Dexter the rat hates broccoli

January 21, 2015 • 4:15 pm

This pet rat, named Dexter, hates broccoli and has no compunction about making his tastes known. And I have to say that I agree with him. This execrable and malodorous vegetable is palatable to me only when I cook it Szechuan style: with pork, fermented and salted black beans, ginger, garlic, and a bit of soy sauce and Chinese rice wine.

Now it’s inevitable that I’ll hear from all the folks who just love broccoli and can’t understand why I don’t share their taste.

It’s Broccilitown, Jake!

171 thoughts on “Dexter the rat hates broccoli

    1. This may be urban legend but I heard its actually genetic. There’s specific receptors which will incline people to like it, and if you don’t have them, you generally don’t like it. The whole family (of vegetables) is impacted to a lesser extent. So if you don’t like broccoli, there’s a good chance you don’t like cauliflower either.

      My sample of one (me) confirms this. 🙂 I like only two species in the entire family; cabbage when its well-cooked, and asparagus. Everything else (kale, collard greens, etc.) you can take.

      When I was a teen my mom snuck some finely chopped broccoli into spaghetti & meatballs to test me. I gagged on the first bite. So whatever it may be, it isn’t psychological. There’s an actual taste component to my preference.

  1. I don’t think I’ve met a cruciferous* veggie yet that I didn’t like. They’re so full of flavor!

    *No one says brassicacious, do they?

    But I wouldn’t force them on a poor rat. Or professor. 😉

    (Dexter’s such a cutie! Love his sweet little domicile.)

    1. Same here. Raw or cooked (but especially raw). My wife loves broccoli, too, which has the downside that when we buy a veggie platter for parties, the broccoli doesn’t last very long.

          1. Well, you only live twice…

            (You’re a tough act to follow. :))

            (But wait till Ant arrives…)

  2. Here’s how to make brocoli incredibly good. Boil it, remove the water, add Cheez Whiz as desired, wait till it melt, eat.

    Its heavenly (and i’m an atheist by the way)

        1. I was going to say something similar. The only way to get broccoli down is to smother it in a good cheese sauce! But removing the broccoli altogether in favour of steak is an even better idea!

        1. can of chili

          Well, there’s your problem. If the substance comes in a can, chances are good that the can tastes better than whatever’s inside it.

          Especially beans, for example. I just finished the broccoli, and the pressure’s just about dissipated in the pressure cooker where the beans are…tonight, some mirepoix cooked in drippings from this morning’s bacon, some garlic, a sliced-up homemade Frankfurter from a family Polish deli, blackeyed peas, various herbs and spices, a splash each of sherry and vinegar, and some leftover broth from last night’s chicken soup. Should be good, and I’ll know in just a minute….


          1. I will share my sort of invented French onion soup recipe:

            Slice and caramelize about 6 large onions in 1/2 stick butter and some s&p(can be done in the microwave with saran wrap over bowl – or in a skillet.) Grease lightly the bottom of a Dutch oven and put a layer of day-old good baguette slices to cover the bottom. Spread half of the cooked onions over the bread. Sprinkle maybe a cup of grated gruyère over the onions. Repeat with another layer of bread/onions/cheese (Can even do 3 layers). Carefully pour ~2 qts/liters homemade turkey or chicken stock (or even beef) down the side. Bring to boil on top of stove and simmer for ~30 min. Put in preheated 350 oven (no top) for about an hour. Dig in. It gets better with age (a day or a couple).
            Bon appétit! Gooey, sticky, tasty.

          2. The bread kind of comes to the surface. If the bread’s too fresh you can just dry the slices in the oven for a few minutes. It’s kind of messy, but very tasty. I’ve also mixed in misc left-over cheeses from. Y fridge.

          3. If you remember to either set them out to soak the night before or simmer them for a couple minutes and let them soak for an hour, and if you have a pressure cooker, they take about as much time to cook as they do to reheat in the microwave.

            I know, it seems weird thinking of beans as a quick meal, but that’s exactly what I do. A few days ago, I even made some refried beans from scratch, and from start to end it took less time than it takes to order a pizza and have it delivered.


      1. Indeed. The same goes for that wretched excuse for mashed potatoes, cauliflower mashed potatoes. How to prepare:
        1. Follow recipe.
        2. Give to d*g.
        3. Make real mashed potatoes.

