9 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n ‘ Mo ‘n’ Mother Teresa

  1. The Mother Teresa phenomena is a remarkable example of how humans, like lambs, can follow without thinking. I am afraid that’s not a miracle, but sheer dumbness.

  2. Grumble grumble. Holy people these days. Why, back in my day, you have to be able to fly before the RCC granted you sainthood. (He’s the patron saint of aviators, of course!) Cancer remission after you’re dead? Bah! Grumble grumble… 🙂

    1. “Cancer remission after you’re dead?”

      I believe cancer does indeed go into remission after death, yes.


      (taking things too literally, as usual)

  3. Very long ago, when I was a public school student, I was forced to attend Catholic religious instructions once a week after school. One day our presiding nun announced that she would enlighten us as to the sacred accomplishments of our name saints, as documented in the Catholic book of the sanctified (a thick tome, if I remember correctly). When she got to me, she was aghast that there was no Saint Arthur listed in the book! I had no saintly name! The shame was more than implied. Of course, this was pre-computer, -Internet, and -Wikipedia. I have since learned that there was a Saint Arthur of Glastonbury, whose only claim to fame was that he was martyred by Henry VIII for something or other. Such were sown the seeds of my atheism….

  4. So I wonder how many people prayed to Mother Teresa to cure their cancer and subsequently died of it? I bet it was more than two.

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