Shania Twain: “You’re still the one”

July 18, 2012 • 3:58 am

Canadians are going to dominate this week’s female country singers, for there are at least three to come (guess the other two).

The first is Shania Twain (b. 1965 in Windsor, Ontario), and, of course, still immensely popular.  This song, “You’re still the one,” won two Grammies in 1995: best country song and best country vocal performance. It was written by Twain and Mutt Lange. It was supposedly written to dispel rumors about her dissolving marriage to Lange; sadly, they divorced anyway—ten years after the song came out.

28 thoughts on “Shania Twain: “You’re still the one”

          1. Well, do remember that it won Grammys for country song and country vocal performance!

        1. Too much steel guitar and a touch of yodel for folk! Willy could sing on this one and it’d fit well. (talking about Swede Vid #1)
          Nice voices. Thanks for posting.

          1. Really? 😉

            I’ve been there myself. We have a beautiful Joshua tree ornament made entirely of copper wire on our mantelpiece as a souvenir. Although I actually found the (?) teddy-bear cacti more interesting.


  1. It’s okay to talk about Shania but please no Celine Dione. That would be the end of us all.

    Jerry, if you ever travel into Northern Ontario, you can take in the Shania Twain museum in Timmons. It’s right beside the Hollanger Gold Mine museum, which is brillant. You get to go down the shafts and see how they processed the gold.

    What where we talking about?

  2. Pretty song.

    I have to admit it I’ve sung it loudly (and badly) in my car more than once.

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