Friday: Hili dialogue (and Leon monologue)

January 18, 2019 • 6:30 am

It’s Friday, January 18, and today I take the red-eye flight back to Chicago, arriving at about 5:30 a.m. I haven’t taken a red-eye in ages, but I guess I can try to sleep. (United has some “free entertainment” if you connect your computer (there are no seat-back video screens), but it didn’t work for me last time. And of course there’s no food as it’s an intra-U.S. flight. Cheapskates!

Foodimentary says that it’s National Gourmet Coffee Day, and while I’m a fan of good coffee, I despise the “gourmet” coffee drinks like Caramel Mocha Peppermint Frappucinos, which are not really coffee but liquid candy for adults. To each their own. It’s also the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, but that hasn’t worked in the past and won’t work this time.

On January 18, 1535, the city of Lima, the capital of Peru was founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro. But if you go to this link, you see these statements:

The history of Lima, the capital of Peru, began with its foundation by Francisco Pizarro on January 6, 1535.


Gabriel Moreira Romaní thus founded the city of Lima in Peru’s central coast on 18 January 1535.

At least one of these statements, and/or the statement that appears on the January 18 Wikipedia entry, is wrong.

On this day in 1778, James Cook became the first European to discover the Hawaiian islands, then named the “Sandwich Islands.” He was killed in Hawaii in 1779.  On January 18, 1884, according to Wikipedia’s bizarre entry, “Dr. William Price attempts to cremate the body of his infant son, Jesus Christ Price, setting a legal precedent for cremation in the United Kingdom.” Price, a Welshman, was an interesting character in many ways. He adopted the Druid “religion” for many years; here he is onstage in 1884 wearing Druidic attire (photo from Wikipedia). At the time he cremated his infant son, cremation was illegal in England, but his action helped change the law.

On January 18, 1943, the first uprising of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto began, though I also find this on Wikipedia: “The uprising started on 19 April when the ghetto refused to surrender to the police commander SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop, who then ordered the burning of the ghetto, block by block, ending on 16 May. A total of 13,000 Jews died, about half of them burnt alive or suffocated. German casualties were probably less than 150, with Stroop reporting only 16 killed. Nevertheless, it was the largest single revolt by Jews during World War II.” Apparently the armed resistance started in January.

Here’s a Wikipedia photo of Stroop with the caption “Jürgen Stroop (center, in a field cap) with his men in the burning of Warsaw Ghetto, 1943.  Showing no remorse, Stroop was hanged in Warsaw in 1952.  

On this day in 1977, after Legionnaire’s disease killed 29 people attending a convention in Philadelphia, the causal agent was identified: the bacterium Legionella pneumophilia. Finally, on January 18, 1983, the International Olympic Committee restored Jim Thorpe’s Olympic medals, giving them to his family. (Thorpe won the pentathalon and decathalon medals in the 1912 Olympics, but was then disqualified when it was found that he’d played semi-professional baseball.)

Notables born on this day include Daniel Webster (1782), Paul Ehrenfest (1880), A. A. Milne (1882), Oliver Hardy (1892), Cary Grant (1904, real name Archibald Leach), Danny Kaye (1911, real name David Daniel Kaminsky), Bobby Goldsboro and David Ruffin (both 1941),

Those who died on this day include John Tyler (1862), Rudyard Kipling (1936), Curly Howard (1952), Cecil Beaton (1980), Bruce Chatwin (1989), and Glenn Frey (2016).

Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili has a question.

Hili: I have some doubts.
A: What about?
Hili: Whether there is a place in the world that is still normal.

In Polish:

Hili: Mam wątpliwości.
Ja: Na jaki temat?
Hili: Czy gdzieś świat jest jeszcze normalny?

Leon is about ready to go hiking in the snow.

Leon: To go or not to go?
In Polish: Iść czy nie iść?

And Pi and I talk story for the last time. I’ll miss this grumpy-looking but really sweet cat, who has taken to sleeping on my daypack and in my duffel bag:

Jerry: Pi, what are you doing in my duffel?
Pi:  Take me to Chicago with you, bruddah!

A tweet from reader Gravelinspector. Owl vs. cat; guess who wins?

