Trump gets even more insane

August 22, 2018 • 2:30 pm

Have a look at these two tweets. I don’t need to comment.


134 thoughts on “Trump gets even more insane

  1. Sorry Jerry I don’t see how these tweets show lunacy. The first one is just true. Manafort’s conviction is a direct result of the Mueller “witch hunt”.that was supposed to be finding evidence of Russian collusion. Check out Alan Dershowitz and his take on all the legal problems with this whole thing. The rule of law should apply to everyone.. Even Trump.

    1. Sorry, Dib, but I don’t think you understand, nor are you particularly civil here. The first comment ignores Manafort’s conviction on eight counts, by a jury that deliberated FOUR DAYS. That’s why it’s crazy. The convictions so far have fallen out from Mueller’s investigations, so don’t go pretending that it’s a “witch hunt”. The second tweet is funny because Cohen WAS Trump’s lawyer.

      If you think the rule of law hasn’t applied to Manafort, Cohen, or won’t apply to Trump in the future, you’re badly mistaken. At any rate, don’t barge onto this site with the usual internet rudeness and brashness.

      1. I fail to see how my comment was not civil? I didn’t use any brash language and I don’t think I was particularly rude. I appreciate everything you have done for the field of Evolution and was just looking for a civil discussion. Hence my suggestion for looking into Dershowitz as he gives logical and pragmatic ways at looking at Trump. Apologies if I offended anyone.

      2. I think Dib has a point here. Let’s look at the second tweet first. Yes, that is why the second tweet is funny. Trump made a joke, you found the joke funny. I don’t see why that shows Trump is insane.

        As for the first I do think Dib is misreading it. I think in the first tweet that Trump is pointing out, correctly, that more charges did not end in a conviction. He cites that to bolster his claim that Mueller is on a witch hunt. Witch hunt is an implied conclusion there I suggest. After all, if there had been 800 or 900 charges that would look dodgy wouldn’t it? It’s not a good point point in his favor though, since almost half is actually a lot. So the tweet is dumb, but dumb is not insane.

        1. I agree that I may have misread the tweet. My main point though is that were there no “Russian collusion” investigation Manafort most likely would have never been charged with any crimes. I’m not saying that he isn’t guilty of the charges, however I do suspect that Trump feels Manafort is completely innocent. But without seeing the evidence we have to take the jury verdict at face value.

        2. When you can’t actually defend any of the stuff he says I guess the best you can hope for is to downgrade it from ‘insane’ to ‘dumb’:

          ‘To be fair to the president he’s not mentally ill, he’s just ruinously stupid’.

          That’s not much of a sticking point imo, and besides, the line between the two is getting thinner with every tweet.

      3. Does Dib have a track record here? The “sorry jerry” can be interpreted as condescending or antagonistic in tone, but not strictly necessarily. Otherwise it is simple disagreement.

        As to insanity, while I think these are despicable tweets, they are clearly calculated fodder for his base.

        The first tweet is clearly calculated spin — he came up with a technically true statement which is effectively a lie by omission, but will will play extremely well with his base.

        The second tweet is trump disavowing Cohen, implying (within larger context) that he was deceived/betrayed. Again, this is calculated for Trump’s base, who will ignore Trump’s apparently lack of judgment in hiring such a “bad” lawyer.

        So again, I find the tweets disgusting and propaganda-ish, but not “insane”… he’s tweeted many things that I would say sound crazy… these sound calculated.

        1. I follow Jerry more on YouTube and Twitter and I meant the Sorry Jerry comment to convey my respect for his views on almost every other topic. I should have said “Sorry Jerry, while I normally agree with you I have to respectfully disagree here”.

          No one can argue with any real conviction that Trump is a nice guy. He does say crazy things BUT for the most part his policies have had a new positive effect on America and like it or not we are stuck with him until at least 2020 and if the Dems keep up with the absolute hysteria surrounding anything Trump related he will win again in 2020.

          1. So what, exactly, is the “new positive effect” that Trump’s policies have had on America? Polarizing the Supreme Court? Ruining environmental regulations? Imposing useless and injurious tariffs? Alienating all our allies while sucking up to dictators like Kim Jong-un?

