Photos of readers

September 9, 2019 • 2:00 pm

Today we have a cowboy wannabee in the form of reader Gary Miranda, who sent two photos. His captions are indented:

One of the things on my bucket list had long been to learn how to gallop on a horse. I figured if movie actors could do it, so could I (though they probably weren’t pushing 80 when it occurred to them to attempt this). So last fall I went to the Triangle X Ranch in Wyoming where I learned, if not how to gallop, at least how to trot and even canter (approx. 14 mph).
The first pic is of me on my not-so-trusty steed Jitterbug with the Grand Tetons in the background. I say “not-so-trusty” because later in the day Jitterbug got spooked and took it into his head to throw me (moral: never let them give you a horse named “Jitterbug”). The second pic is of me back at my cabin trying to look as macho as one can after being tossed unceremoniously into some sagebrush. (No injury except to my dignity.)
JAC: Note the cowboy boots!

16 thoughts on “Photos of readers

  1. Reminds me of a sign posted at a stable:
    “For fast riders, we have fast horses – for slow riders we have slow horses- for those who have never ridden, we have horses that have never been ridden.”

  2. What a mighty fine bucket – list deal, Mr Miranda !
    I have such a list and am now ADDING .EXACTLY.
    THIS to it ! ‘ld LOVE to gallop upon a steed !
    A trusty one … …, however.

    Thank you for this submission !


  3. Great pictures. My wife is the horse person in this family, I know nothing from horses. She says galloping is pretty easy and cantor or posting is hard. However, she says some horses don’t want to do what you want them to.

    1. Your wife is right Mr. Schenk. Mr. Miranda, if you can ride in a canter with your back upright and straight, and ride in a trot without hurting yourself down there, you’ve mastered the hardest gaits. Congratulations! Go for the gallop! It’s one of the peak moments in life.

      1. “At least he is properly dressed out.”

        Damn straight! My duds (cowboys call ‘em duds) were based entirely on what Joe Pickett of the C.J. Box Wyoming-set novels wears: Ariat boots (used from eBay), Cinch jeans, Stetson Half-dome wool hat, Wrangler canvas shirt, and Golden Stag cowhide gloves. Horses don’t respect you if you don’t dress the part (and some don’t respect you even if you do!).

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