Readers’ wildlife photos

August 26, 2018 • 7:30 am

Today we finish “the life of sunflowers,” a series of photos by reader Rik Gern (you can see part 1 here and part 2 here). The sunflower’s life is now drawing to a peaceful close. At the end Rik has put four whimsical photos.

Here are some fun sunflower photos. Rik says this:



16 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

    1. Great stuff! So, are those “variations” the original images, warped using some kind of software? Or are they paintings/drawings inspired by the original photos?

      1. The variations are distortions of original photos using Photoshop PS6. I actually started making the crazy images first and came into an interest in photography thru that. I started by playing at random with images I’d find, but as I started sharing these images it seemed like a good idea to start with my own source material instead of “borrowing” from the internet. (One of the first series of images I played with several years ago was one of Professor Coyne’s Chicago skyline pictures!)

        1. I did download a picture of an eagle from the internet, then “traced” the eyes with part of the original image that had similar colors and/or shapes and molded it using the liquify function. That way I was able to copy a shape but keep the textures and colors from the my picture.

    1. Those variations stem from playing “what if”–just dropping the image in photoshop,saying “what if I try this”, “what if I try that”, doing all sorts of distortions and strange things, saving a bunch of them and then playing with the ones that look interesting. Over time, I’ve notice that I can get interesting results by doing a lot of bending, folding and liquifying and then saving the different results as different layers. You end up with a common “architecture” and textures that you can start combining and re-combining. Once you’ve got shapes and textures you like, you can start playing with color, light and all sorts of other stuff. It’s largely trial-and-error.

  1. Absolutely wonderful pictures. Years ago I developed a sunflower from a commercial variety and rather quickly had a sunflower which closely resembled the variety grown by a Native American tribe whose gardening strategies I have been studying for 40 years. This droughty year has not been kind to corn, beans, and squash. but the sunflowers have been gorgeous and, except for the heads chosen for seed (and soon) the crop will be consumed by the gold finches. All of mine have flower-heads growing from almost every leaf axil except for the one large one the size of a dinner plate. The Indians made an almost granola like product with the seeds from the large heads and, after a frost, used the seeds from the smaller heads for oil.

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