            I am all ears.

          2. “He does say crazy things BUT for the most part his policies have had a new positive effect on America”

            Policies? What “policies”? To paraphrase Capt. Willard I don’t see any policies at all. I see Trump careening around according to whatever serves his immediate interests, either financial or whatever will let him claim a “win,” or what’s necessary to keep pacified his white-nationalist base.

      4. I am a little surprised at your reaction here. I almost – almost – saw a leftard attitude, attacking someone who showed disagreement, but a polite one !


    2. Mueller is obliged to follow anything suspicious that falls out of his investigation. That’s not a witch hunt, that’s the law.

      1. ^This. All accusations of witch hunt are discredited by this one fact. Witches don’t exist. Liars, frauds, cheats and traitors do and unmasking them is never hunting witches.

        1. Witch hunts are real, just as much as snipe hunts* are, even though snipes don’t exist. Unless you count adherents of Wicca, there are people who believ in witches of folklore, just as they believe in demons, angels and deities.

          Don’t forget snark hunts – and hope you don’t meet a boojum.

        2. Meanwhile Hillary’s two scandals were vigorously investigated by Republicans for a collective total of six years and they came up with bupkis. Didn’t even accidentally stumble across anything they could use to charge anyone with a single real crime.

          1. We will never know what Hillary deleted from here home email server, just like well never know what criminal actives Trump conspired with Manafort and Cohen UNLESS Mueller can corner them into plea bargaining. It is fair legal practice, and if Trump did nothing highly ilegal, like conspiring with foreigners to tip the election in his favor, he has little to fear.

          2. We actually can know if and what was deleted on an email server, especially that poorly managed one. What we won’t know is what email was intercepted given there was no encryption between the server and her BlackBerry.

          3. True ,but what is it about HRC that makes her such a subject of so much hate ,it started when Bill was POTUS and hasn’t stopped since .

            And i think it is starting to extend to her daughter .
            I think she would have made a good POTUS ,maybe if she had had Bernie Sanders as her running mate she might have won .

    3. You simply have no idea of the facts. This trial was not about Trump or the Russian connections. It was specifically about Manafort and bank fraud and tax fraud and more. His next trail coming next month will get into that thing you call a witch hunt. Watching a lot of fox news, maybe? Also, if you are getting your law from Dershowitz, good luck with that.

      1. I understand what the trial was about. I was merely stating that the pretense for Mueller’s investigation was/is a witch hunt. The fact is that Trump will not be impeached, he will not be charged with any crimes. Facts vs. Feelings is all I’m arguing. And Dershowitz is one of the most well regarded and respected lawyers in the country. Just because he defends the rule of law equally shouldn’t be demonized.

        1. As I suspected, way too much Fox news. You need to get out more. The only “witch hunt” is the one Trump and fox news has you on. Mueller is a top grade prosecutor and a veteran and war hero. What the hell is Trump besides a crook who belongs to Putin and the Russian mob. They own him and they are the only reason this guy is what he is – a corrupt cook. Wake up and look at the facts. He will not last until the 2020 election. You can stick a fork in it. If you go by Dershowitz no one would go to jail for anything. He is a classroom lawyer and would not make it in the courtroom at all. All theory and BS.

        2. Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems like you are arguing that Manafort should not have been prosecuted because his crimes were not directly related to getting Trump impeached.

    4. This was not even the worst part, Cohen’s Confession was – with a spoonful of Trump – devastating.

      Cohen claims Trump – as we know from tapes – instigated the election money crime. And Trump is on record for covering up his crime. Giuliani’s only defense was that the court looking for Cohen’s crimes did not indict Trump (yet).

      And that was not even part of Mueller’s crime investigation. The only “witch hunt” the informed public see is Trump accusing Clinton, including accusations that has been leveled against himself. The man is a marauding moron.

    5. How is this an example of the rule of law not applying to everyone? Manafort received a fair trial and was found guilty on eight counts. The “witch hunt” angle is Trump fantasy. If Trump ends up being indicted, the rule of law will have been followed, which is a lot more than Trump would allow if he is allowed to advance in his desire for autocracy.

