Kitteh contest: George

May 25, 2011 • 3:47 am

Reader Witchylana has entered her gray tabby George, and a handsome specimen he is, too:


In 2009, my husband and I separated temporarily. His new place was too quiet, so he got George for company.  George was tiny when he was brought home – he was supposed to be eight weeks, but was probably only 5 weeks old – and so, he thinks Husband is his Mummy.

When Husband moved back home, George came with him. My older cat, Connery, was Not Impressed (it’s been 18 months, and Connery has only recently started to remain in any room that contains George).

George is the most affectionate kitty I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He “talks” constantly, and won’t eat unless someone hangs out with him. He loves having his belly rubbed, and lets my child treat him like a stuffed animal. His preferred method of locomotion is to be carried, cradled like a baby, belly-up. He throws “tantrums” when Husband leaves the house, and sticks to him like velcro when he gets back.

And he managed to completely wreck that wastepaper basket.

20 thoughts on “Kitteh contest: George

  1. Hello Prof. JC. How can I submit kitten pics? 6 weeks-old Darwin McMiaou is in dire need of fame and posterity (altough he’s already kinda famous over at Wes Elsberry’s AtBC) 🙂

    1. If you google my name and University of Chicago, it will take you to my University web page where you can find my email address.

  2. “George is the most affectionate kitty I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He “talks” constantly, and won’t eat unless someone hangs out with him. He loves having his belly rubbed…”

    my cat is like this. it’s pretty awesome. apparently, a cat displaying its stomach is the deepest signal of trust it can give.

    that waste basket picture is LOLmazing.

  3. Two super pictures of what sounds like a super kitteh! Nice write-up as well.

    But aren’t Connery’s feelings going to be slightly hurt? 😉

  4. George being friendly and talkative wasn’t so delightful when the little bugger decided that he wanted his breakfast at 4:30 this morning.
    Also – I think he’s getting an inflated ego from the nice things you’ve all said about him.


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