        1. If you give that to your dog, he’ll fart all night & gas you to death as you sleep! This is a secret weapon the military are researching.

  3. I can tolerate steamed broccoli if I put some soy sauce on it. It’s terrible raw and it’s farty. Didn’t George Bush Sr. hate broccoli too?

    I think that rat is very cute. He seems spoiled too with that cute, soft house he has.

    1. Yes , he did. I remember he stood at a microphone and announced that now he was President nobody would force him to eat brocolli any longer.

  4. Dislike of broccoli is one of the few things with which I agreed upon with George H.W. Bush. Furthermore, those vegetables give me gout attacks.

    1. I love broccoli. I avoid to eat it anyways. The problem being is that whenever I eat it nobody should enter my office for the rest of the day.
      The amount of gas that can be generated from a single meal is truly impressive.

  5. Broccoli steamed then tossed in butter, pepper and lime juice is nice.

    Mithra, my cat, thinks that rat tossed in butter, pepper and lime juice is nice, but he prefers them raw.

      1. I can’t taste PTC either, and I love many raw veggies that many people find very bitter. Fully mature raw collards are quite yummy.

        My nose is much more keen though. I can smell asparagus pee. Not everyone can.

        1. Asparagus & asparagus pee smell the same to me.

          I have always found asparagus to have a slight metallic taste. It was unbearable when I was a child but tolerable now.

          1. They did research by making a bunch of people eat asparagus and wait an hour. Then everyone peed into numbered cups and they made the people smell multiple pee samples. All the people who said they had smelled their own asparagus pee were able to smell any other person’s asparagus pee, including the pee of people who had never smelled asparagus pee. People who had never smelled their own asparagus pee could not smell the asparagus pee of any other person.

            There are three studies cited in the Wikipedia article for asparagus that all worked roughly how I described.

          2. So you’re saying that everyone who eats asparagus pees asparagus pee but some just cannot smell it (or refuse to admit it)?

        2. Sensitivity to smelling asparagus pee (actually, to smelling certain sulphur compounds in asparagus pee) is under control of different genes than PTC sensitivity. According to 23andMe…

          “The odor is thought to be due to an excreted metabolite called methanethiol, a sulfur-containing compound.

          “A study of 4,737 individuals of European ancestry who participated in 23andMe research surveys (3,002 who said they could smell asparagus in their urine and 1,735 who said they could not) identified a number of genetic variants associated with the ability to detect the scent of asparagus metabolites. Many of these variants were in a region of the genome that contains genes encoding olfactory receptors. The strongest association was found with rs4481887. Each copy of an A at this SNP increased a participant’s odds of being able to smell asparagus in their urine by about 1.67 times compared to people with two Gs.”

          I’m “AG” and easily detect the smell.

      2. Exactly! Mrs. Gnu and I have had issues because she is positive and I’m negative. Basically, I grill Brussels sprouts outside and she allows me to serve them in a bowl at the end of the table opposite her.

        1. In my case it showed up on DNA sequencing at 23 And Me. But I remember a taste strip test from a Biology class of some sort back in the dark ages when I was young.

          1. I seem to remember that I was a “taster” back when we licked those strips of something in bio class.

      3. There was a brussel sprouts recipe in Canadian Living magazine that turned out tasty. They are roasted with nuts. It’s the only way I like those little cabbages!

        1. Love Brussels sprouts, especially roasted, and with nuts and bacon (but then almost anything is good with bacon;-)

    1. Although PTC is not found in nature, the ability to taste it correlates strongly with the ability to taste other bitter substances that do occur naturally, many of which are toxins.
      — Genetics Learning Center

  6. Jerry, I will take a wild guess that you are not so keen on Brussel sprouts either? I ask because Santa Cruz county, where I live, is the country’s leading producer of sprouts. Even people who typically hate sprouts agree they are quite nice when oven roasted with olive oil and garlic until quite brown and crispy. I suspect broccoli could be cooked the same way.

    1. I love brussels sprouts. They’re very good steamed or sauteed or roasted with chestnuts. Garlic fixes almost anything. I’m very fond of pumpkin stewed down with tons of garlic, black bean sauce optional. Serve up with steamed Jasmine rice.

        1. Brussels sprouts are possibly the most disgusting-smelling vegetable in existence. And the most disgusting tasting are broad beans.