      1. “How is this an example of the rule of law not applying to everyone?”

        It’s not. The OP was absurd.

    6. “Check out Alan Dershowitz and his take on all the legal problems with this whole thing.”

      I can’t describe the amount of respect I have for Dershowitz’ “take” on legal issues, ever since he help defend the innocence of O.J.

    7. Manafort’s got a helluva lot more to do with Russia than a blowy in The Oval had to do with Whitewater.

    8. Insane
      in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
      “certifying patients as clinically insane”
      synonyms: mentally ill, mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable; More
      shocking; outrageous.
      “they were making insane amounts of money”

      I think Trump fits both.

      1. “That he’s mad, ’tis true, ’tis true ’tis pity, And pity ’tis, ’tis true – a foolish figure”

        1. Wow, I just went with “method to his madness” below. As the ghost of the dead king did Elsinore, the words of Polonius haunt this thread. 🙂

          1. Yeah, there were no Russians drinking tea or wiping down door knobs in Hamlet.

    9. At a minimum Trump’s first comment shows ignorance of how the legal system works, as the conviction on 8 counts would put this 69-year old away for 30 years. Conviction on the others would, yes, add years, but practically speaking they’d add nothing as he already has what is essentially a life sentence.

    10. These Special Counsil investigations often wander into investigating other topics, well beyond their original goal. This is not really that unusual.

    11. Rosensteins instructions to Mueller were quite broad. This is just the first trial of Manafort. The next one will be interesting with links to Russia. Hence I believe Trump will pardon before it starts so that it is not going on before midterms. Just my guess.

  2. Yes, it’s easy to see what a genius this guy really is. He also told someone on the news that the money paid to the women was not campaign money so it was all good. Since the money came out of his pocket it was all legal. You have to wonder what his lawyers are doing that allows this kind of stupid. And although convicted on 8 counts of fraud Manafort is a good guy and got a raw deal. Of course, if he flips like Cohen, he is a rat.

    1. “You have to wonder what his lawyers are doing that allows this kind of stupid.” Weren’t some of them sealing from each other? It is getting very hard to keep track.

    2. “You have to wonder what his lawyers are doing that allows this kind of stupid.”

      I wonder what melania’s lawyers are thinking of that show. A divorce can be costly, Donnie should know.

      1. So are you thinking Melanie will divorce now instead of after his term, however long, since Trump is a rapidly devaluing market commodity?

        That would be a new plot twist!

          1. Yes, they used “chain migration”. One of the immigration methods Trump wants to abolish. The hypocrisy has no bounds.

          2. They just got US citizenship. Apparently, they’ve lived in the US for some years, at least 5, probably more, on green cards, and one must live here on a green card for at least 5 years before one can apply for citizenship. There has been speculation that Melania sponsored them and if so, they benefitted from “chain migration” or “family reunification” when they got their green cards. Trump rails against chain migration.

          3. It’s as old as the hills – complain about behavior of others all the while engaging in it yourself. Entire societies are built on such hypocrisy.

          4. There are questions about the legality of Melania’s immigration status originally. And of course what she was really doing for a living.

    3. “You have to wonder what his lawyers are doing that allows this kind of stupid.”

      Trump does not follow legal advice (nor — and I know this will come as a shock to everyone — is he forthright in communications with his lawyers). That, and his parsimony paying legal fees, is why he’s been unable to assemble a first-rate legal team.

      The two guys he’s got fronting his outside legal operation — Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow — aren’t functioning as lawyers at all, but as public-relations mouthpieces.

      1. Yes, and Rudy is more of a clown attorney. I am confident the piles of evidence that Mueller will be putting together, and eventually finding it’s way to congress will put Trump away. The proof or evidence of his direct involvement with the Russian hacking and all the work done on internet platforms to assist the Trump campaign. Just the line up of already guilty that are working with the prosecutor will provide most of the evidence. These campaign finance violations are just for starters compared to what is coming.

