101 thoughts on “The Narcissist in Chief speaks

  1. Don has always been a two bit hustler, but watching his interviews from his 80s flirtation with the presidency reveal a steep drop in his mental faculties. Yes, steep from that already low level.

        1. Agreed. No matter what damage Pence is capable of, he is not the threat to world peace that Trump is. Bad legislation can be undone, WW3 cannot be undone.

      1. There was an article several weeks ago somewhere which recounted an exercise by a group of psychologists to evaluate and compare interviews that dummkopf Donald gave 25 or 30 years ago with some examples he has given recently. They concluded that it appeared, considering the deterioration in his thought processes, that he was probably in at least the opening stages of Alzheimer’s.

        1. Off topic, but wanted to say, I raced bicycles when I was younger and my racing stable* at one time consisted of a Bianchi, a Tommasini and a Colnago. In fact, my Colnago was from 1980…a Nuovo Mexico, IIRC. Never won a race. Never even made the podium. Wasn’t the Colnago’s fault.

          *That’s what we called our collection of bikes. We were weird.

      2. As much as loathe Trump it is NOT “obviously dementia”. Those of us who have loved ones suffering from real dementia know what it looks like.

        Hate him for what he is -he deserves it- not for what you wish him to be.

        1. There are several forms of dementia. I’m sure nobody hates DT for his dementia. It’s his opinions that are dangerous, but retiring because of dementia would be an honourable thing to do.

      3. Of course not: Trump’s physician inspires huge confidence and we all know that Trump is “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”
        The Bizarre words of Trump’s Doctor

        If he isn’t in a big way then even Pence is surely better in my book – not that it will undo the numerous hard right and/or downright unqualified judges he’s appointed to the federal circuit.

        1. He’s definitely in the top 6 healthiest US presidents and of those two are very old and one has a serious heart condition, so we could probably say Trump is in the top three healthiest US presidents.

  2. He excludes Faux Noise because it is the most corrupt, deceiving network of liars and malicious right wing collection of sexual predators and misogynistic ‘reporters’.

    Equally evil is Breitbart, but they are not a network.

  3. But there are so many who love the guy. What really gets me is evangelical Christians who support him (and Moore). I believe if Satan himself (if I was a believer) ran and said the right conservative values things they woukd elect him…amazing.

    1. When I was a kid we used to get Look and Life magazine, and I remember the photos during the years of school integration in the south. It was interesting to do a Google Image search and revisit them. It was also frightening and disgusting to look into the younger faces, seething with anger and hate, and realize that most of them are still alive.

      Gosh, wherever did Trump find his base?

    2. Trump claims to support their agenda. The afterlife is getting harder to believe in these days and they [Evangelicals] need all the support they can get.

      At some point the non-evangelical Christians may begin to alienate themselves further from their fanatical cousins. Trump is either a source of embarrassment or discomfort for them, even if they do not admit it.

    3. These so called “evangelical christians” who support Moore are about as far removed from the teachings of Jesus as you can get.

    4. In Paradise Lost by John Milton, Satan is the most attractive character presented.

      A variation on Trump’s statement:

      We should have a contest as to which statement of your favorite President (me) is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted. They are all bad. Winner to receive the Ambrose Bierce Award or, better yet, your favorite president (me), should receive the Darwin Award.

  4. Ignorance just drips from the guys mouth. The scary thing is that he believes it. And with no understanding of what he says, the murder of the first amendment continues, eh Caesar.

  5. ‘..not including Fox’, what for? This man actually knows Fox deserves the ‘Fake News Trophy’!
    And Yes, he is kind of everybody’s favoured president: for those who adore him it is obvious, but for those who hate him he’s a favoured butt.
    In the field of regressing a country, he has some stiff competition from Mr Zuma (aka JZ) here.

  6. And yet he has a core of support. I regularly hang out on a large web site where people discuss photography. A lot of the commenters are old and very wise photographers, which is why I visit. But when a discussion thread turns to politics the Fox/Limbaugh/Breitbart crowd emerges. Obama was a dictator, Hillary’s election would have been the worst thing since Pearl Harbor, and ALL liberals are SJW snoflakes. Many of them, on other subjects, are incredibly smart and knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. Very weird.