          1. I’ve never had broad beans, but my vote for worst tasting veggie is kale. Kale seems to have a double dose of the bitter taste I detect in many green leafy vegetables. My wife in fond of kale. And occasionally she will try to sneak a low dosage into a soup or other dish. I can’t be fooled.

          2. You are probably sensitive to that chemical. But, yes, Kale is very bitter. And it has a very distinct taste as well. Hard to miss.

      1. Love them sprouts. Always have, even when I was less than 10 years old. I guess I’m just a brassicaphage.

        Kim chee is my current favorite treat.

  7. This is a cute video.

    The best way to hide broccoli is to slip the florets into ramen soup! Make sure there’s lots of the flavour packet stuff in it and the more chili pepper the better. It can be well-hidden in very cheesy mac and cheese, just like cauliflower. Also in huevos rancheros. And then there’s homemade broccoli soup.

  8. I used to loathe broccoli until I rediscovered it in Chinese cooking. Lightly steamed and then VERY lightly dipped in sweet chilli sauce is good, though possibly this is just an excuse to eat the sauce.

  9. Brécoles con crema

    1 k brécoles (broccoli) – broccoli
    ½ taza de crema – cup of Mexican sour cream
    ½ taza de leche – cup of milk
    ½ taza de perejil picado – cup of chopped parsley
    1 diente de ajo – clove of garlic
    ½ cebolla – onion
    mantequilla – butter
    sal, al gusto – salt to taste

    Cocer los brécoles, con ajo y cebolla, en agua suficiente – cook the broccoli with garlic and onion in water to cover

    Engrasar con mantequilla un refractario – butter an ovenproof dish

    Mezclar la crema, la leche, el perejil y sal al gusto – mix the crema, milk, parsley and salt to taste

    Poner los brécoles cocidos en el refractario – put the cooked broccoli in the ovenproof dish

    Cubrirlos con la preparación anterior y hornearlos durante unos minutos. Servir luego – cover with the sauce and bake for a few minutes. Then serve

    Rinde 6 raciones – serves 6

    La Cocina Familiar en el Estado de México, p. 35

    Nobody likes broccoli, it’s a law of nature. But this is actually a very satisfying dish.

    When I was assembling it, the fluid in the crema-milk-parsley mixture ran through the broccoli to the bottom of the ovenproof dish and I wondered whether the recipe was wrong about quantities. I baked it as was – five minutes at 375 ºF – and it came out properly cooked and very tasty.

  10. Just for you, Jerry, tonight’s vegetable, which will be done steaming in just a minute, will be purple broccoli, with a dash of salt and pepper, a light drizzling of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil, and a small shaving of fresh Reggiano.


    1. Jerry’s hell would be a place full of enticing restaurants but as soon as you saw the menu the noms were broccoli and coriander in various incarnations.

    2. Purple broccoli is proper broccoli; what most people are discussing here is calabrese, which is quite different. I despise calabrese, but love proper broccoli. It is one of the few vegetables available in quantity in early spring. Unfortunately, that means that the plants must overwinter, and the deer that visit my garden when the weather gets harsh like it as much as I do.

    1. Not mad for rutabagas and turnips (parsnips I can just tolerate). I like virtually all other veggies. My daughter’s the only toddler I’ve heard of who always demanded seconds on broccoli. At 27 she’s been a vegetarian for about 10 years.

      1. PTC isn’t actually in Brassicas – it’s a marker compound that led to understanding the genetics of the gustatory discrimination. But as I understand it, Brassicas have a variety of isothiocyanates. One of my colleagues in my old department worked on these things.

        (Meanwhile, phenylisothiocyanate, which as far as I know is not found in Brassicas, is the Edman Reagent still used in chemical protein sequencing and without which there wouldn’t have been any foundation for genomics.)

    2. Totally with you Hempenstein: That summarizes my tastes in this group as well. To sum up: Yummy!

      But, hold the rutabaga (a very traditional Norwegian vegetable, which was thrust upon my often as a child.)

  11. Have you tried broccoli on your squirrels? No, wait, that doesn’t sound right.

    Have you offered broccoli to your squirrels?

  12. it might be an acquired taste.

