Thursday: Hili Dialogue

January 16, 2014 • 3:26 am

Today’s Hili dialogue is a first: the only one originally created in English. There’s thus no Polish translation:

Hili: Jerry said I was a Queen.
Sarah: But in English all female cats are called “queens”.
Hili: We are not interested in that information.

(Photo: Sarah Lawson)


I notice that Hili, insisting that she’s a real Queen, has started using the royal “we.”

22 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili Dialogue

  1. I have never heard that all cats are called queens? Queen was originally a woman or more specifically a noble woman.

    Perhaps Empress would suit Hili better?

    1. PS There is a video on puffington host of a paralyzed cat & its do#gie companion –

      1. I think it refers to sexually intact females, in the same way that “tom” refers to sexually intact males. L

        1. Tyrian purple was also just about the only known color-fast dye. There were a few others based on soaking cloth in colored clays, such as khaki, but they were not nearly so vivid and pretty.

      1. Yes, I’d imagine so, as purple because associated with the Imperial power specifically as opposed to Senatorial rank, etc. Byzantium saw itself as the continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire, still saw themselves as “Romans” IIRC.

  2. The self-referral in the plural reminds me of Mark Twain’s comment regarding journalists who do that, that the only people who should self-refer in the plural are kings, pregnant women, and people with tapeworm. L

          1. Depends on your definition of ‘fauna’. I take it to be animals, as in Taenia solium or Enterobius vermicularis. Bacteria, including the symbiotic ones you are referring to, are sometimes designated as flora. The confusion arises because the terms predate the discovery of single celled organisms.

            I’m not a biologist so I don’t know if we have any symbiotic relationships with animals such as Helminths or Nematodes. If anyone knows of any, do tell.

          2. Actually, microflora is the term one usually hears, you’re right. But I appreciate the out you gave me with the end of your first paragraph. 😀

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