Aurora segues into sunrise

February 10, 2015 • 11:52 am

Filmed from the International Space Station, this totes amazeballs video shows the aurora borealis merging into a sunrise.

The Washington Post gives more details:

NASA astronaut Barry “Butch” Wilmore captured this humbling view of East Coast lights as the sun was just beginning to creep above the horizon earlier this week. The faint, blue glow of the sun’s rays passing through our atmosphere can be seen on the right, mirrored by a beautiful, green aurora on the left.

Washington, D.C., Baltimore, New York City, and Boston can be seen whizzing by. A thin layer of mid-level clouds blurs city lights over parts of the Northeast.

33 thoughts on “Aurora segues into sunrise

        1. Don’t worry Jerry, we don’t think you’ve gone to the dark side! I don’t want to speak for the others, but I’m sure they recognized what you were doing just as well as I did! 😀

        2. It’s too late. I took an extension on a paper as an opportunity to revise “totes amazeballs” into it four times and am currently looking for a fifth place to insert this new, Professor Ceiling Cat approved phrase.

        3. I hope it was because you enjoyed my “totes amazeballs” comment on the other thread. I aim to entertain. 🙂

    1. Ha ha I just wrote “heck.” This is what happens when oldsters try to be hip. I remember when my dad, who was born in 1925, said my model airplane hobby was a “swell bag.” Did not realize I was gazing into my destiny.

  1. Sick!
    (I have a very new colleague who uses this one a lot. Don’t even care if it’s ‘ironic’, it’s going to get old fast)

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