    I didn’t care much for broccoli before (I didnt hate it either), but then I went on a diet. On that diet, I reduced the amount of meat/rice/wheat etc, and increased the amount of vegetables I ate, in order to not feel as hungry. When you are really, really hungry, you get a new appreciation for vegetables, including broccoli. Now, I love the taste of lightly steamed broccoli 🙂

    1. ANYthing tastes good when you’re really hungry- and tired. I remember backpacking years ago and pooh-poohing the Tuna Helper when we were setting out. Someone else pooh-poohed the hot chocolate mix w mini-marshmallows. By the third day everyone was gobbling everything. But can’t say I’ve ever wanted Tuna or Hamburger Helper since then…

  13. There’s one nice way to make broccoli (I’ve found anyway), and that’s from the older editions of the Complete Asian Cookbook. Chicken with Walnuts & Broccoli. The chicken is coated with a bit of 5 spice, and uses quite a lot of ginger. The broccoli florets are fried in oil, then separated until the end when they are combined back into the sauce. A very well balanced dish.

    Aside from that, completely get the broccoli hate. Would avoid it if I didn’t think occasionally eating it is good for my health*.

    *would be very happy if someone were to show me this isn’t the case. 😉

  14. I don’t remember where I found this recipe, but is a good way to deal with a vegetable that is horrible when even slightly overcooked.

    Garlicky Sesame-Cured Broccoli Salad
    Time: 10 minutes,plus 1 hour marinating

    1 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
    1 teaspoon kosher salt, more to taste
    2 heads broccoli, 1 pound each, cut into bite-size florets
    3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
    4 fat garlic cloves, minced
    2 teaspoons cumin seeds
    2 teaspoons roasted (Asian) sesame oil
    Large pinch crushed red pepper flakes.
    1. In a large bowl, stir together the vinegar and salt. Add broccoli and toss to combine.
    2. In a large skillet, heat olive oil until hot, but not smoking. Add garlic and cumin and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Stir in sesame oil and pepper flakes. Pour mixture over broccoli and toss well. Let sit for at least 1 hour at room temperature, and up to 48 (chill it if you want to keep it for more than 2 hours). Adjust seasonings (it may need more salt) and serve.
    Yield: 6 to 8 side-dish servings or more as an hors d’oeuvre.

    Purple sprouting broccoli, however, is a much more noble vegetable.

    For those who find boiled asparagus unpalatable, try dry grilling it in a serrated grill pan. It stays crisp and develops a nice nutty taste.

    Brussel spouts: yech

    1. Boiled asparagus? Yikes. Steam it for 2 minutes (trim beforehand to retain only the upper 4 inches (10 cm)) and apply butter, salt and pepper. My favorite vegetable.

      1. Grilled is best, IMO.

        You may be throwing out some good stuff, jbilie, if you just chop at 4 inches. What I do is break the bottoms off before grilling which leaves the tough part behind and more of the good stuff remains for nomming.

        1. Yeah, I’m pretty picky about the texture of asparagus. I also pretty much only buy stalks that as less than about 0.3 inch in diameter.

          I’ve grilled them too; but I end up preferring plain steamed, butter, S & P. Heaven (so to speak). 🙂 I hasten to add that I like grilled very well, it’s just more bother for me (even with my gas grill; which, this winter, I can still use, and have been using).

        1. I hope that did not embed – it was a picture of a particular broccoli variety – Romanesco broccoli. Look it up, it is amazing.

  15. Everyone has different sensitivities to different chemicals found in foods.

    Some people hate, hate, hate cilantro, while I love it.

    Some people hate the cabbage family, while I love it.

    Á chacun son goût

  16. I’m certainly not one to criticize someone else for their food dislikes. I was a picky eater as a child, and have somehow managed to not grow out of it, even as I draw ever closer to the great Hawaiian age (five-oh).

    That said, I’m okay with broccoli, so long as it’s boiled/steamed tender enough, and it’s mostly florets, not so much stalk. I also like Brussels sprouts, again not too crunchy. But don’t ever try to give me any of broccoli’s albino cousin – I do NOT like cauliflower in any form, not even mashed beyond (visual) recognition on top of a vegetarian shepherd’s pie (what’s wrong with potatoes? They’re, if not vegetables, not meat…). Not sure if it has to do with sensitivity to PTC or lack thereof. Many of my dislikes seem to boil down to things like fermented/aged/mold (the only cheese I can really stand is mild cheddar, with a slight nod to mozzerella; I can’t stand the taste of alcohol; I’m squicked out by yogurt; I likewise loathe mushrooms; oddly, I’m okay with a fair number of the aged sausages…). I won’t even get into mouth feel, etc. Let’s just say that I sometimes amaze myself that I can manage to eat a decent meal more than once in a blue moon.

