Caturday felid trifecta: Cat on piano, cat running in wheel, and Ceiling Cat decal

December 13, 2014 • 7:38 am

I hope to keep the Caturday Felids going while I’m traveling, as I haven’t missed one since the series started. So here’s today’s trifecta.

First, a cat who apparently doesn’t like music as much as personal attention tries to interrupt its staff. Note the plaintive meow near the end.

Many readers complain that their cats are overweight. This device, which is actually inexpensive, might solve the problem, although it seems you have to use a laserpointer (or a feather) to get the cat moving. As some readers have noted, laserpointers might serve to frustrate a cat, as they never get the satisfaction of catching their “prey.”

At any rate, the wheel, called “One Fast Cat,” was the subject of a wildly successful Kickstarter Campaign (they asked for $10,000 and got $345,000!), and you can get one for only $249, with free shipping anywhere in the U.S.

And if you have a Mac (or even a PC, if you’re one of those), you can order this spiffy Ceiling Cat decal from Amazon for only $4.99. I know I’ll be getting one. Show your Fealty to the One True God:


Screen Shot 2014-12-11 at 9.33.04 AM

Finally, as lagniappe, I proffer this picture, which rings true. Does anybody’s cat enjoy car trips? Actually, my Teddy did, and would sit in the front seat with paws on the dashboard, peering out the windshield



h/t: Larry, Michael, Diana

28 thoughts on “Caturday felid trifecta: Cat on piano, cat running in wheel, and Ceiling Cat decal

  1. We once stopped at a gas station here in rural America and when a pickup pulled up at the next pump, we saw four or five cats in the cab with him and his wife! They took turns peering out the window. They seemed very used to riding with their driver.

  2. Cat’s love 1960’s pickup trucks (dash sloped toward front, instrument panel housing as pillow) where they can lay on the dash and look forward out the windshield (mine did).

  3. My d*g figured out that there wasn’t anything there with the laser spot in just a few minutes. For a bit, she was chasing it, then seemed to realize there was no smell associated with it and has ignored it ever since.

    1. My dog often figures that the human is teasing somehow & will turn around, narrow her eyes & bark in a really angry way.

        1. Yellow lab that I suspect is from a line of field trial dogs. She doesn’t mind large bangs either. I popped one of those giant inflated packing bubbles in her face (the wind blew over her face so it looked hilarious) and she thought it was so funny that she got wound up & grabbed the other one out of my hand to pop it herself.

  4. Astrid (the first cat who owned me after I moved out of my parents’ house) loved to ride in a car as long as she was not in a carrier. If she could roam around the seats, she was fine. She usually sat next to me or perched on the shelf behind the back seat. She was well-travelled; I took her to Hartford, Rochester MN and Chicago*. When I was on my way to Hartford, I stopped for gas and Astrid was lying in the back looking out the window. She got up and stretched, and one of two kids who were looking at her said, “Holy shit! That’s a real cat!”

    *With the exception of my current two, all of my cats have lived in Chicago at some point in their lives.

      1. Clearly my intended light-hearted tone didn’t come across in my post! I was merely surprised you had not seen it before, considering you have a more thorough knowledge of cats on the internet than almost everybody else. Consider me silenced in future.

  5. My cat Thomas and I took a two-day road trip once. He lay in the back the entire time, looking out at the cars behind us with contempt.

    Really seemed to enjoy himself.

  6. We always took the animals with us on road trips as a kid. When we stopped to fill up on food or petrol (gas), the golden labrador (Hiram) would move into the driver’s seat and the cat (Mackie) would sit on the dashboard. They always attracted plenty of attention from onlookers.

  7. We’ve had several cats that traveled with us; all seemed to like it. One, the late Tigger AKA the most beautiful cat ever to have existed very much liked road trips. When, however, we approached an overpass or tunnel mouth he always dived into the passenger footwell.

  8. Jerry, I hope you have a wonderful trip, and birthday.

    There’s no need to apologize for light posting – we do pretty well out of you, and by the Grace of The Furry One, we know you’ll be back. 🙂

  9. Kenny loves car rides. We take him to delaware with us about every other weekend, about 4-5 hours. He sits on my lap and looks out the window while Crystal drives. I will send Jerry some pictures if I can find some good ones.

  10. Decades ago I had to take my cat (an active young tabby) on a short trip for some reason. Got him into a cardboard box with some effort, and put it on the front seat. While driving, the scratching from inside got more and more agitated so I let him out. BIG MISTAKE! He flew round the car like an unguided missile, claws out and shredding everything in his path including me.

    I guess I must have got him caged again somehow before I lost too much blood.

    1. When I brought Astrid (See comment #5) from the Humane Society, she was put in a cardboard temporary carrier and she howled and struggled on the short trip home. When I took her to my new home, a much longer trip, I put her in a box, and again the caterwauling resumed, but when she fought her way out of the box, she was fine. It wasn’t the travelling she hated, it was the carrier. As long as she could see where she was going, she was the best of travel companions.

      Some time later I had to take her with me on a plane, which meant carrier, which meant kitty tranqs. Once she was sedated, she was docile. The carrier had a hatch that could be opened to put my hand in to comfort her, and since the seat next to me was unoccupied, I had her next to me instead of on floor. The flight attendants (well, this was a while ago, and they were still mostly women and still called stewardesses) thought she was the sweetest thing, so what I got was, “Oh, what a sweet kitty! Would you like anything?” and, “Can I pet the kitty? Would you like another drink?” (yes, back then, meals and drinks were included in the airfare – I’m sure I’m not the only one here who remembers those days). Even though I was flying coach, I got a first class meal. It was one of the best flights I ever had, and I owe it all to my travelling cat.

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