Caturday felid: Why cats pwn dogs

September 22, 2012 • 4:06 am

Somehow readers Dan McPeek and Ben Goren dug up and posted this YouTube video in the DWB/book comments on Sept. 19, when it had just gone up and accrued only a few comments. I immediately saw that it was funny enough to merit status as a Caturday Felid, and scheduled a post for today. In the last three days, elebenty gazillion other readers have sent it to me, and the YouTube views have shot up from about 300 to over 380,000.  I don’t know how people find these things so quickly, but I’m glad they’re brought to my attention.

Herewith: the definitive proof that cats pwn dogs.

And, of course, even dogs are better than squids, a spineless beast that makes its living from suckers.

19 thoughts on “Caturday felid: Why cats pwn dogs

  1. “And, of course, even dogs are better than squids, a spineless beast that makes its living from suckers.”

    I saw what you did there 🙂

  2. It’s excellent, except Habermas didn’t do the “Dialectic of Enlightenment.” That would be Horkheimer and Adorno. I’m just sayin’.

  3. My first experience with cats was when I was in junior high school. My father had acquired a 7-year-old Labrador retriever from someone who could no longer take care of her and wanted to find her a new home. Other than the fact that she had been trained for hunting, we knew little about the history of this dog. One day the dog was in the back yard with my brother and me when a cat came into the yard through the fence. We sicked the dog on the cat. The cat held its ground while the dog did its pwn maneuver; walking calmly up to the cat, the dog flattened the cat to the ground with her front paw. At that point, she could have killed the cat, of course, but she just stood on it until we told her to let it go. And, BTW, I couldn’t fail to notice that at 2:39 in the video there is a dog mimicking Jerry Coyne.

    1. “We sicked the dog on the cat…she could have killed the cat, but she just stood on it until we told her to let it go.” Was it fun, playing god?

      1. The remark seems odd. Kids do what kids do, and we expected to have a laugh in seeing the dog chase the cat intruder back through the fence. We were, instead, surprised at what actually happened. I expect that if what we had expected would have occurred, I probably would not have remembered it at all. It happened a year or two more than 60 years ago.

  4. The perfect Caturday post.

    Writing about catching up, then the following evidence that scientists pwn Templeton may be redundant redundancy, but just to make sure:

    The 22nd annual Ig Nobels ceremony, with the theme “The Universe,” featured the usual doses of zaniness, including the traditional launching of hundreds of paper airplanes and the world premiere of an opera entitled “The Intelligent Designer and the Universe,” about an insane wealthy man who bequeaths his fortune to have someone design a beautiful dress for the universe.

    [My bold.]

    And apparently the physicist Roy Glauber pwns arsenic life, and in the context the originator of the shadow world concept the physicist Paul Davies, deist and Templeton winner, but I haven’t gotten there yet. It has been claimed his 7 word response to the challenge to sum up the universe was ”only arseholes believe arsenic can support life”.

    It is a good Caturday.

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