  3. Well, we all know Trump is not consistent with his message, his policies, his thoughts, his staff, or his actions. But at least he is consistent with one thing. If you work for him, you’re great. If you don’t work for him, you’re a loser. Qualifications, knowledge, or performance be damned.

      1. Haha I thought the same except Saul Goodman, though ethically questionable, is actually a skilled lawyer.

      2. You called…

        BTW, if the president is reading this I’d be very eager to represent him in any upcoming trial. I actually work as a lumberjack by day but I’d be willing to represent the president in the evenings. I have no qualifications in ANY of the relevant fields and I am VERY lazy. I also hate the president and think he’s a cretin who should be removed from office as soon as possible.

        Given the quality of mr Trump’s past decision-making I expect a phone call sometime in the next 24 hours.

        1. “I’d be willing to represent the president in the evenings.”

          Say, I thought you lumberjacks slept all night and worked all day. You know, cut down trees, eat your lunch, go to the lavatory. (And never mind about pressing wild flowers, putting on women’s clothing, and hanging around in bars.) 🙂

    1. Also the bit where he lists all the ways he is better than the “elites”: more money, nicer (and many) houses, better education, smarter. As he was saying all this, I was watching some of the people behind him smiling and nodding their heads. Honestly, I almost lost my lunch. I don’t know who is crazier, Trump or his followers.

      1. The whole world is currently paying for *that*. (I could not stomach whatever it currently is.) And I just learned that Trump does not understand trade and tariffs (see John Oliver), so that fits.

        For the love of the world, make it stop!

        1. Also, I never thought I would look forward to China taking the helm as the top power of the world. But it is better with a stable autocrat regime than an unstable one.

      1. LOL! What did the Cheeto actually say about turkeys and chickens? Hope he didn’t implicate poor Megyn K.

          1. Brilliant! As with all good jokes, I’m going to steal that one and and pass it off as my own.

  4. When Drumpf is indicted for a crime that reaches the “high crimes” threshhold (and that point is rapidly approaching)I predict he’ll resign saying the “witch hunt” drove him nut causing him lost time and effort.

    Then, boyz and grls, get prepared for the PRPF (Pence Religious Police Force). Think Drumpf’s insane? Na, that taint wipe is nothing but a boy scout next to his zombie-eyed VP. Get ready for some real insanity when that jerkoff gets behind the wheel.

    1. My guess is, Mueller doesn’t indict Trump. I think his reports go to his boss and on to the Congress for their action (impeachment). I think he will wait until the election is past and the house is in Democrat’s hands. However, if Trump goes nuts and tries to kill the investigation prior to this, all bets are off. Cohen’s information on Trump should have no trouble getting impeachment but we will see…

      1. Yes, Mueller’s report goes to the Deputy AG which will read: more than sufficient evidence exists that Mr. Taint Wipe committed a felony by doing x,y, and/or z. The DAG will then forward the report on to the House for impeachment proceedings.

        What are they gonna do with the evidence presented, say the report was the finalization of a “witch hunt?”

        1. And the witches are all those folks who have already pleaded and are working with the prosecutor. All of the actual collusion with the Russians, the hacking and on and on will be there. The hold out republicans will have no choice, once it is all laid out.

  5. Trump sent a tweet today praising Paul Manafort for not “break[ing]” by cooperating against him, and sent one a couple days ago accusing Michael Cohen of being a John Dean-style “RAT.”

    Chrissake, Richard Nixon at least knew better than to praise G. Gordon Liddy for not snitching. And even half-smart mob bosses know enough to pretend to be innocent in public by acting like potential witnesses’ testimony couldn’t hurt them.

    Trump is as bad at crime as he is at being president.

    1. Trump may be bad a crime, but from his point of view it doesn’t matter. There is no sheriff that will arrest him. Mueller won’t indict him and the Republican congress is his tool. Even if the Democrats take the House in November, the Senate will never convict.

      I wonder if Trump is a fan of the Godfather movies. Don Coreleone is a fine role model.

      1. Trump is more like Don Tattaglia, who was a pimp for the Barzini family. 🙂

        I’m not so sure how secure Trump’s fate is with Republican senators, for the reasons I stated the other day here. Gonna come a time when these politically ambitious men and women will have to decide how far they’re willing to follow Trump into the abyss.