A tweet from Grania: woman accuses radio announcer of “white privilege,” but he’s not white:

Working as an expert witness for the defense some years ago convinced me that much of forensic science isn’t really “science,” as they don’t do blind tests on matching samples. This supports my conclusion:

The delightful Shappi Khorsandi (ex-president of the British Humanists) is judged by her cat:

Grania says this is a “bad cat,” but I don’t know why:

The Catholic Church can sometimes be gruesome with its reliquary obsessions:

Tweets from Matthew. I’m not sure what this first one is about (readers?), but Matthew says it’s “Post-Brexit entertainment.”

There’s a phoretic mite on this ant. Can you spot it?

Have a look at the link if you want to get worried about the effects of global warming, largely cryptic in this case:

After ten years, a rare bachelor frog, thought to be the last of his kind, has found a potential mate. Sadly, this didn’t work with George, a Hawaiian tree snail who expired in captivity this week, terminating his species.


83 thoughts on “Friday: Hili dialogue (and Leon monologue)

      1. That is really a BIG Great White, if you see that, are these loonies not forgiven for thinking that the ‘Megalodon’ still exists?
        Note that on the photo the diver is quite a bit more distant from the camera than the Great White, but still an impressive one, the beast is huge… 6-7 m?

        1. In some of the other pics the diver is apparently right next to the shark, even touching it, and the size difference is still amazing.

          1. Yes it is amazing, albeit not as big a difference as suggested by the sample pic. As said, it is a BIG Great White indeed, no argument.

      2. Looking at the belly, it is a very pregnant female. Womb full of mini-sharks cannibalising each other and any unfertilised eggs.
        Are there species that continue releasing unfertilised eggs to feed their young while they grow in utero? I recall that there are frogs with that sort of behaviour, for tadpoles in things like bromeliad-ponds, but I’m not sure about in-utero.

    1. I did email the boss to see if he fancied some last minute snorkelling. I am guessing the answer was no, in some form or other 😀

  1. The “post Brexit” entertainment is from Nationwide, a current affairs and magazine show that ran in the 1970’s. I remember watching that segment live when I was a child. If the caption is correct, I would have been seven or eight.

    Matthew either means this is the quality of entertainment we have to look forward to, or there was a previous item in which a man tried to sit on an egg and it’s post breggsit entertainment.

    1. Is that Sue Lawley presenting? I see that the map behind her has Britain and Ireland but seems to have cut off France – there must have been fog in the channel

      1. Certainly is a young Ms Lawley. Like Jeremy, I can clearly remember this man and his antics – he was always not quite as billed: he more jumped over the egg/nose and pushed it with his feet… certainly took skill, but he couldn’t jump onto an egg without breaking it.

        Nationwide regularly featured people with eccentric talents, just like this man, who appeared in 1974.

        Mr Duncan has been offered a one-hour special on BBC local radio – and can finally realise his “ultimate ambition” to broadcast to the rest of Stevenage.

        After 44 years he did get to realise his dream.

        1. While we are on the subject of what passed for Entertainment in 1970s GB ,anyone remember Bob Blackman ?
          He used to bash himself over the head with a tin tray while singing “Mule Train “.

      1. That’s not Nationwide, it’s Panorama. Nationwide did do their own April Fools hoaxes though. The only one I remember was about a genetic engineering lab doing unethical experiments. It ended with “covert” footage of a Tyranosaur wandering around the grounds of the lab.

  2. Is the Jan 6th/Jan 19th date for Lima a Julian vs Gregorian calendar thing? In 1535 they were still on the old calendar and the difference is about right. Of course, that does nothing to explain the two different people.

    1. You are probably right.
      It is never clear to me whether old dates from the Julian calendar are translated into Gregorian dates when they are mentioned today. Even more confusing are dates from protestant countries that where still using the Julian calendar long time after the catholic ones had switched to the Gregorian. Like Cervantes and Shakespeare dying on the same date but actually 10 days apart.

      1. Like Cervantes and Shakespeare dying on the same date but actually 10 days apart.

        Bloody thesps, hogging the limelight, dragging out the death scene.

        Reminds me – I need to dig out that David Mitchell sitcom set in Shakespearean England. I missed it first time(s) around but accidentally tripped over a bit of it recently and it’s actually pretty good.

