Tuesday: Hili Dialogue & bits ‘n pieces

February 9, 2016 • 6:00 am

Welcome  to Tuesday. Grania here again, Jerry will pop in whenever internet connectivity permit to keep us updated on his activities.

Over in Poland, both man and beast are afflicted by malaise.

A: You see, Hili, that’s what we look like when I have a flu and you are hungry.
Hili: Horrifying.

In Polish:

Ja: Widzisz Hili, tak wyglądamy, kiedy ja mam grypę, a ty jesteś głodna.
Hili: Przerażające.

We hope Andrzej feels better soon, and wish him a speedy recovery!

Leon weighs in again  with musings on the changing of the seasons.

Leon: It’s a strange spring.


Here’s an oldie but a goodie from The Oatmeal. I suspect many of us have known a cat or two with loyalties proven not so much to us, but to their tummies.


8 thoughts on “Tuesday: Hili Dialogue & bits ‘n pieces

    1. I totally misunderstood that saying for years. It sounds like two separate pieces of advice, but there’s actually a hidden ‘if… then…’. The wisdom of the ancients is to the effect that if you don’t get adequate nutrition when displaying the symptoms of a rhinovirus or the like, it increases the risk of opportunistic bacterial infection and more severe systemic complications.

  1. Get well soon, Andrzej. Maybe try some chicken soup made with lots of crushed fresh garlic and ginger, a pinch of brown sugar and salt to taste. Garnish with chopped green onions and cilantro (optional), and serve with steamed rice.

  2. I adopted a two timing cat. Clever opportunist. There’s even a kid’s book about it, Six Dinner Sid.


    I’d say that kitties do love you.

    They love you…to open doors for them.

    They love you…to clean their litter boxes.

    They love you…to feed them.

    You have to earn that love…and being away at work? Not earning it! Humans get love so long as they remain useful 😀

  3. Oh, sorry to hear about the flu! Get well soon, Andrzej. (And FWIW, you look as handsome as ever. 🙂 )

    To whomever is taking the Leon pics–you have great talent! (Not to mention a most striking subject.)

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