        1. The moment they decide they have more to lose by propping up Trump than there is by dumping him, they’ll drop him like a piece of used toilet paper.

          They know the bastard is just using them, coercing them into defending the indefensible and looking like dummies in the process. They know he has loyalty to nothing and nobody except himself. Once he falls off his perch they’d be only too happy to see him disappear without trace.

          Probably the biggest difficulty facing them is the same one facing the Dems – finding an adequate replacement candidate.


          1. Trump’s using them, but they’re also using him, which is why it’s hard to find any sympathy. And when they do ditch him, I hope very much that it’s too late to save their own skins.

          2. Oh, agreed. Though doubtless they had hoped he would be a more manageable tool.

            I apologise if I gave the impression I had any sympathy for the current Repubs. I can empathise with their predicament, somewhat, but I couldn’t think of a more deserving bunch for it to happen to.


  6. Aaah! trumpisun, when a plane is gaining altitude and goes beyond the clouds, it is still there, maintaining it’s course to it’s destination… do not look so surprised,
    unlike your tweets trumpisun,
    lead balloons,
    as opposed to your hot air,
    squashes those in the basket.

  7. I think there is a method in his apparent madness. Everything he does has the purpose of keeping his cult intact. With that accomplished, he controls the Republican Party because any GOP candidate needs the cult support to get nominated. Trump believes that he if he keeps his 2016 coalition together, he can win again in 2020. I think he is wrong, but his actions are a strategy. His cult does not care what he does in terms of policy, much of which screws them. They do not care about democracy, the judicial process, a free press, or free speech, all of which Trump is trying to destroy. All they care about his that he nurses their grievances, which are rooted in a fear of a country changing demographically that will result in the diminishing of their social status. In short, Trump has been a master in the manipulation of white identity politics and the tribalism at its basis.

    1. That’s the key question with any move Trump makes, isn’t it — how much method is there in his madness?

    2. I think you are the ultimate pessimist. Once all the evidence is presented those useless republicans will be flipping and folding with the best of them. This campaign finance stuff with the payoffs is just for starters. The full collusion will be presented along with the obstruction and that will be it. Those republican leftovers in the Senate will have no choice.

        1. History my friend. How long did Watergate go on and then finally the tapes were turned over and suddenly that was it. Even at the end of Nixon, he still had his 25 percent who would follow him down the rat hole but it did not matter because the republicans in congress flipped. It will happen now, sure as rain. The difference now is the republican party is finished. It is the worthless Trump party and it stands for nothing. Unless standing for Putin and corruption and money laundering and yes, the collusion and obstruction of justice. The republican party is pure garbage with no future. If we who are not this party cannot see it, we see nothing.

          1. Something else I will just throw out as food for thought. There are currently 16 Senators still sitting who were front and center to impeach Bill Clinton for much less several years ago but where are they now? Trump is now an unindicted co-conspirator based on the first step by Cohen. Hey, guess who else was the same – Nixon.

    3. I largely agree but I don’t think Trump does strategy or any real planning, and I don’t think he is a master, at least in a premeditated sense. What he’s been doing is just what he always does, has done. He’s just being his regular old self playing it off the cuff as shit happens. It just so happens that him just being himself, playing it off the cuff, fits perfectly with white identity politics, tribalism and many more of the baser behaviors of human beings. It’s just who he is and he naturally consorts with and surrounds himself with similar people. He is a thug and he is naturally at home with other thugs and those who are impressed by thuggery.

    4. That’s an interesting insight, and it certainly accords with the experience of talking to Trump supporters online.
      Listening to him I’m reminded of queen bees.People who dont understand bees think that the queen is in charge. But she isn’t. The hive makes decisions, up to and including replacing the queen if she doesnt reproduce effectively (e.g. give the other bees what they want). People keep on trying to explain Trump as a “master persuader” or similar but really he’s a master mouthpiece.
      For those of us who dont harbor the grievances you talk about, he’s singularly unconvincing and we look, open-mouthed, at those who are buying the snake oil he’s selling.
      But the snake oil is already flowing through their veins–he’s just keeping it topped up. He’s the pus oozing from the squeezed pimple–not the bad case of acne itself. Folk are going to have to take ownership of that themselves.

