Website tweaking

February 17, 2015 • 7:56 am

Or, as the signs say, “A temporary inconvenience—a permanent improvement.” Actually, I don’t think there will be any inconvenience, but I wanted to let people know that we (and by “we,” I mean Kalliopi “Kapi” Monoyios, the artist who designed this website, illustrated both WEIT and Neil Shubin’s Your Inner Fish, and co-runs Symbiartic,  a scientific-illustration website at Scientific American) are tweaking this site to reflect the availability of The Albatross. You’ll see some new links on the right, which may appear and disappear temporarily, but I’ll let Kapi describe the changes:

Readers will notice the menu on the WEIT website will be updated to reflect the addition of the new book and the reorganization of The old site will be modified to include information about WEIT as well as the new book, Faith Versus Fact. In essence, we are leaving the blog as is (except for minor menu changes) and revamping to serve as a more generalized author website where readers can find information and order copies of Jerry’s current and future books.


14 thoughts on “Website tweaking

  1. Thanks Jerry.

    Would you mind providing another post when the new book is available for pre-order in the UK/Ireland iTunes store? I’ve been checking regularly and it still can’t see it.


    1. Either Google for Jerry’s email address or click on the “Research Interests” link at the top right of this page. 🙂

      1. Thanks. I was reluctant to send photographs to Dr. Coyne’s e-mail address without pre-approval as I didn’t know he was accustomed to receiving them that way.

  2. Would it be possible, Dr Coyne, for Ms Monoyios to put onto any / every particular post’s end — alongside there its other shares — a PIN button for Pinterest boards’ pinning thereto ? or would that not be allowed by WordPress or for other reasons ?

    While some, even many, of the posts can be pinned from off of their original websites, would it not be quite cool to have these placed onto Pinterest boards directly from off of WEIT ?

    Thank you.

  3. Any chance of revisiting the design of the mobile version of the site, i.e. the one that shows up in my phone browser? Sometime in the last year or so this changed from a format that was easy to read on a phone screen to one that looks more like the main site but is considerably less convenient. Paragraphs are now formatted with a fixed width that’s too wide for the small screen, even when turned sideways. I find I must pinch every page down to near unreadability to fit the entire column width on screen, and forget trying to read it with the phone held vertical.

    So I’d be in favor of returning to a layout that breaks lines at screen boundaries in any orientation, even if that means I have to scroll sideways to see the pictures.


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