Saturday: Hili dialogue

January 17, 2015 • 4:21 am

Professor Ceiling Cat gets a STEAK today, thanks to a kindly reader who has offered to buy him lunch in a fancy Chicago steakhouse! (I ate almost no meat while in India.) Sadly, Hili doesn’t get one: as she’s on a diet, her concerns are more mundane. The last line in the English dialogue doesn’t appear in Polish because, although Andrzej wanted to add it to the Polish version, there’s no Polish equivalent for that English phrase.

Hili: I’m wondering…
Cyrus: What about?
Hili: Whether your peeing on the plants might possibly harm them.
Cyrus: Piss off!

P1020212 (1)

In Polish:
Hili: Tak się zastanawiam…
Cyrus: Nad czym?
Hili: Czy to twoje obsikiwanie roślin nie może im przypadkiem szkodzić?


18 thoughts on “Saturday: Hili dialogue

      1. What? Are you implying that Polish is an inferior language? Shame on you!
        Here in SA we can piss off, f*ck off and even buzz off, or just ‘voetsek’.
        How can the Poles possibly survive without pissing off? They undoubtedly must ‘off’ something, I’d think,

        Grass is a plant that often does not take d*g pee very well, btw. bald spots in the lawn, not to mention our fragile orchids.

    1. Even a dog can take only so much opprobrium.

      I was under the impression that female dog urine was more caustic than male, but it turns out females burn grass because they squat in place, rather than lifting their legs and spreading the love the way a male does.

      1. My female Currie-the-Pooch pees in a most un-ladylike way. She lifts a leg and sometimes keeps walking while lifting alternate legs.

  1. Not that he can know that he takes such a ribbing; but if he could, Cyrus strikes me as the sort who’d be very good-natured about it.

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