Caturday felid: cats with moustaches and chubby-cat bonus

August 13, 2011 • 5:43 am

I have no idea why P.Z. keeps doing his anti-Caturday posts. It can’t be because he doesn’t like cats, for, as we know, only a churlish misanfeline could disdain the awesome kitteh.  Nevertheless, I’ll keep giving him fodder by catsplaining.

Today we have two items.  The first is a site giving 35 pictures of cats with mustaches.  Here are a few good ones, and there are many more:

(some waxing going on here)

And here’s a slightly sappy but funny video called “The Ballad of Pork Chop,” written by a man who’s trying to slim down his 20-pound behemoth.  It turns out that ambulatory osculation is the only form of exercise that seems to work:


h/t: Janice

12 thoughts on “Caturday felid: cats with moustaches and chubby-cat bonus

  1. I have no idea why P.Z. keeps doing his anti-Caturday posts.

    I don’t know either. I think he lives with 2 cats. OTOH, perhaps because he lives with 2 cats…

      1. Now that PZ has won the International Humanist Award, maybe he will embrace the Ceiling Cat who caused him to win!!

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