Thursday: Hili dialogue

October 13, 2016 • 7:16 am

It’s October 13, 2016, the day on which Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I’m still recovering from that one, but I can’t say I’m not pleased. On this day in 1792, the cornerstone of the White House—then called the Executive Mansion—was laid in Washington, D. C., and, in 1917, the so-called Miracle of the Sun occurred near Fatimá, Portugal, making that place a Catholic shrine though now there are several naturalistic explanations. Finally, on this day in 1958, Paddington Bear made his debut.

Notables born on this day include Rudolf Virchow (1821), Lily Langtry (1853), Art Tatum (1909), Lenny Bruce (1925), Paul Simon (1941; he’s 75 today), and Marie Osmond (1959). Those who died on this day include Ed Sullivan (1974). Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili, who occasionally noms from Cyrus’s bowl (and she shouldn’t), is still coveting his d*g food:

Hili: Look, Cyrus’s bowl is empty.
A: He’s already eaten.
Hili: He ate everything?
In Polish:
Hili: Patrz, miska Cyrusa jest pusta!
Ja: Bo on już zjadł.
Hili: Wszystko zjadł?

And out in snowbound Winnipeg, Gus has finally decided to start eating his new box. The video proof is below. He’s occupied that box for several months, so his sudden nomming is a mystery. Perhaps he prefers his boxes to age! Note that the box has instructions in French: “Mangez.”

And here’s a Halloween cartoon from Off the Mark, sent by reader Anne-Marie:


8 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

    1. Renovation is how I see it too. There are times when Gus seems so thoughtful about which bit he tears off next.

    1. Perhaps he’s like Owl in ‘Winnie the Pooh’. The sign outside his house read WOL. Then he started disappearing for hours at a time, leaving only a sign reading, “BIZY. BAKSON.” Pooh and Piglet never found out where he went, but the sign changed to OWL and BUSY. BACK SOON.

      So maybe Gus has been to secret French lessons?

  1. Interesting to be able to see how Gus relies primarily on his carnassials when he’s biting bits of that box.

    Doesn’t this give him terrible cardboard-breath?

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