Sunday: Hili dialogue

January 18, 2015 • 5:20 am

Once again Hili fails to attend church on the Lord’s day. Rather, she luxuriates at home and keeps Cyrus off the couch!

Hili: Look, I occupy the whole sofa!
A: A small dog would still find some room.
Hili: A very small dog.
P1020221 (1)
In Polish:
Hili: Popatrz, zajęłam całą sofę!
Ja: Mały pies jeszcze by się zmieścił.
Hili: Bardzo mały.

19 thoughts on “Sunday: Hili dialogue

  1. Yesterday was the lord’s day my godless cats and dog didn’t observe – but of course it’s hard to tell that from the outside, since “not doing anything” is the primary Shabbat activity. Quite sophisticated!

        1. All the food I give my dog goes into making fur, which she sheds. She is constantly shedding so the roombas keep the level of fur down to a reasonable level & if it looks messy enough I can run the Dyson vacuum through the house.

          I can’t use the scooba because I have faux hardwood floors that can’t tolerate the wetness. I do use the Mint (now owned by iRobot) to clean the floors though.

          1. Similarly, I have fake hardwood floors (and tile) and a Roomba. Can’t imagine going back to carpet, can’t imagine life without a Roomba.


          2. Still can’t compare with a Roomba…so what if you can vacuum the whole place in half an hour with an upright, but it takes an hour for the Roomba to do its thing? When the Roomba is going, you’re free to do whatever you want…and the Roomba will do its thing every single day. And it’ll get under the beds and under the furniture and all those other places you have trouble reaching or don’t remember to get to.

            I literally spend less than one minute per day on floor cleaning. Before I got to bed, I empty the Roomba’s dustbin. That’s it.

            Granted, this assumes you have no stairs to climb….


          3. The two vacuums have different purposes.

            Dysons are more powerful so they excel at getting fine particulates out of carpet and even floors. I especially like using mine for dusting (with an attachment) because the dust goes straight into the canister instead of being mopped around with a duster. I also like using it to clean up old cobwebs and to clean baseboard dust. It’s good in my car too.

          4. I imagine we’ll both of us be first in line to buy a US Robotics RB when they finally get created…imagine a robot that does nothing but maid-type cleaning every day for however long it takes! You really could just toss your clothes wherever on the floor and forget about them, and never have to take out the trash, and the bed is always made, and…

            …and I’ve got a pile of laundry on the bed that I need to go fold.

            <sigh />


          5. I’m counting on the Japanese to make robots to look after me when I get old (or just decrepit which can happen irrespective of age).

          6. Well, here’s hoping decrepitude only coincides with greatly advanced age…and that we don’t have to wait that long for robots that do the chores….


          7. Plus one. The Dysons are for incidentals and pre-mop sweeping. We live in a semi-urban area with three kids, two cats and a dog. The housekeeper comes weekly (confession: she is the one who mops), the girls’ nanny sweeps and Swiffers the kitchen and family room at least once a week – and there is still a significant filth harvest in the Roomba’s receptacle 3 nights per week. It’s eye-opening: in college I vacuumed about twice per semester. Ew.

            It’s just the 1st gen Scooba we retired, because it was too easily defeated by hair (resulting in the constant maintenance) and also the squeegee didn’t handle the texture and seams in the wood floors.

    1. she’s got to worry about where the next mean is coming from. And when?
      and there’s this word “diet2 that keeps on being bandied about. What Hili’s opinions on the culinary qualities of Worms are, I don’t know, but that’s got to be a source of ongoing stress too.

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