Mr. Deity on Hitch the Apostate

June 3, 2016 • 12:30 pm

He’s not acting as Mr. Deity here, but that’s how we know Brian Keith Dalton. And Dalton is really upset at the new book claiming that Hitchens was pondering becoming a Christian as he neared the end of his life. This is the most worked up I’ve ever seen Dalton, and be aware that there’s strong language here.

I wonder if Taunton has any reservations about having published his book.

There’s probably nothing more worth saying about the author of this contemptible book .

h/t: Phil

37 thoughts on “Mr. Deity on Hitch the Apostate

    1. And rightly “worked up” he is, I agree entirely, it’s most abusive to take away what people themselve say they believe and overwrite that with something else.

  1. Never really cared very much for his Mr. Deity shtick, but this heartfelt and articulate expression of his total disgust for Taunton gets my wholehearted endorsement

  2. Perfect assessment of the man and his motives, I wonder if he can sleep at night? Especially the part about choosing to publish after Hitch’s death because he knew damned well what would happen if Hitch was alive and able to respond. Sometimes it’s tempting to imagine the possibility of a hell.

    1. I know Mr. Dalton temporarily suspends his disbelief in Hell so that he can condemn Scary Larry to its eternal torment for slandering Hitch, but might a better retort be along the lines of “I hope Larry continues to believe in Hell up to the very moment he is unable to escape its dread on his very own deathbed!” Or, something to that effect.

      1. The difference is that Jesus is supposed to be able to defend himself after death, Hitch is not. To that effect, Hitch fulfils his promises, Jesus does not.

          1. Can’t see nuthin’ there.

            I clicked on the link and just got a blank screen.


            oh, wait…

  3. I’m thinking of getting religious. Right before England kick off against Russia, June 11th. 50 years of hurt.

    I once lent a Christian friend of mine Hitchens’ book God Is Not Great. He returned it not having managed to get past the second chapter. His loss.

  4. Paraphasing:

    ‘There are atheists in foxholes. But there are no religious on funerals. [Observe their wailing et cetera.]’

    Sounds like a valid observation. I am so stealing that!

  5. Wow. Well, I really don’t think there is anything further to say on this question after Dalton’s video.

  6. This will be too strong for many people, but somebody needed to unreservedly condemn Taunton for his fraudulent, lying profiteering off the death of Hitchens. (I love it when Dalton says Christians don’t really believe in heaven, because if they did they would dance and celebrate into the night at the funerals of loved ones, because they’re in such a great place.)

  7. Hitch might have said of Taunton what he said of Falwell. “if you give Falwell an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox”.

  8. My thoughts were just one more same old claim of famous nonbelievers, secularist and atheists who after they have died the religious claim again and again that this person on their death bed had doubts, accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior,believed there was a God after all or some such claim to satisfy the believers need for people to believe the same as they do!

  9. Wow. That’s the video equivalent of the “Fuck you. Strong message to follow” telegram.

    Can’t say Tauton didn’t have it comin’.

  10. …since discovering this website, I’ve been reading Christopher Hitchens. I think this is so appropriate, and such a great tribute. Thank you for highlighting it here.

  11. I take slight solace in the irony that, because it’s subject is an athiests, Christian bookstores will not carry Taunton’s disgraceful screed.

  12. Dirty dirty trick and there will be millions slavishly lapping it up so good Brian is providing some solid pushback

  13. I was struck by the strong similarity of appearance between Taunton and Dalton, but I see Dalton got there first. 😉


  14. I like the idea of someone claiming a deathbed deconversion for Taunton. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t even things up. Hitch had a huge reputation to damage. Nobody ever gave a fuck what Taunton thinks.


  15. Another example on how religion lives from “holes” in science and fear (of sin, hell, etc.) Is a good tactic: although you deny, you know God exist, there are eternal live, hell etc. Of course this is mainly to keep already believers in their slavery. With that, in believers heads, all arguments science provides become insecure: Do they deny God for pride? If science can´t assure a truth, the suspect arouses.
    It is very widely used in sects like Opus Dei, Heralds of the Gospel, Legionarios de Cristo etc. in their indoctrination of their youngest victims.

  16. I’ve never liked the saying, “don’t speak ill of the dead”, and all this Taunton vs. Hitchens nonsense has made me realize there’s a sense in which I agree with the saying. Namely, *don’t tell falsehoods about the dead* is probably a good maxim. (Not a universal one, but what is?)

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