Palestinian “mother of martyrs” gets over $1 million and a big monthly stipend for having six terrorist sons who murdered at least 17 Israelis

July 2, 2018 • 12:00 pm

Imagine, if you will, an Israeli mother who sent her six civilian sons into Palestine to murder Palestinians. They succeed, though one son is killed, and manage to kill at least 17 Palestinians, most of them civilians or policemen and policewomen. The Israeli mother is held up as a hero in her country, though one of her sons is killed and the other four given life sentences. Just recently, a sixth son confessed to the murder of a Palestinian activist, and is also given a life sentence in Palestine.

The Israeli government gives big bucks to the mother as a reward and as an incentive for others to murder Palestinians—whether civilian, police, or military. So far the payments to the mother, who is praised by Benjamin Netanyahu, amount to $ 1,007,611, and she continues to receive $10,000 a month. Moreover, she’s chosen to represent Israel in a campaign at the United Nations.

If that happened, the world would be absolutely outraged. Government payments, rewards, and honors for killing Palestinian civilians! Heroism and big bucks to those who murder innocents!

Well, reverse the situation and it’s true, for, as you can see at Palestinian Media Watch, the Palestinian mother Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, whose five sons killed 16 Israelis—mostly civilians and some policemen and policewomen—has just had a sixth son confess to murdering an Israeli soldier. Four of her sons are in jail for life, the fifth is dead, and now the sixth faces life in prison. And the honors and payments I noted above really do apply to her, and are bestowed not by Hamas, but the Palestinian Authority, which holds Abnu Hmeid up as a hero. And yes, since 2011 the Mother of Martyrs has represented Palestine in its case for statehood before the United Nations.

Here’s a video from the official Palestinian Authority Television extolling Abu Hmeid and interviewing her. Remember, this is official government television praising the murder of civilians. Of course the pro-Palestinian Left doesn’t ever mention vile stuff like this, but it’s a staple of Palestinian t.v. as well as other media in the Middle East.


Palestine Media Watch gives details on mom and her five “martyr” sons (now six):

Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (Um Yusuf Abu Hmeid/Latifa Abu Hmeid) – The mother of four prisoners serving multiple life sentences. She is also called Khansa of Palestine (referring to a woman in the earliest period of Islam who sent her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as Martyrs), honored in 2010 and in 2015 by the PA, and was chosen in 2011 to launch the PA’s statehood campaign with the UN.

Hmeid’s Five Sons:

Nasser Abu Hmeid – Palestinian terrorist and a commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing) in Ramallah who was responsible for the murder of 7 Israelis: Eli Cohen in a shooting attack on Route 443 in central Israel on Dec. 21, 2000; Binyamin and Talia Kahane in a drive-by shooting attack near Ofra, north of Jerusalem, on Dec. 31, 2000; Gadi Rejwan in a shooting attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Atarot on Feb. 27, 2002; and Yosef Habi, Eli Dahan, and Police Officer Sergeant-Major Salim Barakat in an attack at the Seafood Market and Mifgash Hasteak restaurants in Tel Aviv on March 5, 2002. Abu Hmeid is serving 7 life sentences and an additional 50 years.

Nasr Abu Hmeid – Palestinian terrorist and Tanzim (Fatah terror faction) member who was involved in arms dealing and two terror attacks: an attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov on Feb. 25, 2002, in which Israeli policewoman Galit Arviv was murdered; and an attack at the Seafood Market and Mifgash Hasteak restaurants in Tel Aviv on March 5, 2002, in which 3 Israelis were murdered – Yosef Habi, Eli Dahan, and Police Officer Sergeant-Major Salim Barakat. Abu Hmeid is serving 5 life sentences.

Sharif Abu Hmeid – Palestinian terrorist and Tanzim (Fatah terror faction) member who was involved in two terror attacks: an attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov on Feb. 25, 2002, in which Israeli policewoman Galit Arviv was murdered; and an attack at the Seafood Market and Mifgash Hasteak restaurants in Tel Aviv on March 5, 2002, in which 3 Israelis were murdered – Yosef Habi, Eli Dahan, and Police Officer Sergeant-Major Salim Barakat. Abu Hmeid is serving 4 life sentences.

Muhammad Abu Hmeid – Palestinian terrorist serving 2 life sentences and 30 years for involvement in terror attacks. PMW has been unable to verify details regarding the attacks.

Abd Al-Mun’im Muhammad Yusuf Naji Abu Hmeid – Palestinian terrorist and a member of the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas’ military wing) who planned and carried out the ambush and murder of Israeli intelligence officer Noam Cohen on Feb. 13, 1994, in Ramallah. Abu Hmeid was killed on May 31, 1994, by Israeli military undercover agents.

h/t: Malgorzata

38 thoughts on “Palestinian “mother of martyrs” gets over $1 million and a big monthly stipend for having six terrorist sons who murdered at least 17 Israelis

  1. The Israeli government gives big bucks to the mother as a reward and as an incentive for others to murder Israelis—

    Dear PCC(E), I think that might mean to be ‘Palestinians’ rather than Israelis.

    What a dreadful story, and what a dreadful thing to encourage others to emulate.