    1. Try this recipe for cauliflower. Every cauliflower-hater I’ve ever served it to has liked it (not just tolerated it).

      Zahra (Lebanese Cauliflower)

      1 Head of cauliflower

      1-3 cloves of garlic (depending on taste)
      ~ 2 tsp of sea salt
      Juice of 1 lemon (must be fresh squeezed)
      Approx. 1 cup of tahini (sesame paste)
      Approx. 1 cup of very good plain yogurt
      Smoked paprika to taste (I use about 2 Tbsp)
      Sri Racha sauce* to taste (I use about 1 Tbsp)

      Clean cauliflower and slice off florets (no larger than 2-3 inches (5-7 cm). Place in steamer, cover, and steam for approx 6-8 minutes under full steam.

      Peel the garlic and crush into a mortar & pestel. Add salt and mash garlic + salt in the M & P until a smooth(-ish) paste. Add lemon juice and blend in the M & P.

      Pour the garlic/salt/lemon mix into a larger bowl for mixing. Add paprika and Sri Racha and mix. Add tahini and mix (the mixture will thicken rapidly). Add yogurt and mix well. Then very slowly add water until the consistency is similar to pancake batter. Set aside.

      Preheat a skillet with about 1/4 inch (1/2 cm +) of canola oil in it (medium heat).

      Remove the cauliflower florets from from the steamer and place directly into the skillet. Fry gently, turning frequently, until the florets have large golden to brown patches in several places/sides or even all over (even dark brown is OK; the browned parts are caramelized).

      Place the cauliflower florets from the skillet directly into a serving bowl and immediately pour (heavily!) the sauce over the pile of florets. Serve immediately.

      It is simply scrumptious. I usually serve as an appetizer.

      I figured this out (with help from a Lebanese friend) from a dish I was served by the restaurant Omar Khayyam in Seattle.

      (* This is a very “bright” flavored Asian red chili sauce that is very common in the US, especially in Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants. It’s mainly just pureed chilies. Any brightly flavored red chili sauce that isn’t super-hot will do.)

      1. This sounds kind of complicated; but I can do the whole thing in less than 30 minutes, start to finish.

        Make the sauce while the cauliflower is steaming, start eh skillet heating about half-way through the steaming.

        1. That many works fine; but (surprising) it can become too much (unbalance the flavors).

          I have tried on numerous occasions to add “too much garlic” to dishes for my wife and me. Pretty much can’t do it.

          I usually use 3 very large cloves, which probably translates as 6 “normal cloves” so, yeah, more garlic works fine.

          I do encourage you to try this dish, it’s sublime. 🙂

          1. I still find that a little tahini goes a long way, but you can never have too much garlic. Must make my 40-garlic chicken some time soon. You mix a ton o’garlic with soft butter and put it (carefully, with rubber gloves or trimmed fingernails) under the skin of a whole chicken and then roast it.

          2. That’s a different take on 40-cloves-of-garlic chicken. I usually do it in a covered skillet with the garlic (and onions and rosemary) in the pan with the chicken. Under the skin sounds like it should work pretty well. I assume roasted?


          3. Yeah, roast the whole chicken once the butter and garlic are under the skin. Added rosemary – and s&p – are good, too.

          4. I’ll have to give it a try…but an whole chicken is an awful lot of food. Might have to try it on just a piece or two.

            …and then I have to figure out how to fit 42 cloves of garlic in the skin of a single leg….


          5. Just use a smallish whole chicken, and theleftovers are good reheated or in a sandwich. Baihu would like some, too. And it’s 40, not 42 cloves – this is not the answer to the meaning of the universe:-))

            PS you could probably get awY w 6 cloves.

          6. I’m trying to avoid leftovers entirely. If I cook enough that there’ll be leftovers, there’s the temptation to go ahead and eat the whole thing anyway, or at least eat into the portion intended for leftovers. And, unless I’ve planned what to do with the leftovers, there’s too much of a chance of them vanishing into some mystery container in a dark corner of the ‘fridge, only to be rediscovered in some future archaeological expedition.

            And, with a mere six cloves of garlic, the Universe would lose all meaning!