      1. To borrow the meme:

        “In keeping with the new spirit of America, I removed all the Jews, Arabs, and Africans from my nativity scene. Now all that’s left are some sheep following a jackass”

    1. I’ve observed similar, and I definitely think there’s an age and education component involved. The middle-aged and older Trump supporter is usually a traditional conservative type who is relatively successful professionally and very competent in their area of expertise. These people are as far as I can tell pretty normal conservatives who usually if pressed will admit that they don’t like Trump very much but see him as Steve Bannon described, a blunt object who will effectively pursue an agenda they approve of (a mix of pro-white nationalistic libertarianism and xenophobia). The younger and less educated you go with the pro-Trump types, the more “deplorable”.

        1. It’s amazing how often I hear from Trump supporters about how Obama sewed racial division in the USA.

          I’m generally stunned and confused by how much frothing, deep hate there is for Obama within the USA and as a naive Canadian, I just don’t know why.

          1. It is deeply weird that they would put the blame on Obama but it did not escape their notice that the rise of the Regressive Left and their “Baskets of Deplorables” approach to politics occurred chiefly during the Obama administration. I think at least some of this kind of stupid animus comes from that.

    2. Mr. Sturtevant, Please forgive my ignorance but in your comment, you utilize the term, “SJW snoflakes”. I was hoping that you would be so kind as to elucidate the acronym and definition as I am unfamiliar with the term, mostly the “SWJ” aspect. I frequently use snowflake quite frequently.

  7. CNN would win that competition in a heart beat. Would be a dead heat if it went up against Fox News, probably slight edge to CNN to win the competition.

      1. BS. CNN is just as bad as Fox news. They’re just on opposite ends of the spectrum.
        Go to Google and/youtube and just type in CNN lies and watch some of the videos. They’re not journalists, they’re click bait political partisans.

        1. I did go to Google and it says 20% of CNN statements or faults and 60% of FOXNews statements are false and another 18% percent are half true.

          It is disconcerting that you make up nonsense. It is also sad that you rely on YouTube for news or truth.

          1. I don’t rely on Youtube for News or truth. I rely on people on your tube to clip together CNN “journalists” omitting things to fit their narrative, “losing” the satellite feed at the exact moment when someone is saying something that they don’t want them to say and so on an so forth.

            From Politifact:

            True (16%)
            Mostly True(37%)
            Half True(20%)
            Mostly False (9%)
            Pants on Fire(4%)

            Fox News
            True (10%)
            Mostly True (12%)
            Half True (18%)
            Mostly False (21%)
            False (30%)
            Pants on Fire (9%)

            So yes, Fox would “win” that particular head to head against CNN.

            Both of them are garbage and shouldn’t be trusted.

          2. Again, thoseFox numbers are not what I saw in Politifacts. Type Fox News lies to see the real numbers.

            This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by Fox, Fox News and Fox Business personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople.

            True. (10%)(17)
            Mostly True. (12%)(20)
            Half True. (18%)(31)
            Mostly False. (21%)(35)
            False. (30%)(50)
            Pants on Fire. (9%) 16

          3. Ungh dude, your numbers are exactly the same as mine.
            I hate to burst your bubble, but CNN is only a little less dishonest than Fox news. When 47% of what you report is AT BEST Half True (which means that it’s also half false) and at worse pants on fire, I think it’s time to consider that maybe that particular news source is not a very credible one. Rail against Fox news being fake all you like. Doesn’t change the fact that CNN is awful too.

          4. 47% of reportings are lies does not appear to be of concern to you, only that another organization has a higher percentage of lies.
            Logic? No.

        2. However flawed CNN may be (and it can be quite flawed indeed), it is an actual news network; Fox is not — it’s an “inspired by true events!” long-form narrative television show targeting aged, resentment-filled white folk.

      1. Exactly…they are in a league of their own. It has nothing to do with journalism. They have one or two guys over there and I have no idea why they stay. The Murdock manure pile.

      1. This is what Americans who voted for Trump are tired of: being called deplorable, the vulgar insults of their successful leader.

        Yet, the regressive left and the pc police are up in arms because our President lightened the mood and jokingly referred to a Senator as Pocahontas at a White House ceremony today.

