Moar kittens for Linda

August 19, 2014 • 5:38 am

Reader Linda Grilli, the website’s Official Goat Breeder™, has many cats.  In fact, when I asked her how many, she said this:

I now have seven cats, five black.

Pewter – gunmetal grey
Clawed Monet – white with orange spots
Barney – black
Bailey – black
Ebony – black
Jose Felidiano – black
Billy the Kit – black

I still maintain that “Clawed Monet” is the greatest name ever bestowed on a felid.

Note that she says “I now have seven”. A bit more than three years ago, she had six. I posted pictures of four of them, Barney, Bibiana, Ebony, and Bailey (left to right in the first picture below). Sadly, Biana has passed on, so there were three black cats, all living in the barn, and all dining daily on goat milk and crackers:




Now, however, Linda reports that she’s gotten two more stray black kittens (bringing the total back up to seven), who will live in the house with Clawed and Pewter instead of in the barn. They are eight weeks old, had eye infections which are now cured (thank Ceiling Cat for antibiotics), and here are their photos:

Meet Billy the Kit:


And Jose Felidiano:


I hope they get goat milk, too. (I understand it’s much better for cats than is cow milk, but I may be wrong.)


29 thoughts on “Moar kittens for Linda

  1. I love black kitties.

    I have another superb cat name; but is requires a knowledge of a foreign (for us USians) language.

    My cousins in Norway named their cat Gustav Mahler. Mahler means “purrer” in Norwegian. I loved that name! 🙂

    1. A former neighbour had a big and loud yellow lab named Mahler. When she first introduced us, I was a little tentative, because I thought she meant Mauler. 🙂 Turns out the neighbour was a violinist with a symphony orchestra.

  2. Clawed Monet? Good name but not that good 🙂 🙂 We had a cat called “Claudius” ( my fault for marrying a classicist !) and a doctor of my acquaintance had one called Mogadon ……

  3. Yes, goat milk, yogurt,kefir is the best for puppies, kitties etc……you can often find some one who has goats and buy bulk goats milk reasonably priced, and if necessary, freeze some.

    1. Part of my market is to sell milk to people with orphans. I also donate milk to our zoo and wild animal park.

      My milk has raised many fawns, foals, a couple of calves, many kittens and puppies, and a giraffe. L

      1. A giraffe! I’d think it’d take your entire flock to satiate the appetite of one of those — have you seen how big they get, and how small they start?


        1. Yeah, she was drinking six gallons a day there for awhile.

          She was born on Mother’s Day, and weaned the end of December. What we ended up doing was sending ten gallons a day over there and freezing the extra so that they’d have enough in the fall when goat production starts dropping off as they’re getting ready for breeding season.

          The tech at the zoo told me that she’d appropriated freezer space in the animal commissary, the human commissary, and the restaurant to stash the extra. She had most of the staff mad at her by the end of September.

          They were bottle feeding her from atop a ladder after a couple of months. L

          1. Obviously, Mama wasn’t available to turn acacia into giraffe milk. Can you imagine a single animal producing six gallons a day? Can you imagine drinking six gallons a day?

            …then again, a bit of Googling suggests that Holsteins make about nine gallons a day. No clue how that can be possible.


  4. LOL! For a second, I thought Jose Felidiano was a typo, then I saw what she did there. Lovely kittehs!

    1. Interestingly, their mother is a Siamese with blue eyes. She was a dumpoff at friends’ house. They took her in, not realizing she was pregnant. They plan to get her spayed, but held off once they realized she was carrying a litter.

      She had five kittens, but only these two survived. They were all black, four long-haired, so I assume the father was a single male.

      I still really miss Bibi; she’s been gone almost six months and I still inadvertently look for her, but these two are making it easier. L

      1. I had heard that Siamese sometimes have black kittens. My first black kitty, Guelpho, was totally black but tiny, shaped like a Siamese, very smart, and sometimes did a Siamese-like yowl.

        We do miss them when they’re gone:-((

  5. My contestant in creative cat naming is our rescue cat, Catmandu – the felid formerly named Prince, the name he came to us with. Good name for a Himalayan although we have no clue to his real cat name.

    Name change failed. Still doesn’t come when called.

  6. Beautiful cats and kittens!
    Bailey looks a lot like my friend’s cat Coati, who was from the same colony as most of my black cats.

    Two of my black ones have Siamese heritage: Impy has “traditional Siamese” or “applehead” ancestry (more like “grapefruit head” for him!) and Ararat’s delicately pointed face suggests “classic Siamese” or Oriental Shorthair blood. Both have very Siamese voices, especially when they face off with each other!

    I buy goat milk kefir for myself and share it with the cats. For those that will drink it, it seems to be particularly good for the ones who are ill or losing weight.

    1. I might try the kefir. Freddie’s become hypo-thyroid and needs to take pills which we mash up in milk or cream. He thinks it’s a treat (unlike having the pill shoved down his gullet…)

  7. Add me to the chorus singing the praises of black cats. Four of our cats have been black–Oliver, Dmitri, Sinbad, and Midnight. The cats that found us most recently do not happen to be black, but if I ever need to go looking for a new one to adopt, the sable ones will always catch my eye first.

    A treat to see your felid family, Linda! Those kittens are adorable and the barnies so striking.

  8. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Eye infections appear to be behind us; they were last treated four days ago, and no sign of a recurrence.

    So, pretty soon they will be introduced to Pewter and Clawed. L

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