  8. Along the lines of Historian’s post, I prefer to think of Trump as a combination of not very bright, dogmatically vindictive toward his enemies, and obsequiously patronizing of his supporters. 90% of what he does can be explained then with no need to refer to his actual policy goals or political viewpoints – which may be tenuous at best. This at least gives a rational framework for his behavior, and makes some it it unsurprising. This vs. just calling him insane (which I agree is still appropriate shorthand description!)

  9. A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case.

    Nobody ever talks about all the people I didn’t kill.

  10. As for Trump’s comment about Michael Cohen, only someone like Donald Trump needs an attorney like Michael Cohen.

    Paul Manfort was found guilty on eight charges. The judge declared a mistrial on ten charges but that is not like a verdict of not guilty. Manafort’s attorneys can ask to have the charges dropped or ask for a new trial. If the Dept of Justice attorneys think they have a strong case I think they can file the charges again and ask for another trial. It may not be worth an additional trial on those ten charges. There is another trial coming shortly that may be more significant.

  11. Hitler came to power in large part, I am convinced, by belligerently seizing on electronically amplified sound to stage his pageants. It was a brilliant strategy but he was nevertheless insane.

    Tr*mp came to power in large part, I am convinced, by belligerently seizing on Tw*tter. What was the quote most recently, in WV? “Coal is indestructible!” Tr*mp is insane.

    1. adolf came to power because of the behind the scene dealings of people like franz von papen ,who should have been hanged at Nuremburg ,and because Germany had a senile old fart as President .
      Apologies to senile old farts everywhere.

  12. Key point: Mueller wasn’t appointed to investigate collusion. Trump loves this narrative, but it isn’t rooted in reality. Mueller is investigating foreign interference in our election as well as any related findings discovered in the investigation. I suspect Trump protests too much in constantly denying charges that aren’t even being directly levied…

  13. The man who sends these tweets HAS UNCHECKED CONTROL OF THE NUCLEAR CODES!! Selah.

    That’s enough to keep me up at night (obvs).

  14. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep last night. Our Commander-in-Chief, the self-described “Hemingway” of the Twitterverse, offered this contribution to the Anglophone literary canon in the middle of the night:


    He’s come undone.

    1. Just to keep you awake, there is now an investigation into the Trump foundation. You know, the one that was suppose to be for charity but wasn’t. The state of NY is looking into that for possible criminal activities and that includes Trump and the kids. Barbara Underwood is the state attorney general as you probably know and she is really good. She is probably the reason that Cohen went down as she got his buddy, the cab king and flipped him. That resulted in Cohen plead guilty and flipping.

  15. In response to Trump’s first tweet, the TEN counts that could not even be decided… today’s news described a juror explaining that one holdout prevented finding Manafort guilty on all 18 counts.

    I don’t find Trump’s tweets above “insane.” But regarding another tweet where he praises Manafort for not “breaking” like Cohen… does it not chill you to the bone that our “President” sounds like a mob boss praising his minions for not rolling over on him to the cops?

  16. My friend just wrote me that if he is fired from his job, the company will go broke and employees of the company will be very poor.

  17. Can someone help me

    I want to keep these hush money payments straight because it seems the media is combining some of them.

    1. The tape Cohen made and whomever released it is about reimbursing the slimy company that bought and buried the story (until they recently put playboy model on the cover of a mens magazine). The payment from Trump and Cohen was never made to the media company because they backed out. Although it appears Trump or a company of Trumps made a grossed up payment to Cohen for services rendered.
    2. The payment Trump said he didn’t know about was to the porn star. No tape has surfaced (yet) of Trump and Cohen discussing.
    3. Does it seem to you the two are being combined in the media…lying about the payment on Air Force 1 but that payment was not the tape payment?
    4. We really don’t have or I haven’t seen details about Stormy’s payment (or maybe I have missed it.

    Does this sound correct?

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