Spot the flounder!

December 4, 2016 • 8:00 am

Reader Jeffrey Lewis sent some underwater photos from the Caribbean island of Bonaire. I’ll post them later, but am including one as a “spot the” picture. Can you spot the Peacock Flounder (Bothus lunatus)? Answer at noon Chicago time; I’d rate this one as “not too hard”. Click to make bigger and note: DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS, for readers there will tell you where the fish is.


17 thoughts on “Spot the flounder!

      1. It is a brain coral. I have similar pictures from Bonaire and other places. One of these days, I will send them to Jerry. Have to scan them first.

  1. Didn’t need to bigliefy this one. Easy to spot in a photo, when I know it is there. In real life though I would probably have missed it.

    1. Thanks. I needed to see that video to help me find this one. We colorblind aren’t good at this kind of thing, or at least this colorblind guy, anyway.

  2. I love these not just for find the animal/insect/fish. Enlarging the photo and seeing the detail of everything is so fascinating.

    Yeah, I spotted it right away. Not telling.

  3. Only with enlarged photo. Its fins give it away. (The ‘uman eye seems to be particularly sensitive to repeated patterns or rows)


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