeFrank video, this time highlighting the “Earth Day Awards” for the most “special” animals.

h/t: Rick

10 thoughts on “ZeFrank on snails that surf (and his Earth Day Awards)

  1. Snails be impressive! Many years ago I would join a zoology class on their field trips to the sea. There were these predatory moon snails that were the fastest crawling snails I ever saw, but there was also another speedy snail that could swim surprisingly well by lashing its foot from side to side. Put the swimmer next to a hunting moon snail, and usually the swimming snail would skedaddle as soon as the moon snails’ foot even slightly touched it. Usually.

  2. Mark, were you aware of the new Nat. Geo’s feature article “Insects are disappearing at an alarming rate?”

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