    2. I spent a headache-inducing hour trying to write code for calculating Julian dates from Gregorian ones. “Fun”, in a “it’s fun when you stop” sense.
      Why did I just make a backup of that code?

  3. Were I a superstitious sort, I should think that naming these last two frogs in Bolivia “Romeo” and “Juliet” does not bode well for a happy ending.

    1. Regardless of human naming, a single pair, how can that possibly end well? Talk about bottlenecks.
      The only positive is that they did find ‘Juliet’, so maybe there are still a few more around? Clutching at straws of course.

  4. More recent history teaches us more of the past. Evidence of the Holocaust was presented to Roosevelt in 1942. By June of 1944 the Germans had removed more than half of Hungary’s 750,000 Jews and some Jewish leaders were asking the Allies to bomb railways and Auschwitz. At the Pentagon, Stimson consulted John McCloy who later insisted, for decades he never talked to Roosevelt about the option of bombing the railroads and the death camps. In 1986 McCoy admitted he had raised the issue with Roosevelt. Roosevelt became irate and said that bombing Auschwitz wouldn’t have done any good. He thought we would be accused of participating in the horrible business.

      1. Errm, no, not a third. As I read somewhere, they only had enough material at the time for two bombs, Little Boy (uranium) and Fat Man (plutonium).

        Stimson allegedly kept Kyoto off the target list. Lucky Kyoto, tough luck Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


        1. Wasn’t Nagasaki a back-up target that got hit because the weather at the primary target wasn’t good enough to film the detonation?

    1. There is some difference between bombing and destroying railroads and bombing a camp full of deportees, I’d think.
      The German war effort was -I read somewhere, can’t remember where-, hampered by the priority given to the deportation of jews, given priority over direly needed military transport. Anybody with more on that?

    2. For those interested in what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto, an indispensable resource is “The Destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto” by Emmanuel Ringleblum, published by Schocken. Google Books says: “Through anecdotes, stories and notations, which Emanuel Ringelblum intended to expand after the liberation of Warsaw, there emerges the agonising, eyewitness accounts of human beings caught in senseless, unrelenting brutality. It is a terrifying account, bitter, compelling and often unbelievable.”

      Ringleblum, historian and social worker, wasn’t just an eyewitness, he lived through it. How he managed to collect and conceal his notes, documents, and artifacts is a story in itself. Many things never recovered.

    3. I think Roosevelt was right. Bombing at the time was hugely inaccurate, the raids where a single small target was hit were justly celebrated but were exceptions. Any significant raid on Auschwitz would have killed hundreds or thousands of Jews. With American bombs. Just imagine the ‘optics’ today.


      1. Bombing the nearest railway junction, from where the trains turned towards Auschwitz would have been on the cards. A two-pronged attack upstream and downstream, in the event that the main line ran very close to the camps would also be an option, which would at least hamper operations.

        1. Not for long though. Doesn’t take long to relay a hundred yards of railway track.

          Bridges and viaducts (and tunnels) are about the only railway facilities that take months to repair, which is why they were obvious targets for many reasons, but they are extremely hard to hit with bombs. Also, the number of crews / aircraft / bombs capable of bringing down a bridge was extremely limited (I’m thinking of ‘Tallboys’ here) and needed for many other targets such as U-boat pens.

          And Auschwitz is 800 miles from England, in a militarily unimportant area (I think), and the bombers would have to fly right across Germany and half of Poland to get there. Losses would be high. The Ruhr, by contrast, is 350 miles. Berlin and Peenemunde are 500.

          Also, a prison camp is very easily repaired or relocated. Probably the easiest installation of all to construct, there’s nothing high-tech about it. Barbed wire and tents will do. So even leaving aside the tricky question of killing the inmates, the return on expenditure of bomber crews’ lives is minimal.


  5. According to >a href=””>a report in Buzzfeed, Donald Trump directed his personal attorney/fixer Michael Cohen to lie in his testimony to congress regarding the proposed Trump Tower in Moscow.

    In my line, that’s whatcha call “subornation of perjury” — a “high crime” in anybody’s book (especially if that book contains the “Impeachment Clause” of Article 2, Section 4 of the United States constitution).

    Whoa if true!

