Sean Spicer out as White House Press Secretary

July 21, 2017 • 11:30 am

It was only a matter of time; after all, Spicer holds the Worst Job in the World. He has to stand up there before an affronted press day after day, lying his tuchas off and evading questions.

Now, according to The New York Times, Spicer quit. And he’ll be happier for it. The report is brief:

WASHINGTON — Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, resigned on Friday morning, telling President Trump he vehemently disagreed with the appointment of the New York financier Anthony Scaramucci as communications director.

Mr. Trump offered Mr. Scaramucci the job at 10 a.m. The president requested that Mr. Spicer stay on, but Mr. Spicer told Mr. Trump that he believed the appointment was a major mistake, according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange.

Lying for Jesus Trump

h/t: Grania

55 thoughts on “Sean Spicer out as White House Press Secretary

    1. No, that cannot be it. Spicer did not seem to have any reason to go earlier, so no dignity.

      Possibly Spicer fancied having the post himself. Though apparently it had been open since February … but the White House administration is not normal by any means.

    1. Did the creators of the Flinstone cartoons ever thought of a “blond” version of Fred Flintstone as their new neighbour with a similar hairdo, residing in the Trump Cave?

  1. We ought to have some fun now since, according to Wikipedia, Scaramouche is a stock character in commedia dell’arte. It states that “the role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.”

    1. I can’t look at him without thinking of the outer-borough greedheads who worked in the bogus “J.T. Marlin” brokerage firm in the movie Boiler Room.

  2. Spicer is simply leaving a sinking ship. Trump, he finally realizes is his own one man band and no one stacks up, except his own kids and Putin. In Trumps rant in public to the NYTs yesterday, he threw nearly everyone under the bus, from his attorney general to Mueller. He is also checking to see if he can pardon himself and family. The clock is unwinding faster than most think. Acceptance of a pardon, he may not understand, is admittance of guilt.

          1. Appearance, yes, to some extent . . . .’

            So, plastic surgery recommended? Still recommended were they otherwise of a political ideology more or less opposed to Trumpublicanism?

          2. I would suggest a clean haircut and a carnation in the lapel. Plastic surgery is always a last resort.

  3. Mr Scaramouche looks a good frontman for the WH. He as known the President and his family for years he thinks much like Mr Trump, is media savvy youngish, ambitious and a Banker dealing with foreign loans. From Mr T’s point of view the perfect choice.
    Let us hope it is the RIGHT choice.

    1. I must say, it does not matter if Trump hires superman or some good old boys he has known for years. He is currently being gutted from the inside out by Mueller and team. His days are now limited and he is essentially powerless to do much of anything about it.

        1. True the republicans, one and all are a bunch of gutless wonders, this goes without saying. But, when the clear evidence of Trump’s activities and criminal background, regarding the Russians are put in front of them, they will have no choice. Being gutless does not mean stupid. Mueller has all his taxes, all his bank records both in the states and overseas. And there is much more. The only one with a choice will be Trump. He can take that helicopter ride or face impeachment. I would drop the “no matter what” idea.

      1. I know it’s cheap to speculate, but if I was into betting, I’d be putting a lot of money on Mueller being fired fairly soon. That will be the beginning of the end either of Trump or of democracy in the US.

        1. I think that is not going to happen. First of all Trump directly cannot fire him. So that leaves the Attorney General who also cannot fire him because he has recused himself from the Russian Investigation. So that leave the deputy Attorney General. If Trump asked him to do it, he most likely would not and then he would resign. Besides all of this, even if Trump found some way, he would have the congress on his ass pretty hard.

          1. He only needs to fire the AG and replace him with someone who wasn’t involved in the campaign and who doesn’t need to recuse.

      1. The Mooch dropped the Trump attacks as fast as the Donald dropped his populist soak-the-rich campaign rhetoric. It’s all about tax cuts for the top of the economic food chain now.

        Same-old fuck-the-poor-and-despoil-the-environment GOP agenda.

  4. from Wikipedia, and so on point:

    Scaramuccia (literally “little skirmisher”), also known as Scaramouche or Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell’arte. The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.

  5. I’m very happy for Chemical Spici’s mental health and stability. Maybe for his therapy he could paint dogs with GWB.

  6. Spicer just got confused and thought he’d have to work with a(nother) Bond villain (though Trump would be the most inept Bond villain ever).

  7. The departure to pay attention to here is that of Mark Corallo, the now-former chief spokesman for Trump’s legal team. Corallo’s a mainstream Republican with experience in Main Justice, known as a stand-up guy. There are nasty rumblings about what Trump and his legal team are up to, as special counsel Robert Mueller closes in on Trump’s finances and possible Russian ties.

    We are edging toward a constitutional crises, folks, the likes of which the nation hasn’t seen since the War Between the States.

    1. So what form do you see in this crises. Right now, Trump and his boys are attempting to throw some dirt on Mueller and or his folks but I do not see that going anywhere. So unless Trump simply explodes in his chair I don’t think he can do much. Kick and scream and do what 2 year olds do. Eventually, Mueller will have the goods, deliver it to Congress and probably begin criminal proceedings on the others. It will be up to the congress to deal with Trump based on the evidence.

      1. I see Trump firing Mueller. No way is the Donald gonna sit back and let Mueller turn over all the slimy financial rocks in Trumpworld. (Trump has apparently been washing Russian money for decades, and the Russians may have bailed him out after his casino disasters in the ’90s. There’s an interesting article about it in The New Republic.) And there’s no way Trump can pardon himself, his family, and his staff out of the investigation going forward.

        Trump may try to re-write the special-counsel regulations to give himself the power to fire Mueller directly. Otherwise, he’ll have to find someone in Main Justice to do his dirty work. Assistant AG Rosenstein, I think, will resign or be fired, and I expect a good chunk of the Justice Department staff will leave with him.

        Once the deed is done, the ball will be in the court of the (for now) Republican congress. No telling where this constitutional typhoon could take us.

        1. I don’t see Trump getting the job done but that’s just an opinion, I know. I do think the Democrats must start making all kinds of noise about this possibility and really attempt to put the heat on the republicans. They can help in this effort if they have the guts…get the people raising hell in a demonstration for Mueller. They must do it to let this thing play out, otherwise we are in deep shit. It all comes down to — do they want to save the country or let it all go to hell due to one crook from New York.

  8. Spicer is married to a senior VP for the National Beer Wholesalers Association and has two children. I feel for them.

    1. I’ve had no truck with Spicer since he spouted his “Twilight Sparkle” BS as cover for Melania’s plagiarism at last year’s RNC. But even I felt kinda bad for him when Trump bent him over and boned him on the Vatican steps by refusing to let him meet the Pope (something Spicer, a staunch Catholic, had had his heart set on).

      At this point, I bear the man no ill will. He’s lucky to be out of the West Wing before things get even uglier.

  9. The one thing that disturbs me it’s that Sarah Huckabee seems to be getting the job now.
    While Spicer seemed to be merely out of his depth, she looks to me too be truly vile. On a par with the worst of Republicans / Trumpians.

  10. Can hardly have been any worse than Ron Ziegler’s. (Nixon’s press sec.)

    “This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative.”

    That holds a prized place in my collection of doublespeak.


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