Spot the frog!

September 2, 2015 • 1:00 pm

Well, nobody’s interested in science today, I see. I could post on internet drama, but I’m revolted at such a tactic. Instead we’ll have a “spot the beast” contest.

Reader Amy contributed a “spot the frog” photo. I’ll put the answer up in a few hours. Her note:

My d*g was barking at something and it took me a moment to find that it was a frog. (And yes I realize it might be a toad but that’s not alliterative!)
So can you spot the frog/toad?

22 thoughts on “Spot the frog!

          1. And as I’ve mentioned often, I always read the science posts. The fact I rarely comment is indicative of my own ignorance, not my lack of interest. I’ve sometimes written “wow” or something to show I enjoyed it, but I don’t do it every time. You know this Jerry – many of us have repeatedly told you how much we like the science stuff, and appreciate the extra effort it takes to write them. 🙂

            Also, if you haven’t commented, you don’t go back to the same post several times to see if you need to respond to something, so that reduces views too, makes it seem like a post was read less often.

  1. The answer is already given if you just click on the photo. But to be more specific, the photo size is 1000 x 750, and the amphibian’s left eye is 502 pixels from the left and 397 pixels down, partially hidden by vegetation.

  2. I like this website and I read the science posts. I was really interested in the (I’m going to get this wrong) weirdly-gametic moths. Totally blew my mind. But I read lots of science blogs, and there’s a culture that isn’t reflective of what you want on this website, and to my mind reflects better values. For example, on Language Log, easily my favorite blog, you can get shredded, often by the OPs, for posting comments when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Here even, I often feel people are harsh when I do know what I’m talking about (I am a professional philosopher). So I (and this is my personal opinion) find it really problematic when you say people aren’t interested in science posts just because they don’t comment on them. I am interested! But I come here to learn, not to spout bullshit or tripe (“oh so great!”). Can you just leave us alone with regard to the comment phishing?

    1. Your last sentence is a huffy violation of the rules, and is rude as well. I have an idea. Rather than me leaving you alone, why don’t you leave US alone? As for the harshness here, well, I try to keep it under control. But you don’t seem like a good fit here, especially when you try to tell the proprietor what to do.

  3. My d*gs like to play with green tree frogs which are ubiquitous in these parts. But when I see them doing it, I’ll usually grab the frog and place in a safe area (over the fence), since sometimes the frogs get hurt.

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