Readers’ wildlife photos

April 22, 2015 • 8:30 am

We’ll celebrate Earth Day today with a series of six bird photos and a bunny by our regular, Stephen Barnard from Idaho.

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) acting out and grooming.


The second eagle photo — the one with its head upside down — is a compelling Gestalt illusion. It can be seen veridically, as an eagle with its head upside down, or illusory, as a weird mutant eagle with an upward-pointing beak. I’ve actually had comments on a photo sharing group where people made that mistake. I don’t know about you, but I can flip between the two Gestalts with ease.  [JAC: it was harder for me!]


Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias):


Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia):


Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) taking of from a perch [JAC: this is a gorgeous bird!]:


Finally, a desert cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii:


26 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

    1. I used a Canon 500mm f4 II with a 1.4x extender for 700mm. The camera was a Canon 5D3. All except the rabbit were shot from a heavy tripod with a Whimberley gimbal head while I was unsuccessfully waiting for an eagle to bring a fish to the nest.

        1. I’ve only seen them eat fish. I suppose they’d eat carrion if they got desperate, but I put a stillborn calf out for them once and they didn’t touch it.

  1. Very nice. Especially the tree swallow. Very hard to capture. Blaze away and pray (so to speak). Nice!

    I love the iridescence and the feathers and the curve of the wings!

    1. I locked focus on it when it was perched, knowing it would soon take off. When it did I pressed the shutter button.

  2. Nice yoga pose for the swallow. Bunny is happy and fat. Coyotes got all but a leg of one of our resident bunnies. Then a few days later just the bone, though maybe the ravens picked it clean.

    1. The rabbit is back lit. When it’s possible to get a photo with good back lighting it’s always wise to do so.

  3. I don’t know about you, but I can flip between the two Gestalts with ease.

    Actually, I didn’t even notice. I only saw the obvious upside-down head before you pointed out the second interpretation. Is that normal?

    1. Eh, what’s normal? If you’re able to look at the eye and see it as a right, the beak will then be deformed; but if you look at the beak first the eye must be a left. I couldn’t see any weirdness until I’d covered the beak with my finger and looked away for a while.

  4. Who’d have thought that an ordinary old bunny rabbit could look so evocative? We’re a bit jaded on the subject of bunnies here Downunder, but that one is fabulous.

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