The mother lode of evolution videos

August 3, 2012 • 3:58 am

If you’re a teacher, an autodidact, or simply someone who wants to learn about evolution, I highly recommend this “Evolution Documentary” site , which has collected well over a hundred evolution-related videos from a variety of sources. Here’s a screenshot of some of the sources.

There are, for example, 74 videos from the BBC alone, including ones by Attenborough and Dawkins, and series about human evolution, Darwin, geology, and so on.

It’s a fantastic teaching resource, even if you want to teach only yourself.

h/t: DocAtheist

31 thoughts on “The mother lode of evolution videos

    1. That’s the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. For that, one can forgive the guy several Spruce Geese and a small handful of personal hygiene psychoses.
      The drill bits, on the other hand … pretty average.

  1. I believe this is the same uploader who used to have a channel called “Why Evolution is True”. Unfortunately that got taken down. I hope his replacement lasts. Much wonderful viewing to be had.

    1. Yes that’s right this user ran “why evolution is true” but it got pulled by youtube. He or she had backup channels “why evolution is true 2” and so on but I think those were pulled too so this channel was made.
      I regularly watch videos on this channel… I just hope it doesn’t get pulled again… I was devastated when the other one went.

      1. YouTube might be less inclined to pull it if/when they see just how popular it is and that its name is no longer the same as a famous (infamous? j/k!) book.

  2. Wow, a fine set of videos!

    In particular, the Channel 4 “Inside Nature’s Giants” series is particularly good (although not for the fainthearted as they dissect).

    1. I’d have to say that I’ve found “Inside Nature’s Giants” extremely informative. I do agree that watching post mortems may not be for the faint of heart, however the autopsies supply us with so much still needed information concerning the lifestyles of – in this case – wild/giant animals. How else would we learn about their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, etc.?

      As the offside remark, I think there are quite a lot decent documentaries regarding biology and evolution “created” by Channel 4.

    2. Carving out the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the giraffe was a bit of a stretch.
      ‘Inside Nature’s Giants’ could be squeam-inducing for vegetarians and vegans ; omnivores and carnivores on the other hand know that this is where the non-plant parts of their diet come from.
      When I was an animal rights campaigner (not a position I’ve significantly revised ; I’ve just got much more realistic about the average person’s willingness to engage with the realities of their lives), I often professed that the most effective single piece of legislation that would reduce feed-animal suffering would be banning of commercial butchery (NB : not commercial slaughtering!). If you want to eat meat, that’s fine ; you choose the pig (cow, horse, rabbit, dog, whatever), persuade it to the slaughterman who stuns it and kills it. Then it’s yours. Skin, blood, guts, shit, flesh and all. Far more educational than picking a plastic-wrapped tray out of the cabinets at the supermarket.
      Actually, there’s nothing really to prevent supermarkets doing this : slaughterman, butchery station, tools, guts disposal, all in one convenient place. How third-millennium!?
      People are far too squeamish to support their eating habits. On average.

      1. If you’ve not already heard of Temple Grandin, I suggest you look her up. When it comes to humane management of livestock, she set the standard, then doggedly fought gender and handicap discrimination to prove and enforce it. Her focus was/is cattle, but it doesn’t stop there. And her disability? Autism.

        1. The name does ring a bell. ISTR there was an article on her work a while ago in one of the “popular” science magazines.

          1. She authored a couple books, too. And, in the movie named after her, she does the intro, appreciating how closely the movie fits reality.

  3. The trolls are slowing down, the 1st one is mere commenter #9.

    But I think the comment avoids being compatible with the house rules. Could the management please take a sweep with the broom?

    As long as we are weeping over dreadful human behavior on a thread on evolution, the hunter gatherers are now pinned as responsible for the extinction of the moa:

    “And international team of scientists involving researchers from the University of Adelaide has used ancient DNA from bones of giant extinct New Zealand birds to show that significant climate and environmental changes did not have a large impact on their populations.

    The population size of the giant moa remained stable over the past 40,000 years until the arrival of humans in New Zealand around 1280 AD.”

    1. I hadn’t actually realised before that Moas were vegetarian. That would make them much more suitable as a food animal.
      Previously, I’d been envisaging them as like Phorusrhacid birds – all flesh-ripping beaks, gut-piercing talons, and distressingly intelligent binocular vision. “That is Dinner” being on the minds of both sides of the confrontation is not normal for a livestock farming situation.
      Moa drumstick, anyone?
      Is there enough DNA, in good enough condition? It doesn’t seem hopeless.

  4. Much appreciated! Posted the link on FB for my creationist relatives, some of whom are less certain than they used to be, with the comment:

    An abundance of information for those who want to learn. This site includes links to hundreds of videos on various aspects of science and in different languages. If you want to say you don’t believe in evolution, here’s your chance to learn the science you believe the bible supercedes.

  5. This is awesome. I used to keep up with this channel, but had forgotten about it. Now I am happily geeked out — from the documentary on decay to the episodes of Inside Nature’s Giants that we haven’t seen, we’re having a ball this weekend. Thanks, Jerry!

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