Mi rana

November 15, 2010 • 12:28 pm

Fortuitously, we have lots of good biology posts today, so I’ll add one more, involving more bragging than education.

My host at the Universidad de los Andes had a copy of the Spanish-language guide to harlequin frogs: Ranas Arlequines. And what do you know—there on page 68 was mi rana, in a color drawing I’d never seen before. (Click to enlarge.)

And the species description, which even those with rudimentary Spanish can read:

What a beautiful frog is Atelopus coynei, and what a beautiful name (see here and here for more info).  Sadly, as the text says, it hasn’t been seen since 1984, and may have gone extinct from the worldwide fungus epidemic that’s wiping out many species.

12 thoughts on “Mi rana

    1. On the plus side, when we become extinct, given time nature may fill the void with a new species, if there are any ranids left that is.

  1. A lovely frog! My 10-year-old was enchanted:))

    A worldwide fungus epidemic? Affecting only frog/toad populations, or other amphibians as well? And on top of climate change and loss of habitat… Sorry–don’t mean to be a Sibil, but I’m in the middle of Diversity of Life:

    “A complete recovery from each of the five major extinctions required tens of millions of years. In particular the Ordovician dip needed 25my, the Devonian 30my, the Permian and Triassic (combined because they were so close together in time) 100my, and the Cretaceous 20my. These figures should give pause to anyone who believes that what Homo Sapiens destroys, Nature will redeem. Maybe so, but not within any length of time that has meaning for contemporary humanity.” (E.O. Wilson)

    I just read that the other day, and it’s still banging around fearfully in my head…

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