      1. Can’t wait for his testimony next month in congress. Should be a real barn burner. This lying to congress on this specific issue is very likely also on tap for Trump Jr. and other family members. I guess it is okay to pardon for perjury to congress? Especially if you are the one who told them to lie.

          1. I understand she may be throwing her hat into the ring as well. She is so much smarter than the guy she is questioning it is ridiculous. I would say she covered it every way you could

            I watched some of the testimony the other day and have to say, this guy is pure politics and very outdated. He could probably do Nixon some good.

        1. He’s going to need a whole lot more than just his say-so. Unless he has independent proof of his allegations, his testimony should be taken with a yooge grain of salt. Cohen, like the guy he’s trying to bury now, is a snake (apologies to my fellow Squamata Americans). No one should expect that any Trump intimate, especially one who once claimed he’d take a bullet for Trump, would be bear any stain of personal or professional ethics.

          1. Buzz Feed has much more than just Cohen on this report. There are documents and other things that are also in the hands of Mueller. These journalist are not stupid. They do not put out stories such as this just on one person’s info. In other words, this is real journalism.

          2. I hope so because, if I am not mistaken, this is pure obstruction and is as plain an impeachable offense as one can get. The path forward would be clear.

            But it can’t rely on Cohen.

          3. “I did not have commercial relations with that Tower, Trump Moscow.

            “And I never told anybody to lie, not a single time. Never.”

    1. I’m going out on a limb here by predicting, even if this is true, the GOP give him a pass on it. Their arguments will be (a) it is not collusion that interests them as it only involves Trump’s business, (b) Trump stopped the Moscow Tower deal before the election so there was no need for anyone to know about it, and (c) it isn’t what the Special Counsel was commissioned to explore. I’m not saying I buy these excuses, of course.

      1. I wouldn’t say you’re going out on a limb at all in predicting the GOP will give him a pass on this. The current GOP is as easy to predict as tonight’s dusk. Nixon’s GOP didn’t look the other way when it was shown he asked others to lie for him under oath, but Trump’s GOP will keep their heads in the sand…or up their asses, which is a better visual.

        Either way, look the other way all you want GOP. You’re going to be toast in just under two years. 57% of registered voters are already in the “never Trump” camp, and it’s only going to get worse. The blue wave that hit will hit again, and harder next time. I don’t care how many troll farms Russia has, or gerrymandering and other forms of voter suppression; these are disapproval majorities that can’t be overcome. And the House hasn’t even started yet. It’s hard to believe it will get worse than this, but it will, and the shutdown is causing the GOP extra damage. They’re screwed.

        1. I agree. I was actually being a bit sarcastic about the limb.

          Partly because Trump will fight impeachment harder than Nixon, I believe that throwing him out at the next election may be the best thing anyway. If impeachment failed, it would fire him and his base up. If it succeeded, some other GOP candidate would run in 2020 that might have a chance, especially if GOP voters were motivated by revenge. Impeachment wouldn’t come before his term was almost over anyway. The only thing wrong with NOT impeaching Trump, besides the lack of satisfaction, is that he would have more time to damage our country.

          1. he would have more time to damage our country.

            Not to mention the world and the entire human race.

      2. Trump’s support among Republicans is showing the first signs of cracking, according to the most recent polls. And as goes that support, so goes the support of Republican senators. Those Republican senators — 22 of whom are up for reelection in 2020 — have no personal or party loyalty to Trump. Once they think they can turn on Trump with political impunity, they will do so with an alacrity that will make Trump’s head spin.

        Congressional Republicans will not tie their fate to his, if Trump’s poll numbers continue to tank. It may be more electorally expedient for them to dump him in favor of a Pence, rather than to run with him at the top of their ticket. And the only safe way to accomplish that may be to impeach him, or to convince him to resign. (If they simply refuse to nominate as their candidate for a second term, he could ruin them by running as a third-party candidate.)

        As the flood waters rise, the battle between the Republicans who wish to live to fight another day and Trump’s hardcore, white-nationalist base — the deplorables who wouldn’t care if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight — may yet tear the GOP apart.

        1. Trump’s poll numbers with GOP voters would have to change a lot for it to counter the fear of Trump throwing in with a congressman’s competitor. While a Trump-loving Senator may lose their next election, sticking with Trump is still their best option — for the moment anyway.

