
June 6, 2013 • 3:24 am

This site is very often among WordPress’s top bl–s, at least according to my dashboard. Below are last night’s rankings, and I have to say I’m pleased with our position.

The competitors (rankings change) often include two science-y websites, and the rest deal with pop culture. The Extinction Protocol  seems largely concerned with apocalyptic events that presage the earth’s demise: volcanoes, earthquakes, changes in weather patterns, and the like. I haven’t read it enough to know the real theme. The perennially popular “Watt’s up with that?” appears to promotes global warming denialism. I’ve heard it criticized by environmentalists but again don’t know much about it.

NM Fire Info” is a site that provides information about fires in New Mexico; I don’t know watt’s up with that unless its appearance is transitory due to fires in that state.

Top blogs

29 thoughts on “Self-aggrandizement

    1. But, were there fewer cats, would there be fewer visitors? I often send the cat pages to Cataholics I know – perhaps I should send them to Catholics as well?

  1. Well, you know what you think of creationist blogs? Watts Up With That is the direct equivalent about climate change. Infuriating deliberate stupidity.

  2. I may be entering a pool of sharks here, but can somebody explain whats up with the b word (bl-g) here? Did a bl-g bullied someone when he was toddler? or stole his girlfriend at high school…?
    (In case I’ve missed something obvious, I sincerely apologize).

  3. WUWT is a science denial site. It is not just anti anthropometric global warming but has a very thinly veiled political agenda promoting fracking and other fossil fuel industry objectives. Informative sites exist such as the climate change discussions on weatherunderground. The deniers are there too but most seem to be shills for the oil industry.

    1. Correction. The word is anthropocentric. I have fallen prey to a programmer’s view of correctness. The auto correct had anthropometric. That in itself is interesting.

        1. Let’s try. Anthropocentric came up when I typed anthropocene. I just learned I could deselect by the “corrected” word by tapping the tiny x by the suggested correction. Now I will try anthropogenic. It was accepted. The best part of this exercise is that I did not need to call the grandchildren for advice.

      1. I’m reasonably sure the programmer never saw the sentence you were composing and had no opinion on its correctness. Autocorrect word suggestions are made by consulting tables of word frequencies, not by programmer fiat. So blame your fellow English speakers for using “anthropometric” more often than “anthropogenic”.

      2. Let us know when your computer becomes self aware so we can prepare for the rise of the machines. 😉

    2. “Very well paid” belongs in front of “shills”

      Buckets of cash [& other perks] coming the way of the most high profile anthropogenic climate change deniers

  4. I imagine there would more much more for me to learn and discuss at “STOOPID HOUSEWIVES” It’s obviously superior. I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned Kim Cardassian!

    1. I think the fact that a serious science site (well, mostly) made the top ten is pretty remarkable. It’s obvious where the hoi polloi are.

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