  17. All of these are selectively bred from the humble original “cabbage” plant:

    Brussel sprouts
    Horse radish

    An amazingly malleable vegetable.

    Love ’em all except rutubaga. Not much on sweet-ish root veggies.

    1. Interesting. I had no idea that selective breeding could create new species and, in some cases, genera. Currently accepted latin names from

      Cabbage – Brassica oleracea L.
      Broccoli – Brassica oleracea L.
      Cauliflower – Brassica oleracea L.
      Kohlrabi – Brassica oleracea L.
      Brussel sprouts – Brassica oleracea L.
      Turnips – Brassica napus L.
      Rutabaga – Brassica napus L
      Collards – Brassica oleracea L.
      Kale – Brassica oleracea L.
      Arugula – Eruca vesicaria L.
      Daikon – Raphanus sativus L.
      Bokchoi – Brassica rapa L.
      Radish – Raphanus sativus L.
      Horse radish – Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb.
      Cress – Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton
      Wasabi – Eutrema japonicum (Miq.) Koidz.
      Mustard – Sinapis alba L.
      Rape – Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L
      “Canola” – Brassica napus L.

    2. There’s some nonsense going around about canola oil “causing cancer”. I looked at the study that apparently started this urban myth and it showed that people whose job it is to cook using smoking-hot unrefined rape seed oil, full time, have an elevated risk of lung cancer. (They found no increased risk with canola, which was evaluated.)

      Is anyone surprised by this? Spend you days breathing in burning oil fumes, you get an increased risk of lung cancer. Duh.

      I had one person (who I would normally suspect of being intelligent) say, with a little implied wink, “why do you think they call it rape seed?!!!!”

      Well, that would be because it’s named after the turnip part of the family, and its name in Latin was rapa.

      It goes to show the near total lack of real inquisitiveness amongst the woo-ish crowd. Really? You can’t even look it up on Wiki?

      1. Well, I looked it up & Snopes has a debunk on it. Rapeseed oil is high in erucic acids which makes it somewhat toxic. In the 1970’s, the scientists at the U of Manitoba bred plants in which the erucic acid was replaced with oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, and renamed “Canola”. Canola was produced by cross breeding, not GMO.
        Of all oils, canola is the highest in monounsaturated fat, except for olive oil. I have used it for cooking for over 25 years.
        I would think that inhaling any hot oil fumes would be unhealthy, but inhaling the fumes from a toxic plant could only be worse.
        Also, the U of M didn’t patent the canola plant, as it’s development was paid for by the taxpayer (who fund the university and the research it does).

  18. I can understand not liking broccoli and kale and so on — I love them, but then again, I love bitter foods and don’t really care for sweet ones.

    What I can’t understand is how anyone could countenance keeping a rat as a pet. Those pestiliferous vermin are fit only to be Ferret Food (or cat food, if you prefer), not household friends!

    1. Yeah, I think you have to love bitter and sour to love the brassica.

      Some people have very strong sensitivities to certain chemicals (this shows up strongly in wine tastings) and I would guess Jerry has a high sensitivity to whatever it is in broccoli that makes it bitter/unique tasting.

    2. My brother had pet rats when I was a child and they were clean, pleasant, funny little fellows. No problems at all, and he carried them around with him in the house (à la the movie Ratatouille.)

      I wouldn’t want rats; but they seemed to be fine pets. I don’t understand rodents as pets, full stop, but he liked them.

      In any event, we are in the process (as retirement approaches, thankfully) of divesting ourselves of all living things other than outdoor plants and ourselves. Ah, freedom!

    3. I inherited 2 white rats from my kids classroom one summer, then the new teacher didn’t want them back.
      As first I was squeed out by their naked tails, but the little buggers grew on me. They would sit on my shoulders & play with my hair. They were very sweet tempered and very intelligent (as compared to guinea pigs).
      I also think field mice are cuties but I have had to kill them when they infested our camper. They cause so much damage and leave a trail of feces everywhere.

  19. Some kid in the back of the “house” is trying to foist the broccoli off on the rat, who’s having none of it.

    My three younger brothers and I used to try to sneak stuff we didn’t like onto each other’s plates…

      1. Not sake, and I really don’t think it’s mirin either (but could be wrong). It’s labelled Chinese cooking wine (and it has a bit of salt in it).

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