Two cartoons: Darwin & Wallace, and the truth about Tetris

September 16, 2013 • 3:08 am

by Matthew Cobb

I spotted both these on Tw*tter (as the microbl*gging site will henceforth be known on this bl*g).

The first is by Ainsley Seago and is from here on the site.

The second will change your mind about everyone’s favourite Soviet shapes game:

I spotted this here, but I’m not sure who actually made the image…

19 thoughts on “Two cartoons: Darwin & Wallace, and the truth about Tetris

  1. Wait till Scienceman gets around to the sinister slime cult of the non-think tank [non]Discovery [non]Institute.

    I always picture it as an empty vat. Magical bacteria, so to say.

    It should demand a supplementary role for Randi and his powers of debunking junk. “If you want to earn $1,000,000 by showing that creationism works, let us agree on the following test schedule…”.

  2. Don’t you think the super hero called upon to defeat the evil Lamarck Society should be Weismann instead of Darwin? What’s Darwin going to do, throw pangenes at them?

  3. I think, perhaps more interesting than the adventures of Darwin and Wallace, would be the adventures of Darwin, Wallace, and Gromit. Just think — we could learn of the adventurous evolution of cheese!


      1. I’d settle for just a decent cheddar*….


        * I whine for dramatic effect only, of course. It’s actually surprisingly easy to find good cheese in this part of town. b&

          1. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I could describe Wensleydale — it’s been quite a while since I had any. I should probably pick up a small slice the next time I’m at Whole Paycheck. Even if boring, it’d be good to refresh the remembery, and I’m sure it’ll be quite edible regardless.


  4. Charter vs. Colander

    This in today’s Toronto Globe and Mail:

    Charter vs. colander

    Re Separatists Divided Over PQ Charter (Sept. 13): Can a Quebec Pastafarian (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) civil servant – overtly representing secularism, mind you – wear the traditional colander headgear at work?

    Bruno Hedman, Toronto

    (there is currently a big storm brewing in Quebec over the right to wear any kind of religious headgear (hijab, yarmulke, turban) or
    to display large (size not specified) crosses, stars of David, etc.) Love this letter!!

  5. I love the Darwin cartoon! And am especially happy to see ARW get his due. But I would like to point out that Darwin himself believed in Lamarkian principles, as an additional driver of evolution. Wallace, no.

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