Thursday: Hili dialogue

December 18, 2014 • 3:48 am

Good morning!

A weighty subject is the topic for discussion in Dobrzyń this morning, as Hili entertains a dangerous thought. I am a little curious as to what Andrzej’s reply was. Let us hope it was diplomatic!


Hili: I have a serious question.
A: I’m listening.
Hili: If there is no god, then who am I?


In Polish:

Hili: Mam poważne pytanie.
Ja: Słucham?
Hili: Jeśli boga nie ma, to kim ja jestem?

6 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

  1. Capitalization matters!

    Just because there’s no God (aka יהוה aka YHWH aka Jehovah) doesn’t mean that there’s no Sun or no cats!

    I’ve heard that Joe Pesci is really real, too, but he was useless for getting that frisbee off the roof, so I have my doubts about him, too.


  2. This is the best Hili post yet. I’m a cat (and dog) owner and lover. The question is important and Hili’s answer appropriate. As someone who can only accept a material world as our context for existence I have no answer for her.

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