    2. I read that a spokesman for Mr Mueller stated that the Buzzfeed report was ‘inaccurate’.
      A polite way of saying ‘fake’, I guess.

  6. Although little remembered today, John Tyler was a consequential president regarding territorial issues that led up to the Civil War. He was the vice president of William Henry Harrison and assumed the presidency in 1841 when Harrison died after just about a month in office.

    There are at least two interesting factoids after Tyler. The first is that although being born in 1790, as of February 2017, Tyler had two living grandsons! This article explains:

    The second is that I refer to Tyler as the “traitor president.” From Virginia, he supported secession and actually served in the Confederate congress to his death. Apparently, treason did not disqualify him from the U.S. government issuing a stamp in his honor in 1938. Only in America! This Wikipedia article has an image of the stamp.

    1. To be fair, most Confederates were not considered traitors. The entire Confederate army was declared to be veterans after the war (I forget exactly when, but as I recall it wasn’t long after). The Union simply couldn’t hang all the folks who took up arms for or served in the government of the Confederacy. First, it would have nearly depopulated the South, and second, there would have been a second war and the nation was already sick of the whole business.

    2. Rarely is the exhortation heard “bring back the Whig Party!” 🙂

      Tyler may soon be supplanted as “the traitor president” — as may the name “Benedict Arnold” as synecdoche for American treason.

      There’s a new contender in town.

      1. The “new contender” may turn out to be worse than Tyler. At least the latter was out of office when he committed treason.

      2. Trump makes Arnold look like a toad. All he was going to do is give the British the keys to West Point. Trump is working to give Putin the keys to Europe and anything else he wants.

    3. The first is that although being born in 1790, as of February 2017, Tyler had two living grandsons!

      That is an astonishing fact! Thank you so much for posting it, I am going off now to read the link you provided.

      It isn’t just PCCe who provides education to the commentariat. 😀

        1. In some history lectures – about Herodotus, I think – the concept of “3-generation reach-back” was introduced. That a historian in an oral tradition can realistically hope to get useful information from someone who talked to someone who talked to an eye-witness.
          These are relevant examples.

      1. I had a similar reaction when watching a video of Bertrand Russell, who talked about his grandfather who remembered the French revolution. I pieced together: someone who died just *6* years before I was born knew someone who remembered the *18th* century!!

  7. Did Dr. Price kill a Prowling Demon for that titanite catch pole in his hand?

    I’m guessing nobody will get this. Maybe someone will, if Grania shows up.

    1. This is a gaming reference, right? I felt the whoosh as it went over my head 😕

      I had to look up Titanite:

      Titanite can also be used as a U-Pb geochronometer, specifically in metamorphic terranes.

      So it has uses in proving bishop Usher wrong, which is nice 😀

  8. Legionella pneumophilia is still claiming victims. Last year my brother was infected and was in a very bad condition for several days in the hospital. Fortunately he recovered. Earlier 2 people in a neighboring city died of the disease.
    I asked him where he might have picked it up and, though it is not know for sure, he suspects it came from cleaning out a waterbed. The stale water inside the bed was forced out creating a mist which he must have inhaled.

    1. Indeed, it’s still killing people. Amongst other things, it’s the reason that hot water systems in buildings (in the UK, if not Europe) are set to a scaldingly hot temperature. If they’re run for any appreciable length of time (a shower or a bath), the pipes should heat up to the point of killing Legionella.
      when the recommendations were changed, we had several people complaining of minor injuries because of it. When the union complained, we got the technical recommendation report, which Muggins here had to turn into a recommendation for action – which was to explain why the change, but carry on with it.
      Some times you’ve got to balance risks against each other.

      1. Sounds like a decent trade off. Maybe inserting cooling fins or coils just under the output would prevent scalding. Or some kind of automated hot/cold blender.

  9. It’s also the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, but that hasn’t worked in the past and won’t work this time.

    True ‘dat. Still, you’ve got to admit it would be amusing to watch Fred Phelps, William Lane Craig, David Bentley Hart, and the pope discuss it together. Especially since none of the four would think that any of the others were even christians!

  10. Jürgen Stroop never showed any remorse for his crimes.
    He was condemned to death by a US military court for murdering 9 US prisoners of war, but was extradited to the Poland, where he was also condemned to death and hanged in 1952.

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