        1. I am absolutely certain that someone who thinks Trump is a successful leader is incapable of seeing why calling Senator Warren “Pocahantas”, especially in the context in which is was said, is so wrong.

          One can only stare in wonder and weep for our country.

  8. It looks like Trump is using a Twitter-writer to write his tweets. There ain’t no way he wrote that tweet. Too grammatically complex for him.

  9. Is troll behavior the new presidential standard?

    He should consult a good neurologist because he may have serious problem developping in his brain. His tendency to confabulation would suggest injury to parietal or frontal lobes resulting in decreased inhibition of emotion-guided behaviors.

    But as he would probably see it: “he has the best brain with the best neurons and the best synapses, ever, from the dawn of humanity!”

    1. Here is what John Gartner, a former assistant professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School and founder of the Duty to Warn advocacy group, says about Trump:

      “Trump is a narcissist, paranoid and demonizes anyone who opposes him. Trump has an antisocial personality and exhibits signs of sociopathy. Sadism is another part of this dynamic. These are people who truly get pleasure from harming and hurting and degrading other people. Trump feels powerful when he destroys and degrades and bullies other people. It’s a rush for him, it’s exciting, it’s gratifying; he gets off on it. That kind of dark energy is also infectious. We saw this at Trump’s rallies when he would encourage violence against protesters and other people.”

      This is what he says regarding his followers:

      “He’s a cult leader. As such, his charisma is transactional. The followers endow the authoritarian leader with authority that is completely impervious to facts and reality.”

      This description of Trump and his followers seems in line with the facts. He strikes me as the typical cult leader, but has a following of many millions, with his finger on the nuclear trigger. He is by far the most dangerous president the United States has ever had.


      1. And knowing this long ago is why today we have the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. 27 Psychiatrists and mental health experts with a duty to warn. More than a cult leader he has visions of being dictator. Therefore his infatuation with Putin.

    2. The personal insults against our President are a disgrace, especially on a web site that tries to maintain civil discussion.

  10. Even a narcissist is sometimes correct. From my POV, the TV and cable news shows do work overtime spewing anti-Trump and pro-Establishment propaganda. Fox News (as distinct from Fox commentary shows) does attempt to be more objective. So, i have to agree with Trump — whom i find personally repugnant and often politically wrong — on this one.

    1. “Fox News (as distinct from Fox commentary shows) does attempt to be more objective.”

      I suggest you evaluate your POV.

      Your claim that FOX is more objective than (really any) other news outlet is about as astonishing as those creationists who say the only difference between them and scientists is that they look at the same evidence but come to different conclusions.

  11. If I met someone like Trump, I would have to conclude that something was “not quite right”.

    I think his use of language is a clue to some kind of dementia.
    On top of that, the frequent defensiveness indicates an ego or personality problem: narcissism/paranoioa/sociopathy.

    I was Skyping a Russian friend on the subject and sent a reply parodying Trump

    Russian: Russian phrases don’t use “the”.
    Me (as Trump): Russians are good. Some of my friends are Russian, but I don’t want to talk about that. The newspapers don’t like that. Don’t like my friends. They write news, fake news. About me and my friends.

    It’s funny, frightening and sad all at the same time.

    1. I didn’t know that about “the” in Russian. Interesting. Arabic doesn’t have the verb “to be”, which made my life hell. Funny aside…years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I worked at site in Nth Africa where the only English speakers were some Russian engineers who were building a dam nearby. One young man, still learning English, asked me about some idioms he didn’t understand. Some were were quite funny. Two I remember (paraphrasing);

      “Why does ‘burning up’ and ‘burning down’ mean the same thing?”


      “Why do you say ‘head over heals’ to mean extreme excitement. Isn’t that how we normally stand?”

      1. Latin doesn’t have/need “the” really because nouns are declined.
        I heard it said that when you remove declensions and introduce “the”, you then have to pay attention to word order (very important in English but not in Latin)’ So the language structure changes (usually subject/verb/object).

        In modern Greek, they seem to put the article even in front of a person’s name.

