Tuesday: Hili dialogue

November 26, 2013 • 4:42 am
Hili: Who was it on the phone?
A: A certain alpha-philosopher.
Hili: And why did you go directly and read “Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar”?
A: Because some people are so full of airs that you have to let some air in.
In Polish:
Hili: Z kim rozmawiałeś przez telefon?
Ja: Z takim jednym alfa filozofem.
Hili: A dlaczego czytałeś potem książkę “Plato and Platypus Walk into a Bar”?
Ja: Bo niektórzy ludzie są tak nadęci, że po rozmowie z nimi musisz wpuścić powietrze.

11 thoughts on “Tuesday: Hili dialogue

  1. I’m not sure about the transcription accuracy of this particular dialogue.
    I’m fairly certain that’s the feline look of “i’m not sure what you’re planning, but if it’s to pet me until i lose my patience and bite you then you have my permission to proceed.”

  2. Oh man, I love the Hili dialogues. Hey Hili, Napoléon joins me in sending you warm greetings from Rio de Janeiro.

  3. My favourite from the book involves two cows chatting…

    “What do you think about this mad
    cow disease?”

    “What do I care? I’m a helicopter”

  4. Plato and a platypus is indeed a fun read. As I said in my Amazon review: ‘I enjoyed this little book very much! The authors come across as a sort of philosophical Click and Clack (of the radio show “Car Talk”) in that they treat with great good humor a subject not known for being especially funny. Just as there is more to auto repair than you will get by listening to “Car Talk,” there is much much more to philosophy than you will get by reading this book. And the authors do sometimes get a little too “cutesy” for my taste. Yet I learned some things from it, for example, that the humor in jokes can arise from some misapplication of a basic principle of logic or other branch of philosophy. The second half of the title could just as easily have been “Understanding Jokes Through Philosopy!” I think this book could be a good prelude to a much more comprehensive analysis of philosophy told through humor, perhaps using whole stories to illuminate philosophy in a deeper way than one-liners and short jokes can. ‘

      1. I suppose scripture could be considered a subset of philosophy, but then so could Aesop’s Fables, nicht wahr?

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