Correction of earlier post

November 19, 2015 • 6:24 am

On Tuesday I published a satirical dialogue between a Westerner and a jihadist, “I am a jihadist and I am tired of not being given credit,” that appeared on Faisal Saeed Al-Mutar’s website and his Facebook page. As there was no attribution, I assumed that he had written it. However, as Hemant Mehta at The Friendly Atheist noted, it was not Faisal’s work, but that of Joseph Rosenthal.

Joseph R. wrote it, sent it to Faisal, who then posted it online without attribution. Faisal tells me Joseph gave him permission to do that, but it should be noted that Joseph wrote it, not Faisal. I have contacted Joseph to verify this. Faisal has since updated his Facebook post to include the attribution.

I have no idea why this was posted without attribution, leading several of us to give Faisal credit for it, but the issue now stands corrected.

8 thoughts on “Correction of earlier post

  1. “I have no idea why this was posted without retribution…”.

    Let’s just hope there isn’t any retribution.

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