    1. I think PCC was imagining a situation in which Israel did the same as the Palestinians, and wondering what the response from the illiberal left would be.

  2. It’s incredible the faces of the TV hosts, discussing the mother of a group of mass murderers. They wore the same faces that western TV hosts use when discussing someone who ran sixteen marathons for a cancer charity. It’s completely surreal what’s going on there, and the complete pass given by western left-wingers to the Palestinians has turned them into moral anarchists. They believe that anything they do in the name of their freedom is justified, and they have that belief fortified and reinforced every day by useful idiots in Europe and America. Is there anything the Palestinians could do that would be too much for their supporters to stomach?

      1. Bloody hell. That is just beyond belief.

        I would note that it seems to have been condemned by most people, even most Palestinians. But I think the point is not that it was condemned, because that’s a pretty low bar; the point is that stuff like that just isn’t mentioned by Palestinian apologists. It’s quietly passed over and never brought up. I’d never heard of it for instance.

          1. Maybe they’ll ask her on MSNBC the next time they have her on as one of their respected panelists.

    1. “Is there anything the Palestinians could do that would be too much for their supporters to stomach?”
      I don’t think so, because whatever they do is all the fault of Israel. They are “driven to do it” because they are weak, frustrated, desperate, and so forth. For Israel-haters, the Palestinians have a free pass to do literally anything with impunity.

  3. I was just thinking, how low and delusional does a dispute have to get before you see this kind of think. It is like having a bounty as we do on some animals or use to on some people. Maybe the republicans and democrats will get there someday. So much for each democrat you take out or republican. It would be kind of a disgusting version of gold star families.

  4. This is disgusting. Everyone should also be aware that this woman is not the only one – she’s just the worst.

    Can you imagine the atmosphere these kids were brought up in so that murdering Israelis became something they aspired to? This ghastly creature taught children to hate so deeply they wanted nothing more than to kill the object of their hatred.

    You can guarantee they believe Allah wants this too, and they will be celebrated in the afterlife. At least they won’t be breeding themselves.

    This is not a mother. It is a psychopath who has found a way to give herself a comfortable lifestyle.

    1. She may be a psychopath, but she has lots of company. The PA teaches anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish hatred at every opportunity, day in day out. You would have to have a particularly strong moral sense to buck it when it is so pervasive. Streets, schools, sports grounds, sports competitions, etc. are regularly named in honour of such murderers. If you weren’t a natural psychopath to begin with, you could easily become one if hatred and murder were the social norm.

      1. Yeah. The videos of kindergarten graduations with kids staging mock battles against Israelis using effing guns is another one. And the kids TV programmes with puppets teaching kids to hate Israelis. It’s horrific that anyone would do that to a child. It’s no wonder an agreement can’t be reached with all that’s done in the formative years.

        1. No peace or peace-treaty is possible that would not put an end to that, with serious implementation and penalties for infringements.

  5. What if your hypothetical was changed to be a Jewish mother whose six sons committed the same atrocities, but against Germans in Nazi Germany? Would the outrage be the same?

    1. A Jewish mother that had sons who committed terrorist acts indiscriminately against German police and civilians?


      A Jewish mother whose sons targeted the Gestapo (secret state police) and German military?

      How would you parse these cases?

    2. I would not support a Jewish uprising in Nazi Germany if it included murdering random German civilians, including children. And, as desperate and deplorable as the Gaza situation is, it’s not analogous to Auschwitz.

    3. Most Germans were not Nazis. We should certainly condemn such attacks against German civilians.

      I think the analogy also fails because Israel isn’t in the same league as Nazi Germany in terms of atrocities.

  6. Following the grand Palestinian tradition of never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

        1. I don’t think that’s what they want at all.

          It’s not an opportunity if you don’t want it.

          1. Well, no, I don’t think so, either, although they say they do when they speak to the western media. They seem to be an a dead-end unresolvable situation, demanding rights and privileges after they have lost wars they started and conning outsiders into taking their side against Israel and pouring Marshall-Plan amounts of money into their pockets. In some ways it is a quite unprecedented situation.

          1. Their public relations, however, may be a detriment to their actual situation. Confusing your own BS with reality is often a mistake.

          2. I think that’s true. They have created some generations of passionate patriots of a country that doesn’t exist, and I wonder if anyone has told them [the patriots] that their great-grandparents before 1948 would have been appalled to be called “Palestinians”, because that connoted only Jews. The whole “right of return” fiction has simply caused hatred and resentment to be the basis of social cohesion.

  7. “Imagine, if you will, an Israeli mother who sent her six civilian sons into Palestine to murder Palestinians. They succeed, though one son is killed, and manage to kill at least 17 Palestinians, most of them civilians or policemen and policewomen. The Israeli mother is held up as a hero in her country, though one of her sons is killed and the other four given life sentences. Just recently, a sixth son confessed to the murder of a Palestinian activist, and is also given a life sentence in Palestine.”

    I can imagine. All over the news, the UN making multiple statements condemning it and issuing reports months later, European governments talking about how horrible it all is while their news agencies discuss it in similar terms, the left using it as ammunition to claim Israel is an “Apartheid state” and BDS must be supported. But its Palestinians and their leaders doing it, so it will just be swept under the rug.

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