        ‘head over heels’ usually means turning cartwheels or somersaults (or falling downstairs): I don’t do either even when I’m excited
        There is the English variant: arse over tip (only for falling downstairs).

        ‘burning up’ usually means consuming as fuel and ‘burning down’ is more reducing it to ground level, say for a building.
        English phrasal verbs are a nightmare.

        1. “English phrasal verbs are a nightmare.”

          Probably because, even more strongly than other parts of the language, they are the product of custom and popular sayings, and hence often arbitrary. And they may change their meaning with the context. My favourite is ‘piss off’ which has totally different meanings in the imperative, the transitive or the stative cases (if I’ve got the right names for that). (That’s in British English, American English uses a different variant).

          It’s not confined to English, I’m reading a lot of dire French spy novels for practice and they’re full of ‘figures of speech’. Most notably the ‘venir de’ construction which literally translates as ‘come from’ but actually means ‘have just [done something]’.
          (Its obverse is ‘aller au’ which does very neatly coincide precisely with the English equivalent ‘going to’).


          1. Irish idiom:
            “Would you be after having a cup of tea in your hand”
            “No thanks, I’m only just after having one”

            Very likely because the original Gaelic may have had something like “je viens de boire une verre”

            French and Italian don’t seem to have many phrasal verbs really, their slang is different from English, often using a noun or verb with an alternative meaning from its original one.

        2. Some words have entered Great Britain from the same country(ies) at different times and have changed how they are pronounced and what they mean. Two examples I recall are “dyke”
          and “ditch” came from the same source word, as did “shirt” and “skirt”. I’m sure there are many others. Just read the OED to see the many, many changes in words and phrases English has gone through over the centuries.
          “Look at “silly”, for example.

  12. “Favorite President” should be capitalized. Probably also “Me.”


    Just sayin’.

    Also, over here its “favourite” and “capitalised.”

  13. To show example of what a piece of garbage this so-called president is, today during a ceremony in the white house to honor the Navajo code talkers of WWII, he makes reference to Pocahontas (his name for Elizabeth Warren). What a great embarrassment this guy is to everyone.

    1. While standing if front of a portrait of Andrew “Trail of Tears” Jackson.
      You really can’t make this stuff up.

  14. At a White House ceremony today honoring the Navajo code talkers of WW2, Trump (alluding to Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren) made a show of telling these 90-something-year-old war heroes about how he calls the senator “Pocahontas.”

    There are no words to describe what a stupid, oafish embarrassment this man is. (Well, maybe there are some words, but they are inadequate to the task.)

    1. While a professor at the U. Penn. Law School (before she moved on to Harvard and thence to the US senate), Elizabeth Warren was listed in the faculty directory as having Native American (1/32) ancestry.

      Trump calls her “Pocahontas” (the name of the Native American princess of Jamestown fame) because it’s his way of demeaning both Sen. Warren and Native Americans.

  15. This item has strongly helped me to settle into the view that, from his view, it’s identical to a reality TV show. I mean this with sincerity, with serious tone – I’m not intending a wild broadside here.

    1. Some of you ^^^^ already cited some of the stupid stuff he’s said – consider, from his view, if he’s trying to get great “ratings”, meaning as in put on a show where you just gotta see what he’s going to say next, then making jabs at Pocahontas is exactly what he should go for… am I clear here? I think it is really the case – this is practically his TV show.

    2. … so – and I apologize but I think I had a breakthrough here – this means that all the junk we always hear about him – e.g. he’s a narcissist – as important to point out as they are, are beside the point and possibly not worth it – after all, do we suspect the stars of any other reality TV show are narcissists? Sure, maybe. But they aren’t running the country.

      … I am pretty sure this reality TV show idea is already out there, but it’s a moment where I have to say to myself “no, really, that’s what he’s doing. Not running a country, but making sure it looks like it.”…

      Ok thanks, I’ll try to keep it down now.

  16. Trump has reportedly begun circulating the rumor (including to at least one US senator) that his Access Hollywood hot-mic tape (for which he previously gave his lone apology) was faked.

    Trump’s entire career has been based on the portion of Lincoln’s adage about being able to “fool some of the people all of the time.” Now, he’s grown so hubris-addled he thinks he can gaslight an entire nation.

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