Friday, Hili dialogue

November 7, 2014 • 3:40 am

Hili wants some special noms for shabbos (my father also used to refer to our dinner hams as “a good kosher ham”!)

Malgorzata: Enough of this work! Let’s go and make supper.
Hili: OK, for you, whatever–and a big chunk of kosher ham for the Editor-in-Chief!


In Polish:
Małgorzata: Starczy tej pracy, idziemy zrobić kolację.
Hili: Dobrze, dla was cokolwiek, a dla Naczelnej duży kawał koszernej szynki.

10 thoughts on “Friday, Hili dialogue

  1. Glad to see the UCL Charles Darwin Lived Here mug! I have two – one I was saving for Professor Ceiling Cat when he comes to do a book tour of the UK after the Albatross is published (unless he has one!)…

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