A cat suckling ducklings!

March 31, 2014 • 2:17 pm

I believe I’ve put up a shorter version of this video before, but this is the full one, and much better. It’s about an Irish cat who actually nursed a brood of ducklings along with her kittens, and the ducklings actually drank the cat’s milk! That’s unbelievable.  And watch what happens when the “yellow kittens” get older, more rambunctious, and the mother tries to control them.

h/t: Norm

23 thoughts on “A cat suckling ducklings!

    1. Yeah — if it was Jesus, it would have been lambs the cat adopted. Everybody knows that Jesus is the shepherd, and Satan the…er…quack…?


    2. This is what you get when you allow gay marriage. They warned you, and you didn’t listen. Where will it all end?

  1. This reminds me of a film I saw on PBS in which David Attenborough interviewed an ethologist who has a flock of greylag geese imprinted on her. Wherever she goes, the geese follow along, and when they take the speedboat out for a spin, the geese are right there flying alongside in V formation.

    Here’s a clip.

    1. I wonder how this experience affects how safe it is to leave ducklings with this cat once her kittens are grown?

  2. I once heard a crying sound in my back yard and when I looked I saw my cat lying on her side in the grass fussing over something. Going out to get a better look I saw that she had caught a baby rabbit and was playing baby with it. She bathed it with her tongue and kept pressing it to her bosom as if trying to get it to nurse. This happened years after she had her last litter.
    In the video the couple suggest that it was fortunate that the ducklings hatched at exactly the same time as the cat gave birth but my story suggests that that wasn’t really necessary, some cats (and non cats) are just very maternal.
    P.S. Then she got bored with the game and ate the bunny. 🙁

    1. In The Tribe of Tiger, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas describes incidents in which lions, tigers, and pumas caress and groom their dead prey before eating it. Conversely, trained circus cats may pounce playfully on their trainers in moments of pleasure.

      The conclusion she draws is that cats’ emotional lives are intimately bound up with hunting. They literally love their prey for the pleasure they get from hunting and eating it. And their stalking instincts likewise spill over into their affectionate relationships with littermates and trainers. Love and hunting are all one thing to them.

      1. I have tried to make the same point about the Catholic Church that I grew up in. They deeply love their flock yet make rules that are designed to maximize human suffering.
        Then they convince themselves that the pleasure that they get from witnessing that suffering is gods reward for their piety.

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